[SaneVax: Twenty percent of the children in Chad who recently received MenAfriVac were either paralyzed or became seriously ill. Where is the public outcry? What is the status of the immediate thorough investigations a tragedy of this caliber of tragedy should have instigated? For that matter – where are the press reports?]
“Do to them what they do to you!”
By Ecoterra International
ALERT: New Health Minister in Chad Wants to Remove Vaccine-Victims from Hospital and Send them Back to The Desert.
The suffering of vaccine-incapacitated children in Chad continues unattended and unabated
By Venatrix Fulmen
(Please see also the updates below the article: Only one family could already evacuate their child now to a third country because they lost all trust and hope to get help in Chad. Despite the protests all others were forcefully removed from the hospital and dumped back to the desert village. Shame on you, Idriss Déby Itno, Hinda Déby Itno and all involved in the crimes against these innocent children and these crimes against humanity!)
In Africa, the post-vaccination disaster in the Republic of Chad and the unresolved suffering of the indigenous children goes on and on. The horrors their families from the minority Tibu people have to endure as well as the cover-up attempts persistently increase – and are as usual duly ignored by mainstream-media like the BigBrotherChannel, the BBC.
Read the entire article here.
The picture painted about the MenAfriVac vaccine is tragic, but in reality it is probably even worse.
It is stated in the article: “The vaccine per-se might have been a success while it was rolled out earlier in the classical way”, but it is extremely dubious whether this vaccine has ever been a success earlier – or any vaccine for that matter.
The main advances in fighting disease over many decades have been due to stronger immune systems which in turn have been accomplished by access to clean water, good nutrition and improved living conditions.
In fact it is unethical to vaccinate millions of people in developing countries. Many suffer from one or more diseases. Vaccinating may make them even more ill.
“If we look at the science of the vaccination process itself, it’s becoming evident that the way they do the immunizations — actually suppresses a lot of the immune system, particularly in young children” (Dr. Blaylock MD, neurosurgeon).
Regarding that the MenAfriVac vaccine was stored at a high temperature:
An adequate storage temperature for vaccines is imperative. They should with few exceptions be stored continually between +2 and +8 degrees Centigrade. When vaccines are stored at higher temperatures for any amount of time the ingredients may interact, decompose, form aggregates and/or precipitate. Microbial growth may take place. The vaccines may become exceedingly detrimental to health.
We understand that evidence of the heat stability of MenAfriVac® was validated by a team of experts from WHO, PATH, SIIL, and Health Canada.
These questions then arise:
Did the experts only look at the vaccine’s heat stability? Did the experts not look for adverse effects on the recipients of the vaccine after it had been stored at high temperature?
One more worrying issue:
The vaccine contains the unusual, extremely toxic combination of mercury and aluminium. It is shocking that this formulation has been approved, due to the fact that the two metals exhibit synergistic toxicity: Aluminium increases toxicity of mercury up to 100 percent.
Hundreds are still suffering after a meningitis vaccine experiment in Norway in the 90’s. This vaccine also contained both mercury and aluminium.
Many requests have been made to health authorities and GAVI asking that the synergistic toxicity be thoroughly investigated but no satisfactory answers have been received.
The MenAfriVac vaccine should be immediately withdrawn, irrespective of temperature conditions.