My Story
By Ashley Adair
This is a story of my life. Gardasil is the HPV vaccine and I am suffering the side effects from it. feel free to message me for any questions. Please like this video if you think Gardasil should be taken off the market. Also share this to get the word out and save lives.
Sadly, this tale is similar to events that have happened to all too many girls and young women who innocently received vaccines as they were advised to do.
View YouTube posting at:
Also see her the article: ‘Five Years of Gardasil’ at:
Glenda Smith says
THANK-YOU ASHELY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE SHARED!!!! You are such an amazing young lady for doing this! Our daughter suffers too and life is SO hard! She shares on Xena too. I am sharing your video on our FB for family and friends to see! We ‘completely’ understand the part about people looking at you and thinking you are fine – your words are so right on! You are a blessing to all the girls suffering! Keep well and we are praying for yours and all the girls health to recover! Bless you with all our hearts! Glenda and Angie (Ontario, Canada).
HealthRanger7 says
I can send you free information on how to reverse vaccine damage.
Please send me a short message on YouTube.
Here is my video about the HPV vaccine:
God bless you!
Iryna B. says
You need to contact her through her FB or website. This video was just inserted here.
Chelsea Rene says Please watch and take a look at your baby photos to see if it was the additive affect of being vaccinated-even dating back to your childhood shots. Good luck in your quest for truth and awareness! Blessings xx
Ashley, thank you for sharing this information on video. We as Naturopaths would be able to help you 100% to enable you solve this problem. Thank you.