Freda Birrel, Secretary of SaneVax Inc., sent the following letter to Peter Bottomley, member of Parliament in the United Kingdom. She expresses her concern over misleading information put forth by health authorities and pharmaceutical companies regarding HPV vaccines. As always, the benefits appear to be overstated while potential risks are understated. Here is what she had to say:
Dear Sir Peter
You may not possibly remember me but we met many years ago when I was a youngish Conservative and my husband was a back to work miner during the 1983 Miners Strike. I was called Freda Blackley then and received a lot of support from Mrs Thatcher, Norman Tebbitt, Lord Gould and yourself to name but a few. I worked very closely with Irene McGibbon from Kent whose husband also returned to work.
Now I am involved in many other things, am a member of the Conservative Party for East Lothian and am still pretty active. I have been following your questions to the Health Minister, Anne Milton regarding the HPV vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil. There are many rumours in the press suggesting the possibility of replacing Cervarix with Gardasil in the UK because the latter does not just protect against the virus strains 16 and 18 but also for those strains 6 and 11 which cause genital warts. From the information we have obtained from Dr Harper, the Principal Research Worker with Merck in the early stages of the vaccine trials, the following are the facts relating to studies carried out:
Data for Gardasil protecting against genital warts in boys only goes out to 29 months (2+ years); they did not study whether the efficacy lasts any longer than the 29 months. Boys data on warts also shows that immune titers wane 2-3 years faster in boys than in girls; Girls data on warts goes for the 44 months of the phase III trials – warts was not an outcome in the five year trials – meaning it was not measured.
Gardasil only protects for five years at this moment in time. Merck only has observational studies from Scandinavia that they are going to look at, but 10 year data is not yet available. Anything Merck presents will be based on very few outcomes and on very limited specimens – all retrospective biorepository specimens.
I am attaching a paper I prepared a little while ago which has gone to Andrew Lansley, Oliver Letwin as well as to the Scottish Conservative Health Team and to Liz Smith – I have updated it slightly. This is something I felt I had to discuss with you. It gives you my opinions and those of Dr Diane Harper, who was involved with Merck and GlaxoSmithKline in the early days. First of all I have been working hard to try and bring to the attention of senior politicians that Cervarix is causing harm in the UK, that young girls are becoming very ill and remaining ill over the period of time since vaccination; young girls have even lost their sight or had other serious visual problems and I was pleased when the College of Optometrists put an article in their Bulletin in November 2010 advising all opticians in the UK that there was a possibility of visual problems following vaccination with Cervarix. Sadly most of what I write and send falls on deaf ears except that is for the Scottish Conservatives. Liz Smith was concerned at what I sent her and she discussed it with Murdo Fraser who appointed a postgrad to look into all of my research. I hope to get a report when I attend the Scottish Party Conference on 18th March. I do not mind how long they take to study my research, I just hope they can see that something is not right. There are only so many times you can use the word “coincidental” and get away with it.
Now to Gardasil, in my paper above I want to draw your attention to the Memorial Document. Please click on that and see some of the beautiful young girls and women who have died following vaccination with Gardasil. Yes, just like the attitude here in the UK we get the same answer “there is no proof that Gardasil caused these deaths; it is just “coincidental”; sad but these things happen.” There have been 93 deaths reported to VAERS since Gardasil came on to the market in the US in 2006 and 21,474 adverse events reported from that period until early March 2011 (this has just recently been updated). This we know only represents between 1% and 10% of subjects who have been harmed submitting a report to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) so therefore by adding a couple of zeros that might just give a more realistic figure. However, what is sadly real is that these girls died, all were healthy and active prior to being vaccinated and what is very concerning is that a few of them dropped dead without any warning. Their post mortems could not identify what had caused their death so “Cause of death is unknown”. Please see a new VAERS report which I have just received where a father was able to resuscitate his daughter – she had been vaccinated with Gardasil. Young 14 year old girl was vaccinated on 7th October 2010 and two days later had a sudden death experience and if it was not for her father being present she would not have recovered. Again please note the doctors cannot find out what caused this horrific experience.
Now please let me introduce you to girls who sadly could not be resuscitated and who are among the list which says “Cause of death cannot be identified or unknown”.
Christina Tarsell, Maryland, USA(age 20) – sudden death, cause of death not determined – died 18 days following her third vaccination.
Annabelle Morin, Quebec, Canada (age 14) – sudden death, 15 days after her second vaccination – died whilst having her bath. She had an illness which required her to be sent to hospital roughly the same number of days after her first vaccination. Cause of death cannot be identified – reason why she died is unknown.
Santana Valdez, New Mexico (age 19) – sudden death, almost four months after she had her last Gardasil injection. Cause of death cannot be identified – reason why she died is unknown.
Jessica Erickson, New York (age 17) – sudden death, two days after her third vaccination with Gardasil. The pathologist believed that Jessica was dead before she hit the floor. Cause of death cannot be identified – reason why she died is unknown.
Moshella Roberts, North Carolina (age 20) – sudden death, four days after her third vaccination. She died suddenly on her first day in her new job.
Amber Kaufmann, Missouri (age 16) – sudden death – her cause of death was listed as “cardiac disturbance of undetermined etiology” – 3 days after receiving her second injection. She also was suffering from an illness and was prescribed many medications on the same day.
Megan Hild (age 20) – following phone call with her mother she took a shower and whatever happened she died suddenly – did not drown. She had experienced many symptoms during her period of vaccination (believe this was her third jab) but this was not found out until after her death. She had her own accommodation. Cause of death cannot be identified – reason why she died is unknown.
Jasmine Renata, New Zealand (age 18) – died suddenly a few months after her third vaccination but had many serious symptoms leading up to her death. Many of these symptoms have been experienced by many of the girls who have been vaccinated. Cause of death cannot be identified – reason why she died is unknown.
Please read these stories in the Memorial Document. If these young girls above and all the rest who have died – along with two boys that we know of who also were vaccinated – had nothing in common, had been ill, or had been on a trip abroad where perhaps they picked up an unusual virus then and only then could you say “it is a coincidence”. This is not how it happened, all of these girls and the other 86 subjects had one thing in common and that is they were all vaccinated with the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The authorities state that there is no pattern, well the pattern is there for all to see but sadly in this world we live in it appears that we dare not condemn a vaccine otherwise we are branded as being anti-vaccine.
I am Secretary of SaneVax Inc and our web is We stand for Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective Vaccines. It is as simple as that, we do not condemn vaccines for the sake of it and we stand by what SaneVax represents but we truly believe that Gardasil and Cervarix are not safe. I know most of the families of the girls who died above, have spoken with them and cried with them. All I ask is that you look into this more closely please and ask as many questions as you can to try and have a proper investigation into both of these vaccines, for the true facts to be revealed and not to depend on the MHRA to come up with their normal answers that “these vaccines and safe and effective”. Perhaps you need to ask the MHRA why it has not informed our Parliament of the number of deaths and serious side effects which have already been reported to VAERS concerning Gardasil. To the best of my knowledge there has not been anything put in writing to ask for an investigation into why young, healthy girls are suddenly dying after being vaccinated with this HPV4? Do we really not care any more or is it the usual statement “protect the vaccine at the cost of the child”.
If our government decides to take on board Gardasil as the UK HPV vaccine then please take note of this information. Will they turn round and say to a mother whose daughter has just died ‘sorry but the vaccine did not cause her death, we do not know what did, just one of those unfortunate coincidences’. That is what is happening in America, New Zealand and Canada so please do not let that happen to any of our girls here in the UK. We have more than enough problems with Cervarix and my hope is that someone somewhere sees sense and has at least a thorough investigation into both of these vaccines.
I would appreciate it if you could discuss this with the Health Minister. If you should wish to have any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Freda Birrell
(Conservative Member – East Lothian, Scotland)
Did Freda Birrell receive a reply?
Thank you for sending me this correspondence. I do not personally have experience of vaccine damage. I had just returned to UK from abroad when all the publicity erupted about Andrew Wakefield and the introduction of the MMR vaccine erupted. At that time the media here could speak freely about it – now there appears to be a total embargo unless it is favourable to the pro vaxxers. I followed the case closely and it was obvious to me that our medical establishment was hanging up against him because his perfectly valid ideas were getting in the way of their determination to introduce the MMR vaccine. It was obvious to that his “trial” by the GMC was a farce. I cannot understand how so many presumably intelligent people could believe the evidence against him. To me he was a conscientious young doctor clearly concerned at the suffering his young patients were having to endure.
So to me he is a hero and I am angry at the monstrous injustice done to him and at the determination of the pharmaceutical industry and medical establishment to inflict the damage they are doing to our vulnerable children and their families. What also astonishes me is the inability of the public to see the truth.
Now my grand-daughter (who is a research scientist!) is inflicting on my little, great grandson the full panoply of vaccines recommended by our medical authorities, much to my distress. She is convinced measles is a deadly disease, and as my advice goes directly against her doctor’s she can’t see any reason why she should listen to me. One of or recent conversations on the subject: “But Granny, we have seventeen independent peer reviewed studies alll of which say there can’t possibly be any reason why the MMR should cause autism. The rest of my family agree with her and think I’m a silly old thing who doesn’t know what she is talking about. Now I have had to tell them we must agree to differ on this subject. I can only warn them and if they choose not to listen that’s their affair.
I think I can only try to contact other people like you who can see the truth and we must all stick together and keep fighting this lunacy. In the meantime of course our precious children continue to be terribly damaged for the sake of the profits to the pharma industry and the doctors with no conscience of what they are doing.
Congratulations to you for your persistence; I hope we can keep in touch.
Yours sincerely
Margaret Brown
Denbigh, Whitford Road
Axminster EX13 7RG