[SaneVax: Last year India called a halt to two clinical trials of HPV vaccines being conducted under the title of ‘demonstration projects’ due to allegations of multiple serious ethics and safety violations. After much investigation, the Union health ministry is expected to initiate punitive actions. Let’s hope health authorities in other countries are watching, paying attention, and beginning their own investigations.]
Health ministry to initiate action against violations in HPV vaccine trial soon
By Ramesh Shankar, Mumbai
The Union health ministry will soon initiate punitive action against violations in the clinical trial of human papilloma virus vaccines (HPV vaccines) in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat in early 2010 in which six children were allegedly died after they were administered the controversial vaccine being marketed by MSD Pharmaceuticals (Gardasil) and GSK Pharmaceuticals (Cervarix).
Sources in the union health ministry said that the files regarding this issue are being examined by the senior officials in the ministry and there will be some action on the issue very soon.
After the alleged deaths of six children, the trials were suspended on April 7, 2010 and the Union health ministry appointed a three-member expert committee to investigate ethical issues raised in the matter.
The final report of the panel had ruled out direct linkage between the deaths and the trials held in Khammam (where 13, 791 girls were vaccinated) and Gujarat’s Vadodara (where 9,637 were vaccinated). But at the same time, it said “the reported deaths were most probably unrelated to the vaccine. However, the cause of death in all cases could not be established with certainty”.
Read the entire article here.
Mindanoiha says
The whole issue of clinical trials is an utter disgrace. The protocols are written by the pharmaceutical industry who manipulate so that results are favourable for themselves.
Investigators are not required to register planned group and sub-group analyses.
If a protocol is discontinued the results don’t have to be passed on to the regulatory authorities.
But why are trials stopped? Because “there are difficulties”. One “difficulty” may be because some patients die.
Otto Lund says
Den såkalte svineinfluensaen forårsaket av blant annet vaksine. Swine flu and vaccine, a global crime. Information in english language http://tinyurl.com/yz4kayw
Godfrey says
From its inception until the appearance of cervical carcinoma (UCC), takes on average 25 to 30 years, the research of this vaccine have begun in 2000, it is evident that the scientific efficacy of this new vaccine will be determined the years 2025 – 2030.
HPV not causes definitely the (CCU); at the onset of this disease involves multiple risk factors, including the suspected HPV, but scientificaly is proven by epidemiology and statistics that the sex is what generates this disease .: Mix in 130.000 nuns found not any UCC.
To accept that a virus or a bacteria causes a infection disease must unfailingly fulfill the five Koch’s postulate
1 – The agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent from healthy.
2 – The agent must not appear in other diseases.
3 – The agent to be isolated in pure culture from disease lesions.
4 – The agent of causing disease in a susceptible animal being inoculated.
5 – The agent must again be isolated lesions in experimental animals.
Consequently, HPV not fulfill not any principle of Koch’s postulate. by not meeting this postulate, that is accepted as dogma in medicine, scientifically we must be ensure that the HPV is not the causative agent to the UCC..
Until August 2012 this vaccine produced only in the United States: 265.640 adverse events ( 264,162 females, 9490 males and 5290 unknow sex); permnent disability 8910( 8890 females, 90 males and 110 unknow sex), 1220 deaths (1011 females, 70 males and 140 unknow sex), abnormal PAP 4930, cervical dysplasia 1970 and cervical cancer 570
The Vaccine efects advers reactions (VAERS) ensures that only complaint between 1% to 10% of the adverse effects produced by this evil vaccine;this figures shown are calculated according to the statements of the VAERS: to 10%.
Dr. Harper, who contributed to the development of the vaccine by Merck, reports that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved to give girls uncontaminated with HPV, Dr. Howenstinc ensures that the women are vaccinated with HPV contaminated, have the possibility to acquire a 44.6% CCU
http://www.newswithviews.com / Howenstine/james170.htm.
Merck did not disclose that the vaccine was transgenic, the Sane Vax has discovered, which is transgenic because it has been found that the vaccine is contaminated with DNA recombinant vaccine Gardasil (DNArPVH) and has raised its concerns to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg. The FDA replied that the vaccine will not cause any damage transgenic
A vaccinated child was ill with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. 24 hours after vaccination and found that the aluminum adhered to DNArPVH, two years after vaccination and in autopsy 6 months after death in a New Zeland girl Jazmine Renata which had recibed this deadly vaccines
Management time to get market approval of a drug the FDA is at least three years, it is a drug for cancer 15 years, but the authorization Merck had only six months and the European Medicines Agency (EMA in English) only 9 months: To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear
http://mujeresenaccion.over-blog.es/article-vph-la-vacuna-del-marketing-del-miedo-67210961.ht http://mujeresenaccion.over-blog.es/article-vph-la-vacuna -of-marketing-of-fear-67210961.ht
HPV is ubiquitous; lives in wild and domestic animals, pollute us from birth, is on the doorknobs, on towels, on nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists,. sexual intercourse is not the only means of contamination.
HPV also lives in the 400 nm outermost of our skin and mucous membranes. ,
If you live in our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity is acquired or that our body is self vaccinatinge by PVHs living on our skin and mucous ..
The PVHs is not distributed uniformly worldwide. It has been found that in Canada HPV 18 only reaches 3%; is more often HPV 31, in my country Peru no studies have determined that HPV types predominate; Gardasil contains 225 mcg. aluminum and Cervarix 500 mcg, that produce the Alzheimer, Parkinson and autism, produce too neurotoxic and immune system disorders (Blaylock 2012) and Polisorbato 80, a powerful contraceptive, that in experimental animals produces sterility, atrophy of the testicles and disturbance organic and funtional of the organs of the reproduction; is carcinogenic and mutagenic; also contains sodium borate considered poison unused in medicinal preparations (NLM)
http://www.telefonica.net/web2/paramahamsa/vacunaninosalerta.html http://detenganlavacuna.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/gardasil-cervarix/
Have been discovered to date 200 types of HPV; HPV is not infectious, contagious; the intercourse is not only that the persons is contaminated
http://quimicaclinicauv.blogspot.com/2006/08/virus-del-papiloma-humano.html http://www-lab.biomedicas.unam.mx/smpv/queeshpv.htm
On 22-11-2010 FDA approved Gardasil for males aged 9 to 26 to prevent warts and cancer to the anus, is overkill
For this reasons from deep Peru Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a fraud?, robbery?, swindle?, rough joke?.
The HPV is not scientifically proved for the moment that produce the UCC its effectiveness shall be verified just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
E mail: godo.ara@ gmail.com