[SaneVax: Vaccine safety advocates are constantly being accused of using ‘anecdotal evidence’ to support their questions and concerns. The problem is – that same practice seems to be acceptable for those who promote universal vaccination programs. In doing so, the basic right of a patient to informed consent is being violated every single day. If indeed, […]
Australian government continues use of dangerous flu vaccine
By Meryl Dorey (NaturalNews) Australian health authorities, demonstrating a shocking disregard for the safety of health consumers, have awarded the discredited vaccine manufacturer, CSL, an AUD $117 million, four-year contract to supply flu shots for anyone over the age of 10. In 2010, CSL’s vaccine, Fluvax, caused hundreds of children to be hospitalized, leading to the […]
Investigation: The Meningococcal Gold Rush
By Barbara Sumner Burstyn & Ron Law EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: New Zealand’s meningococcal disease story, as unravelled through analysis of previously secret documents obtained under the Official Information Act, reveals that the New Zealand government, media and public have been misled and manipulated by officials, advisors and scientists alike. As a result of this manipulation, the government has […]
Pentavalent jab not cause of kid’s death
By G. Rajiv, TNN Pentavalent Flu Vaccine THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Putting to rest all the fears related to pentavalent vaccine in the state, the autopsy report of Ancy, the 58-day-old infant who died after the immunisation, has confirmed that the death occurred due to breathlessness, not due to vaccination. The report has confirmed that Ancy suffered breathlessness during sleep […]
Health Authorities Admit Gardasil™ Contains Residual Recombinant HPV DNA
By Norma Erickson, President 2 September 2011, SANE Vax Inc. posted a letter sent to Dr. Margaret Hamburg, FDA Commissioner, on their website to inform her that recombinant (genetically modified) HPV DNA firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant had been discovered in Merck’s quadrivalent HPV vaccine, Gardasil™. In what appears to be a worldwide coordinated […]