Pebbles from a Lonely Beach By Jagannath Chatterjee (First published in Medico Friend Circle Bulletin: Issue 363-364, January-February 2015) I am here to try and write about my experience with the fond hope that it will help parents, doctors and caregivers understand what their loved ones, patients or wards are going through. It will not […]
Belgian Infant Dies After MMR Vaccination
[SaneVax: Xandro’s parents were concerned their son was still too ill to receive a vaccine. Upon cursory examination, his pediatrician pronounced him fit enough for vaccination. The 18-month old child suffered cardiac arrest. Coincidence? Population based? Surely it could not have been the vaccine!] Parents Insist Vaccines Killed Their Sick and Fragile Toddler By Christina […]
MMR Vaccine Takes a Hit in Italian Court
[SaneVax: Finding of Fact – An Italian Court determined a child’s “permanent impairment of physical and mental integrity” (autism) resulted from his MMR vaccination. The taxpayers of Italy will now be obligated to compensate the family and provide care for the child. Although there is little doubt this family deserves compensation, why does it not fall […]
Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism
[SaneVax: A court decision in Italy has issued a finding of fact clearly stating autism was caused by the MMR vaccine. The Italian government did not protest this finding. Unfortunately for the victim of this tragedy, the government is now stating that no compensation is owed because the vaccine, although recommended by the government, had not […]
Fresh dispute about MMR ‘fraud’
Pathology records are at the centre of a new disagreement over disgraced medic Andrew Wakefield. Nature News Published online 9 November 2011 | Nature 479, 157-158 (2011) | doi:10.1038/479157a It is one of the most serious allegations that could be made about a doctor: manipulating patients’ histories to make money. So it is no wonder […]