By Paul Mrozek
The Daily News – February 4, 2012
The father of a Le Roy High School student afflicted with tic-like symptoms said Tuesday he is waiting for the results of additional medical tests to help rule out or confirm the cause of the problem.
James Dupont of Stafford said his daughter and most of the other 14 students who suffer from symptoms similar to Tourette Syndrome have benefited from the heavy media coverage of the incident. He and other parents have received numerous phone calls, e-mails and offers of help from people in fields such as neurology and environmental science.
Physicians from the state Department of Health and Dent Neurologic Institute of Amherst have concluded the cause of the symptoms is “conversion disorder,” which is sometimes called mass hysteria. The Dent clinic is treating 10 of the students.
Read the entire article here.
Valerie Cannon says
Has anyone checked to see if these girls received the Gardasil HPV Vaccine or a flu shot in the past few months? I have been reading about the terrible illnesses some of the girls have experienced after receiving these vaccines. vaccine
Norma says
The latest report we have is that 8 of the 12 affected girls had received the HPV vaccine.