[SaneVax: As the United Nations is negotiating to remove mercury (thimerosal) from all products, the American Academy of Pediatrics asks that an exception be granted for vaccines. Mercury is a well-known neurotoxin. What are they thinking? Surely there is a less toxic substance that can be used as a vaccine preservative.]
Keep thimerosal in vaccines: pediatricians
By Genevra Pittman, Reuters
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A mercury-containing preservative should not be banned as an ingredient in vaccines, U.S. pediatricians said Monday, in a move that may be controversial.
In its statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) endorsed calls from a World Health Organization (WHO) committee that the preservative, thimerosal, not be considered a hazardous source of mercury that could be banned by the United Nations.
Back in 1999, a concern that kids receiving multiple shots containing thimerosal might get too much mercury – and develop autism or other neurodevelopmental problems as a result – led the AAP to call for its removal, despite the lack of hard evidence at the time.
“It was absolutely a matter of precaution because of the absence of more information,” said Dr. Louis Cooper, from Columbia University in New York, who was on the organization’s board of directors at the time.
Read the entire article here.
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