The AutismOne & Generation Rescue 2013 Congressional Panel
This is a most excellent snippet video of Congressman Burton’s hearings from 2000-2013.…and still the CDC has not taken Thimerosal out of vaccines. See the AutismOne video on YouTube..
Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN, Retired)
Congressman Dave Weldon (R-FL, Retired)
Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL)
The Intercontinental Chicago O’Hare
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AutismOne is a nonprofit, parent-driven organization that provides education and supports advocacy efforts for children and families touched by an autism diagnosis.
They tell the truth about the cause of the autism epidemic and we work hard to make sure the message is heard. But awareness is not nearly enough. They recover children. They heal families! Over the years, through AO radio/online, AO conferences, and AO-associated literature, they’ve brought the truth to you to give you a choice and your children a voice.
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