By Leslie Carol Botha
FUNDED – 114%
549 Backers
$42, 458 – 90 days
One More Girl is a documentary about the stories of anguish and travesty, futures destroyed, and families reduced to financial ruin by medical costs brought on by a vaccine, Gardasil. The vaccine is designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Production begins the summer of 2011 with a tentative release date in summer of 2012. In the past 88 days, 549 people contributed to the making of the most important documentary of this century.
Think Exist Productions, Truth About Gardasil, and SANE Vax, Inc., want to extend our deepest gratitude to the public at large for their overwhelming support of this historic and lofty endeavor. Everyone who has graciously donated to the production of this film has sent a strong message to Pharma – the mothers, daughters and their families whose lives have been devastated by a vaccine gone bad will be heard. They have collectively stated: The days of mass global medical experimentation on our children are over.
According to Marian Greene, founder of,
‘This is an amazing accomplishment. All of the people involved in this project have worked very hard to make the public aware of the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine. We have waged a successful campaign and now the Gardasil Injured and their families will be presented with an opportunity to share with the world how a vaccine changed their lives forever. The One More Girl film will not replace the sorrow and regret over their ruined lives, but having a chance to warn others about what happened to them will help with their healing.’
The three organizations want to extend their sincerest thanks to the following individuals and organizations that helped them promote the ONE MORE GIRL Film: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Mike Adams; Natural News, Dr. Joseph Mercola,, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Robert Scott Bell, The Robert Scott Bell Radio Show, Rima Laibow M.D.; Natural Solutions Foundation, Desiree Rover; Argusoog Radio (Netherlands), Diego Ignacio Mur; BWN Patagonia, – in addition to the web sites and blogs that posted our press releases and who endorsed the project. But most of all it is the work of the individuals who were so moved by the stories of the girls struck down by this vaccine who were the backbone to making sure this money was raised.
Initially, Executive Producer Ryan Richardson and his brother David were motivated to make this documentary when their sister experienced several serious side-effects after her first injection of the Gardasil vaccine. Her adverse reaction demanded further investigation which led to the startling discovery that thousands of young girls were having serious reactions to the vaccine, including death.
According to Ryan ‘As filmmakers, we decided that the best way to bring this topic to the forefront was to make a documentary giving the Gardasil Girls a voice. We intend to educate the public on HPV, hear from the experts about the medical history and marketing campaigns, and the impact of Gardasil on young girls’ lives.
The Richardson’s goal was to cover expenses to travel to document the stories of the Gardasil Girls and their families as well as talk to researchers, doctors, and attorneys who are now concerned about the vaccine’s damage. Funds raised will go towards production costs. Everyone involved with the script writing, casting, production editing and marketing are doing so on a volunteer basis. The intent is to bring the ONE MORE GIRL message to the world. Plans include debuts at national and international film festivals.
Casting calls for participants in the documentary are now being scheduled. Information will be sent out to hundreds of girls asking them to submit their story to be included in the film. Submissions will be careful reviewed and the girls carefully chosen to provide the best representation of this unwarranted travesty. Production begins in the next 90 days.
One More Girl Film
Executive Producer: Ryan Richardson
Media Contact: Leslie Carol Botha
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