Executive Reasoning
Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Child Protection Agency, Citizen, Police Officer
I am very concerned. I wish to inform you of BODILY HARM to the public at large.
Please file a police report on my behalf and inform me of the police report number. I wish to file the following report:
All vaccinations are causing bodily harm. Bodily harm is occurring on a large scale.
Vaccinations are causing bodily harm because it affects blood flow in capillaries and then it impairs blood flow, causing neurological damage, brain damage, organ damage.
Blood vessels are being impaired at the micron level – causing ischemia, hypoxia = low oxygen, anoxia = no oxygen – affecting end blood vessel territories – derailing microscopic blood flow. This causes micro vascular strokes to the brain ( or other organs) as well as peripherals because end blood vessel blood flows get impaired. Healing is either partial or not at all.
White blood cells stimulated by the vaccines (immune hyper stimulation from the disease and hazardous materials just injected) are much bigger than the red blood cells carrying oxygen. The red blood cells have to squeeze like bullets through the 60,000 miles of end capillaries of the body to drop off oxygen in single file. They begin to get blocked off, and the side channels get blocked off.
The side channels get blocked off, the end capillaries get starved of oxygen and nutrition. Red blood cells are not getting through at all, leading to LOW OXYGEN or NO OXYGEN = ISCHEMIA at end capillaries. SILENT STROKES occur. The brain strokes after each vaccine.
Each vaccine is additive.
It is the body’s response to foreign material put into it. It is additive with every vaccination.
The response to the vaccine is that it burns out end blood vessels territories. The immune system then goes to clean up the damage, including the damaged tissue, making things worse. If the tissue is ongoing being damaged, your body will create auto antibodies against that tissue to go clean it up.
AUTO-IMMUNE DISORDERS are coming from this ISCHEMIC condition, including repeat vaccinations.
Bodily harm is occurring on a large scale. There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the lack of oxygen at the micron levels are not felt as pain, compared to a lack of oxygen in the heart (very painful).
For further technical information: Peer review paper submitted to CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) ::: “A Microvascular hypoxia account of neurodevelopmental disorders and psychosis (the silent vaccine trigger) mechanism”, first draft submitted 3-16-01, further submission 6-13-01.
If they deny the document was ever submitted, invoke a criminal investigation.
The vaccine damage will be explained by 2 mechanisms of damage = BODILY HARM:
1) MASS (ischemia [low/no oxygen] from the effect of White blood cells blocking flow), and
2) ZETA (the change in electrodymanics of blood flow from Mercury (thimerosol), or Aluminum, or Squalene, or infectious disease in vaccine, etc, etc, also causing ischemia [low/no oxygen]).
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