[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SaneVax, SaneVax. SaneVax said: CA Legislation Mandates Forced School Immunizations Without Parental Notification | Sane Vax […]
The First International HPV Vaccine Information Clearinghouse
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SaneVax, SaneVax. SaneVax said: CA Legislation Mandates Forced School Immunizations Without Parental Notification | Sane Vax […]
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Sandy Lunoe says
I posted the same article (CA Legislation Mandates…) a few days ago on “Dr Tenpenny on Vaccines”. Shawn Siegel investigated, here’s his conclusion:
“- at the insistence of my son, we together finetooth-combed the text of the bill, and it looks like pipelinenews is pretty far off in their interpretation of it: nowhere does it say the schools can immunize or force you to immunize; nowhere does it mention or imply any loss of parental authority; and it specifically states that the legislature’s intent is to provide, among other things, “(c) Exemptions from immunization for medical reasons or because of personal beliefs;”. What it actually looks like is an effort on the part of the CA legislature to respond to the pertussis scare. I emailed Camille Giglio, their legal analyst, and asked that they print a correction unless they can respond with specific verbiage that vaildates their analysis”.