By Norma Erickson

Paris, 23 June 2014: A three hour discussion was held during which various medical professionals, politicians, and health authorities had the opportunity to openly debate serious concerns about the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
Dr. Philippe de Chazournes recently sponsored an open letter to the French Minister of Health calling for the establishment of a parliamentary mission to investigate various aspects of HPV vaccination campaigns. (more information here) Over 200 medical professionals signed the letter confirming their agreement with the stated concerns about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of using Gardasil and Cervarix in national cervical cancer prevention programs.
Michele Rivasi, MEP, chaired roundtable discussions pertaining to the questions raised in Dr. de Chazournes’ letter to the French Health Ministry.
Stakeholders representing both sides of the debate were invited to attend as well as members of the French Parliament, representatives from Sanofi-Pasteur MSD, and national health authorities. Drs. G. Delepine, N. Delepine, A. Siary, Cl-Michal Teitelbaum, JP Hamon, and Mr. Coletti were in attendance along with many other interested parties.
The topics open for discussion are as follows:
- What is the justification for HPV vaccination programs?
- What is the risk/benefit profile of Gardasil and Cervarix?
- What place do HPV vaccines have in cervical cancer prevention strategies, and at what cost?
- Gardasil: Cervical Cancer or Political Cancer?
- What is the level of ’ethical care’ in the new ’cancer plan’?
Member of the European Parliament, Michéle Rivasi, opened the meeting with the following speech, eloquently stating the actions necessary to protect the public health as well as public health funding.
To paraphrase her words, these vaccines are unnecessary, dangerous to many, and certainly a huge drain on precious public health funds. To halt HPV vaccination programs, pending intense investigation and proof of stated purpose could very well be the salvation of our young people.
Presentation by Michele Rivasi, European Ecology MEP
Translation by Helen Kimball Brooke
It is an honor for me to receive Dr. Philippe de Chazournes today in the Parisian offices of the European Parliament. Dr. de Chazournes has fought long and hard as spokesperson for doctors in the current scandal linked to the Gardasil vaccine, the famous Sanofi-Pasteur MSD vaccine against certain strains of the human papillomavirus which can cause cancer. A large number of doctors have signed his open letter to Marisol Touraine, French Minister of Social Affairs, expressing their fears around the idea of doubling the vaccination rate of young girls with a vaccine whose effectiveness is scientifically controversial. Some of them are here today and I thank them for being here. They are demanding a parliamentary mission to clarify this question. Last April, I personally made a public demand for a moratorium, i.e. an end to mass vaccination with this vaccine until in-depth research can be performed on its benefits, risks and effectiveness.
Vaccine safety, as a general rule, is being increasingly questioned. Between 2005 and 2010, the proportion of French people in favour or very in favour of vaccination dropped from 90% to 60% (2013 INPES Peretti-Watel health barometer). The percentage of French people between the ages of 18 and 75 who are anti-vaccination increased from 8.5% in 2005 to 38.2% in 2010. In 2005, 58% of doctors questioned the usefulness of vaccines administered to children while 31% of doctors were expressing doubts about vaccine safety. These figures must surely have increased since then.
Alongside this dramatic slump in confidence, research carried out worldwide – here in France by R. – K. Gherardi and F.-J. Authier, in Canada by C. Shaw and L. Tomljenovic, in North America by S. Seneff and S.-H. Lee, in Israel by Y. Shoenfeld and in the UK by C. Exley and others – blames the toxicity of the aluminium salts used as adjuvants in vaccines.
The injection of these aluminium salts could be the cause of the considerable and unexplained increase in the number of pathologies reported because they migrate through the body until they reach and accumulate in the brain. In certain predisposed individuals, very serious adverse effects have been observed following vaccination: death, convulsions, fainting, autistic disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, facial paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, pulmonary embolisms, macrophagic myofasciitis, pancreatitis and others.
It was the work of E3M, an organisation formed by macrophagic Myofasciitis victims, which encouraged me to bring this subject up within the European Parliament. Macrophagic myofasciitis is a little known but extremely disabling disease caused by the aluminium salts in vaccines.
Without being totally against the actual principle of vaccination, I feel that it is absolutely essential for specification of our vaccine policy to reflect the greatest of transparency and that the voices of vaccine victims be heard so that appropriate responses may be given and solutions found: in particular, urgent and abundant research financing and provision of a basic vaccine which is aluminium-free.
I therefore invited scientists and specialists in this area to come speak to us about their work on Gardasil during a press conference held at the Parisian offices of the European Parliament, last April.
Over the last seven years, nearly two million young women between the ages of 13 and 26 have received at least one dose of this vaccine, 65% of which is reimbursed by the French Social Security… but its effectiveness has still not been proven. Since then, an increasing number of young girls have been claiming that it has made them ill and the matter is becoming an issue Europe-wide.
Marisol Touraine, French Health Minister, has nonetheless just re-affirmed her attachment to this vaccination by confirming the 2014 recommendations which advise “all young girls between the ages of 11 and 14” to get the HPV vaccine. The message was apparently not heard.
Worse still, in early May, EMA (European Medicines Agency) experts recommended that the Gardasil HPV vaccine indication be lowered to age 9 for prevention of anal cancer and pre-cancerous anal lesions. One of the arguments used for this was that there are 6,800 new anal cancers in Europe every year. This feels to me like an attempt to find new justifications for the overall recommendation of Gardasil.
The French government needs to save 50 billion Euros over the next three years and ten of those billions must be saved in Health Insurance. Widespread administration of Gardasil would cost 926 million Euros (i.e. 9.3% of the needed health insurance savings) over three to four years, this for the catch-up campaign alone.
To stop this plan would be a genuine move for public health: this vaccination is worthless, clearly dangerous and a financial black hole. It serves no purpose for the European Medicines Agency to rush to the aid of Gardasil by recommending its use in the prevention of anal cancer (which causes fewer than 200 deaths every year in France, which is 0.11% of all cancer deaths).
What does Europe want? How is it that we ask the member States to reduce their deficits while simultaneously inciting them to spend more and more for the greater good of the pharmaceutical industry? How is it possible that we ask the French (and Europeans because the situation is exactly the same in many countries) to “tighten their belts” while asking them to hand over such large gifts to Big Pharma at the same time?
We must ask ourselves these questions and continue to fight against the health scandals of today and tomorrow by demanding absolute transparency in these highly sensitive issues.
Learn more about the issues here.
View the entire press package in French here.
The SaneVax Team would like to thank all of the participants in this debate. We sincerely hope every country in the world holds similar events. If HPV vaccines are as safe and effective as advertised, public scrutiny should be no problem.
Until such time as open and honest scientific debates are allowed in every country, medical consumers need to remember – RESEARCH BEFORE CONSENT – you can’t unvaccinate.
This press release should be widely spread. It is truly admirable that opportunity was given in France for open debates concerning the HPV vaccines, where medical professionals, politicians and health authorities participated. Let us hope that absolutely all other countries follow suit!
In Michéle Rivasi, Member of the European Parliament’s brilliant presentation many most relevant points were focused upon including the public’s and doctors’ growing doubts about vaccine safety, toxicity of aluminium and the worrying recommendation to lower indication for Gardasil to age nine in an attempt to prevent anal cancers.
With supposedly 6,800 new anal cancers diagnosed in Europe yearly, 75-80 per cent of which are said to be attributable to HPV types that Gardasil targets, there would be 5,200 of these cases yearly in the European population of 741 million.
This would mean that about 0.00070% of the European population yearly get anal cancer which is maintained to be caused by HPV types that Gardasil targets.
Anal cancer is highly treatable when found early, as opposed to serious adverse reactions from the vaccine.
Michéle Rivasi also presented concern about the gigantic costs of the HPV vaccination program.
There is an additional cost which also must be taken into account. It is the huge, inestimable price which is paid for all the terrible and utterly heartrending suffering which is caused by these scandalous vaccines.
In the interest of balance, here’s a response from the mainstream medical community in France:
From its inception until the appearance of uterine cervical carcinoma (UCC) takes a average of 25-30 years; the research of this vaccine have begun in 2000. It is evident that the scientific efficacy of this new vaccine will be determined the years 2025 – 2030.
HPV not causes definitely the (CCU); at the onset of this disease involves multiple risk factors, including the suspected HPV, but scientifically is proven by epidemiology and statistics that the sex is what generates this disease. Nix in 100.000 nuns found not any UCC.,.
There are not scientific researchs; stadistic, epidemiologic, citologic, histologic, colpocopic and clinic to demostrate that the HPV produce the cervical cance, are publishing. whitout scierntific sustentance.
To accept that a virus or a bacteria causes a infection disease must unfailingly fulfill the five Koch’s postulate
1 – The agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent from healthy.
2 – The agent must not appear in other diseases.
3 – The agent to be isolated in pure culture from disease lesions.
4 – The agent of causing disease in a susceptible animal being inoculated.
5 – The agent must again be isolated lesions in experimental animals.
Consequently, HPV not fulfill not any principle of Koch’s postulates. by not meeting this postulate, that is accepted as dogma in medicine, scientifically we must be ensure that the HPV is not the causative agent to the UCC..
Until May 2013 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Syntem (VAERS) published that the vaccines against the HPV caused only in Unites States 138 muertes and 30020 adverse events; 947 disabled: 12 males, 924 females and 11sex unknown; 4050 advers graves: 106 males, 3883 females and 57 unknown sex; 527 abnormal PAP smears, 214 dysplasia cervical and cervical cancer 214. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System secure that only the !% to 10% are denounced…
The Vaccine efects advers reactions (VAERS) ensures that only complaint between 1% to 10% of the adverse effects produced by this evil vaccine;this figures shown are calculated according to the statements of the VAERS: to 10%.……
Dr. Harper, who contributed to the development of the vaccine by Merck, reports that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.…
The vaccine was approved to give girls uncontaminated with HPV, Dr. Howenstinc ensures that the women are vaccinated with HPV contaminated, have the possibility to acquire a 44.6% CCU / Howenstine/james170.htm.
Merck did not disclose that the vaccine was transgenic, the Sane Vax has discovered, which is transgenic because it has been found that the vaccine is contaminated with DNA recombinant vaccine Gardasil (DNArPVH) and has raised its concerns to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg. The FDA replied that the vaccine will not cause any damage transgenic…
A vaccinated child was ill with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. 24 hours after vaccination and found that the aluminum adhered to DNArPVH, two years after vaccination and in autopsy 6 months after death in a New Zeland girl Jazmine Renata which had recibed this deadly vaccines
Management time to get market approval of a drug the FDA is at least three years, it is a drug for cancer 15 years, but the authorization Merck had only six months and the European Medicines Agency (EMA in English) only 9 months: To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear…
HPV is ubiquitous; lives in wild and domestic animals, pollute us from birth, is on the doorknobs, on towels, on nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists,. sexual intercourse is not the only means of contamination.…
HPV also lives in the 400 nm outermost of our skin and mucous membranes. ,
If it live in our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity is acquired or that our body is self vaccinatinge by PVHs living on our skin and mucous ..
The PVHs is not distributed uniformly worldwide. It has been found that in Canada HPV 18 only reaches 3%; is more often HPV 31, in my country Peru no studies have determined that HPV types predominate; Gardasil contains 225 mcg. aluminum and Cervarix 500 mcg, that produce the Alzheimer, Parkinson and autism, produce too neurotoxic and immune system disorders (Blaylock 2012) and polisorbato 80, a powerful contraceptive, that in experimental animals produces sterility, atrophy of the testicles and disturbance organic and funtional of the organs of the reproduction; is carcinogenic and mutagenic; also contains sodium borate considered poison unused in medicinal preparations (NLM)
Have been discovered to date 200 types of HPV; HPV is not infectious, contagious; the intercourse is not only that the persons is contaminated
On 22-11-2010 FDA approved Gardasil for males aged 9 to 26 to prevent warts and cancer to the anus, is overkill……
For the reasons from deep Peru Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a fraud?, a robbery?, a swindle?, a rough joke?, a crime?, a shame?, a scam?
The HPV is not scientifically proved for the moment that produce the UCC its effectiveness shall be verified just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
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