Dr. Sherrill Sellman presents a series of interviews with vaccine safety advocates, medical and scientific professionals and parents of children who have suffered severe adverse reactions after Gardasil vaccination. Discover the facts about Gardasil. Listen to these broadcasts and decide whether or not you think Gardasil is SANE (safe, affordable, necessary and effective).
Norma Erickson and Rosemary Mathis, board members of the non-profit organization SaneVax Inc., pull the curtain back so you can peek behind the scene and understand the facts about Gardasil, the vaccine for HPV (human papillomavirus). Are we really talking about a cervical cancer epidemic? Are our children at serious risk from this life threatening illness? Does this vaccine accomplish what it is promoted to do? These questions and more will be explored in this important interview. Listen here.
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic is an early career postdoctoral fellow currently researching the neurotoxic effects of aluminum vaccine adjuvants. Dr. Christopher Shaw is a Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia and holds cross appointments with the Department of Experimental Medicine and the Graduate Program in Neuroscience. He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles as well as numerous book chapters and special reviews. They join Dr. Sellman to discuss the chemistry and effects of vaccines, Gardasil in particular. Listen here.
Dr. Sellman presents an up-close and personal story of one family’s tragedy as a result of disastrous side-effects after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. While authorities swear up and down there are no serious side effects or risks involved with the series of three injections, personal experiences tell another story. In the following interview, Stephen Tunley shares his life-changing experience after his daughter was given Gardasil. Listen here.
Two dedicated and courageous medical doctors, Dr. Sin Hang Lee and Dr. Andrew Wakefield, join Sherrill to uncover the shocking facts about the untold dangers of vaccines and the newly revealed contamination in Gardasil. Dr. Lee discovered rDNA from both HPV-11 and HPV-18, which were described as “firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant” in all samples of Gardasil tested in his lab. Dr. Wakefield pursued a career in gastrointestinal surgery with a particular interest in inflammatory bowel disease. In pursuit of possible links between childhood vaccines, intestinal inflammation, and neurologic injury in children, Dr. Wakefield lost his job in the Department of Medicine at London’s Royal Free Hospital, his country, his career, and his medical license. Together, these doctors reveal some shocking facts about untold dangers of vaccines and the newly revealed contamination in the Gardasil Vaccine. Listen here.
Feel free to share these broadcasts with as many people and networks as possible. Help medical consumers obtain the facts they need in order to make an informed choice. You just may prevent them from becoming one more casualty.
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