[SaneVax: It’s fairly obvious that the average medical consumer was not sufficiently frightened by the swine flu ‘pandemic’ to dutifully report for their annual flu shots. The CDC has apparently come up with a solution to that problem; revise the mortality count. It does not matter that the original estimate of 18,500 deaths may have had little to do with the swine flu, because the CDC stopped testing for the virus once they determined how low the mortality figures were. Read the article below to see just how outrageous government health ‘authorities’ will get in the quest for what they determine to be ‘sufficient vaccination compliance rates.’]
CDC’s revised swine fly death estimates a fairy tale scare story
By Jon Rappoport

(NaturalNews) In my years as an investigative medical reporter, I’ve developed a rule of thumb when dealing with the US Centers for Disease Control:
If they’re not lying, they’re lying.
I’ve found this guideline works out well. It’s almost magic.
For example, at the so-called height of the Swine Flu epidemic, in the summer of 2009, CBS News exposed the fact that the CDC, in an egregious dereliction of its duty, had stopped counting Swine Flu cases. The CDC just assumed people arriving at hospitals or doctors’ offices with anything resembling the flu had Swine Flu. Therefore, the CDC really didn’t have the faintest idea how many people in America had Swine Flu. Yet, soon after this CBS report broke, the CDC issued a mind-boggling announcement plucked out of thin air: there were undoubtedly 10 MILLION people in the US infected with Swine Flu. No evidence. No test results. No facts. Just scare tactics. As in: “You must get vaccinated.”
Well, they’re bloviating again, in a choice bit of revisionist history.
A new CDC study, published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal, states that the final global figure for Swine Flu deaths, 18,500, was grossly underestimated. The new and far more precise figure is… 25,000? No. 50,000? No. 100,000?
250,000! But wait. It actually might be as high as 575,400, say the CDC wizards.
What kind of rabbit hat is the CDC pulling those numbers from? The hat is called “a computer model” or a “statistical model.” This is code for: “We devised algorithms, equations, and charts which no one will bother to examine or assess or judge. Trust us. We’re the pros.”
Read the entire article here.
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