Authors: Diane M. Harper and Karen B. Williams Abstract: Approaches for cervical cancer prevention are changing. Screening still remains the most effective method for cervical cancer prevention. Guidelines are moving to an older group of women to be screened less frequently with combinations of technologies that include biomarkers and cytology. HPV vaccination is an appropriate option for […]
The New Gardasil: Is it right for your daughter?
By Kelly Brogan, MD The New Gardasil I believe in living life with no regrets. When we make decisions from a place of authenticity, when we listen to our inner compass for guidance, check our fear, then we have done the best that we could have done. If it ends up being a mistake, then […]
Common Sense Cervical Cancer Prevention
Cervical Cancer Prevention [SaneVax: If the point of HPV vaccination is to prevent cancer, then the efficacy of HPV vaccines will not be evident for decades. Since HPV infections almost always resolve without disease – why is there such a push for HPV vaccination programs? Read this article to learn a common-sense approach to cervical cancer […]
Is human papillomavirus vaccination likely to be a useful strategy in India?
India …Strategy in India Sudeep Gupta, Rajendra A. Kerkar,1 Rajesh Dikshit,2 and Rajendra A. Badwe1 Author information ► Copyright and License information ► .. Abstract Two vaccines that protect against infection by some of the oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes have recently been licensed for use in population-based vaccination strategies in many countries. However, these products are being promoted as ‘cervical cancer […]
Cervical Cancer Prevention: Will Pap Smears Be Replaced?
Pap Smears [SaneVax: There is an already proven safe, affordable, necessary and effective way to prevent cervical cancer. It is Pap Smears followed up with good gynecological care. This method has served to substantially reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in developed countries around the globe. Pap smears may very well be the only thing that […]
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