Gardasil for Back Door Sex? I’m Still Uncomfortable
Gardasil, the controversial vaccine that’s touted to protect against the human papillomavirus (HPV), was recently approved to prevent anal cancer. Because, you know, the back door method and all …
It’s already being used to prevent cancer in the standard lady parts (cervix, vulva, and vagina) and to stop vaginal warts for both men and women. So, the fact that Gardasil adds another cancer to its score card seems great on the surface, right?
But when you look closely at this vaccine and what it does, it leaves many questions as to whether it does more harm than good, and if promoting more of its powers is wise before safety concerns are quelled.
We all mourned the loss of Farrah Fawcett to the disease, and no one wants to see anyone suffer such a fate. Knowing that HPV causes about 90 percent of the cases of anal cancer and some simple shots could help wipe it out is pretty incredible.
The problem is that there are countless cases in which the vaccine is thought to be responsible for deaths and debilitating illnesses. A lot of it is more of the he-said, she-said controversy that surrounds the debate around autism and vaccines — is it big pharmaceutical companies pushing their products at the expense of our health, or are a few people just scaring the rest of us?
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