By Marcella, VaxTruth
“Imagine for one second that your child started exhibiting some unusual behaviors and you or your doctors couldn’t get to the bottom of what was going on…” This is just what has happened in Le Roy, New York. Actually, it’s not exactly what happened because it’s not just one child. It’s TWELVE. Twelve girls, to be exact. That changes things. When ONE child develops tics or is diagnosed with the related neuropsychiatric disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, it can be heartbreaking for both the child and the parents. When TWELVE girls of approximately the same age and attending the same high school develop uncontrollable tics within a short span of time, it’s different. It’s not only heartbreaking, it’s suspicious.
According to the video from WGRZ Channel 2 News , reporting from Le Roy, New York (Genessee County), results of a 3 1/2 month investigation have led health officials to rule out environmental factors, infections, communicable diseases, and illegal drugs. Possible factors cited by health officials as potential causes are genetics, head trauma, drugs for OCD and ADHD, and antihistimines; all of which are known to cause tics. The reporter goes on to say “Stress and anxiety make them worse.” Okay, I’ll buy that. If we are talking about isolated cases. But TWELVE girls in the same high school, all of whom suffered the onset of ”uncontrollable tics” just after the start of the school year? It’s a little far fetched to say this is not related to something these girls all have in common; something that HAPPENED to them at roughly the same time. The latest reports circulating indicate the girls are now being treated for conversion disorder, which basically means there is nothing physically wrong with them and “it’s all in their heads.” Is it? As many parents of vaccine-injured children will tell you, this “determination” that there is “nothing physically wrong” is not only insulting, it stops progress and decreases the chances of the child receiving an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
Why DID the Le Roy Twelve develop strange uncontrollable tics in recent months? There has to be a common factor or factors. So why can’t the officials from the New York State Health Department and the CDC figure it out? Could it be that the true underlying cause of this mysterious outbreak is vaccines? If so, it would not be the first time for state health department officials and the CDC to deny or cover-up this fact.
Marlene G says
Has anyone checked if the girls recently had amalgam (mercury) fillings for dental work? It may be that a batch of amalgam filling was mixed with a worse than usual mixture. Mercury symptoms can seriously affect the central nervous system – perhaps this is the cause. Dentists are usually pretty defensive about their choice of materials especially when the amalgam fillings are the inexpensive ones.
Checking on the dental work in the last year might reveal some new information. If so, removal and replacement of the fillings with the white composite fillings would be the only way to go.
Marlene from Canada