Compulsory Vaccination A letter to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott By Elizabeth Hart, Adelaide, Australia Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s recent edict making vaccination compulsory for children of all ages for financial incentives means vaccination with the Gardasil HPV vaccine product will also be compulsory. See below my letter to Prime Minister Abbott challenging compulsory […]
Boy given Gardasil HPV vaccine against mother’s wishes
An article in the Gold Coast Bulletin reports a 15 year old boy has been given the Gardasil HPV vaccine against his mother’s explicit wishes which were made clear on a consent form.[1] According to the article, Ms Blakemore’s son “came home from school last Tuesday and said he had been given the vaccination after he was told […]
Gardasil: Australia takes the lead, the story behind the headlines
By Elizabeth Hart The Gardasil HPV vaccine was originally rejected by the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) in 2006, when the Howard Liberal Government was in power. An article by Matthew Stevens in The Australian at the time (November 2006),(1) reports the PBAC rejected Gardasil because it was: “too expensive and, just maybe, not what […]
HPV Vaccination Programs: PhD Candidate Seeks Answers From Australian Health Authorities
[SaneVax: PhD candidate Judy Wilyman sent the following questions to Australian Health Authorities on July 18, 2012. Among other things, she wants to know why a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV), which may lead to cervical cancer, is being marketed so aggressively in a country with one of the lowest rates of cervical cancer in the […]
Wollongong University Researcher Writes to Australian Government Officials
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:41 AM To: Honourable Nicola Roxon Cc:;; Anna Salleh;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Steven Hambleton President of the AMA Importance: High To the Federal Health Minister, I am writing in response to the article ‘A Noble Cause’ aired on Background Briefing on the ABC radio 16.10.11. In this article the President of the AMA, Dr. Steven Hambleton, made his position on the […]