The families of the girls in the image below have given the SaneVax team permission to share their stories hoping that parents around the world will begin to understand there are risks associated with the use of HPV vaccines. The girls below all took Gardasil. How many more girls in South America have had similar experiences? How many in your country?
It is heartrending to learn about the precious young girls Rafaella, Ana Carolina and Monique who were all healthy and happy and are now suffering intensely, their lives having been turned upside down after the HPV vaccines.
How many more are there in Brazil who are struggling with serious adverse reactions? In South America? In other countries?
According to
“ as of January 2014 fifty-two countries have included HPV vaccines, either Gardasil or Cervarix, in their national immunization programs. During the last five years, the SaneVax Team has been contacted by representatives from 24 of those countries who are seeking to understand the vast array of new medical conditions occurring in the wake of these programs”.
In all countries where HPV vaccine programs are introduced innumerable reports of serious injuries roll in. These vaccines represent unfathomable tragedies and unforeseeable health consequences for future generations.
In Brazil, the incidence of microcephaly increased 20-fold in the past few months compared with last year. Brazil’s Health Ministry says 3,530 babies have been born with microcephaly in the country since October, compared with less than 150 in 2014. They are blaming it on a mosquito virus. I wonder how many had the hpv vaccine?