This is a call from the parents of little Stacy in Belgium, who died last October, only one week after her first lot of vaccines:

We are the parents of Stacy, who died a week after HER first vaccines, we are organising a global event in honour of Stacy, Nova and all other vaccine victims worldwide. We are summoning every citizen of every country to take to the streets in their own cities, towns and villages: things must now change!
Remember to invite local journalists, the media and any victims or parents of victims prepared to tell their story. Make placards, banners and signs: UNCENSORED VACCINE INFORMATION, FREEDOM OF CHOICE! We are happy for you to use this photo of Belgian twins Stacy and Lesly.
The international news has recently revealed that 14 babies were killed in the clinical trials of certain vaccines in Argentina, ten others have died in India, with so many others all over the world.
Worse still: according to the Washington Post of the 4th January 2012, the 14 deaths in Argentina were in the ‘control group’, which if true, proves that vaccine safety trials are nothing more than a hoax because there is no ‘placebo’, i.e. the so-called ‘control groups’ are themselves toxic vaccines. Assessment of the safety of vaccines is therefore biased and our children are nothing more than guinea pigs!
Please join us by demonstrating throughout the world on the 20th of January!
Location & time: [to be specified by the organisers locally] – In Brussels, the event will take place at the central train station, Gare du Midi, avenues Fonsny, marching toward Place Victor Horta 1060 Bruxelles, from noon until 2pm
Organisers: [to be completed by local organisers] – In Belgium: Raphaël Sirjacobs & Béatrice Dupont, Stacy & Lesly’s parents.
Mobiles: 0032/492983902
Blessings to Stacey’s parents and to all victims of vaccine injury world wide. This is a wonderful, brave and generous initiative which will no doubt help very many to avoid suffering and death from vaccines.
Discussions and demonstrations are imperative for focusing on vaccine dangers. The suggestions for placards, banners and signs, etc, are excellent.
To avoid crystallization into two sides, for and against vaccination, and to create dialogue it is also a good idea to hand out officially approved information. Believe it or not, a great deal concerning vaccine dangers may be found in vaccine package inserts.
Handing out this link (preferably printed on thousand of little business cards!) may well contribute towards people being made more aware of vaccine dangers and to help them to make a more informed choice.
Many doctors don’t even take the time to read the package inserts. Hand the link out to doctors, nurses, teachers, parents – everyone – and chant “Investigate before you Vaccinate!”
Here it is:
Information on vaccine’s ineffectiveness to prevent diseases and real dangers is published in medical journals, easily accessable on the internet. Parents just must learn how to access them without paying for each article. Most can be printed free of charge from references in articles in HTML format.
The British Medical Journal ( is the best to access such articles.