France: We ask for aluminium free vaccines to protect our children
A year ago, Caroline and E3M launched a petition requesting a ‘basic’ aluminium free vaccine….This request is still pending because such a vaccine has still not been made available.
In January, E3M filed a lawsuit against X for forgery, use of forgery and fraud since this aluminium-free vaccine (which already existed in 2008) was withdrawn following falsification of data by the manufacturer. Here is the relevant press release (in French).
In spite of this proof which we submitted to the medical authorities, no action was taken to require the manufacturer (Sanofi-Pasteur) to bring this aluminium-free vaccine back to market.
On the 22nd of May, two colloquia on the aluminium in vaccines were held at the French National Assembly. The morning event called “Aluminium and Vaccines: International Expertise Requires Action”, was organized by E3M and facilitated by Virginie Belle. Research scientists working on vaccine aluminium toxicity in different countries around the world presented current reports on their work to both French MPs and journalists. At the end of the colloquium, the MPs attending called on the government:
- To provide massive support and encourage exhaustive research, to be conducted as soon and as fast as possible, to determine the true impact of the accumulation of aluminium in the brain,
- To provide a basic, aluminium-free vaccine for the French public, as was promised by the French Health Minister during the presidential campaign.
- NOT to promote any vaccine containing aluminium until the results of this research have provided satisfactory answers and solutions.
The afternoon event, called “Vaccine Adjuvants: A Controversial Topic?”, was organized by Office Parlementaire d’Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques (OPECST), the French Parliamentary Science and Technology Select Committee, in conjunction with E3M. The 16 different presentations and two debates which were all extremely educational, can be viewed on the OPECST site here. If you listen, particularly to the debates, you will hear that the question of providing an aluminium-free DTPolio vaccine is raised again. These two colloquia testify to the increasing awareness in France of this major public health issue, even in the minds of some MPs.
The French Health Minister and the health authorities remain however overcautious vis-à-vis this awareness, continuing to parrot Big Pharma’s party line. Yes, we have managed, by decision of the Health Minister, to get the French Medicines Agency to contribute €150,000 to Professor Gherardi and Authier’s INSERM research into the toxicity of the aluminium in vaccines, a topic they have been working on for 20 years now. It is not enough but it is a step in the right direction. We must however continue to put pressure on the government to bring back the aluminium-free vaccine we all demand.
We at E3M will not give up and we are counting on you to circulate this message and to encourage all your family, friends and contacts to sign and circulate this petition. We are close to 100,000 signatures, that benchmark figure, a psychological victory and additional asset demonstrating that the French public will not just sit back and accept a little bit of aluminium with each dose of a vaccine, toxic aluminium which will then migrate throughout the body until it reaches and accumulates in the brain!
Thank you to everyone,
The E3M Watchdogs
Here we hare with You!