Posted on Gaia Health, 27 Dec 2011
It isn’t described as a failure, but the simple fact is that success of a vaccine would mean that there’s no need to protect newborns by vaccinating their already-vaccinated parents. Of course, that makes no difference to the vaccine pushers. If a vaccine’s failure can be used to sell more of it, the thinking seems to be, “Let’s go for it!”
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that parents are now being pressed to get revaccinated against pertussis, more commonly known as whooping cough. A nice, cozy, warm term has been developed to describe it—no doubt after extensive marketing testing. It’s called cocooning. Gives you a nice warm fuzzy, doesn’t it?
The whooping cough vaccine is, at best, acknowledged as less than effective. Like so many others, a single vaccination is not considered adequate. A series of at least three is insisted upon in babies. Now, parents of newborns are being pressed into having yet another, not only for the initially-recognized lack of efficacy, but also because of an admitted loss of whatever effectiveness it might have!
And none of that takes into consideration that the vaccine is producing a new, more virulent strain of whooping cough, one that is 10 times more deadly than the original version!
The pertussis vaccine is a case of failure upon failure upon failure. So, conventional medicine’s approach to that failure is to compound it even further, by urging yet more vaccinations, and this time it’s directed at people who are not generally considered at risk for getting whooping cough.
Read the entire article here.
[…] The failure of whooping cough vaccine is being used to promote the whooping cough vaccine! What alternate reality does that happen in? […]