Posted on: Aware Prepare and Prosper
Here is an interesting story that has been developing, and once again hats off to SANE Vax and compassion to all the parents of and victims of Gardasil HPV vaccine injury. And to the pseudo docs/puppets of Big Pharma…you are being exposed.
After Michelle Bachmann said in reference to the republican debate and her attacks on Perry on his mandates on the Gardasil HPV vaccine, she came under pressure of Big Pharma as well as Big Pharma patriots and those in the down line of funding.
It seems the University of Pennsylvania fosters and replicates supporters of the vaccine agenda, regardless of what science and outcome based results say. First Paul Offit was outed on his support not backed by true science as well as financial ties to a vaccine…and now a Dr Caplan decided to respond to Michelle Bachmann for her statement with a bet…
Caplan’s response was to place a wager on Bachmann’s ‘incredibly irresponsible falsehood.’
‘If she can produce a case in one week starting today verified by three medical experts that she and I pick of a woman who became ‘retarded’ (her words) due to HPV vaccine I will donate that to a charity of her choice.’
This prompted the folks at SANE Vax to issue a press release as well as an open letter to Dr Caplan citing a blatant violation of HIPPA laws:
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