Worst Nightmare
By Donna Malone, Murfreesboro Tennessee
Cancer is a frightening word. Any parent in the world would do whatever was in their power to protect their child from this terrible disease. I had no idea adding Gardasil to our list of protective measures would turn our lives into a nightmare.
Allie is my beautiful 12 year old daughter. She is the youngest of my three children. Having been born 12 years after her brother and sister, she was a little spoiled. Allie made every day a party. For several years we could not eat a meal without someone spitting milk while laughing at something she said. She is a very clever, witty and funny girl constantly putting on shows for us! She has always been very healthy except for occasional bronchitis and a few bouts of strep throat. Recently, all that changed…
Allie received her first Gardasil shot February 2, 2012 along with 3 other vaccinations including the one for Meningitis. February was a month of severe nosebleeds, headaches, stomach issues and generally not feeling well. I never reported to the doctor as we do not call for every little thing. At the time, thought nothing of it.
Then in early March Allie’s thighs had this weird “pattern” on them, like a honeycomb or lace. It was not a rash as it was not raised. I did not know at the time that it was Livedo Reticularis – an indication of auto-immune issue or possibly Lupus – should have contacted the doctor, but didn’t think much of it EXCEPT that it looked so strange Allie took a picture of it – Odd.
On April 3, 2012 Allie had the second Gardasil shot then at the checkout counter Allie passed out and they took her to the back to let her lie down for a few minutes. By April 17, Allie was having pain in her leg… as though she had strained a muscle. By 10:30pm, on April 18th, she could not sit up in bed. She had to be carried downstairs and to the car. We went to the ER and she was sent home on crutches as she could not bear any weight on it. We were instructed to see an orthopedic doctor the next day. He ordered an MRI which showed minimal infection near her sacroiliac joint, so back to Ortho the next day.
Allie was in excruciating pain by then – on crutches and sent to her pediatrician because ortho did not know what to do. The pediatrician had no idea how to treat her pain and sent us to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital.
Allie was admitted to Vanderbilt on April 20, 2012, where she remained for the next 10 days. She could not walk for 6 of those days. Her second MRI showed that the infection was a little bigger but too deep in her hip muscles and tissues to draw fluid to see what kind of infection it was. Her CRP level was 166 and normal level is 1-3. CRP is used to measure amount of inflammation in her system.
Allie was in excruciating pain even with a morphine drip. She was later put on oxygen and a wide variety of medications – Clindamycin first then Vancomycin, Oxycodone, Morphine, Toradal, Tylenol, and Benadryl. Anyone who knows about Vancomycin knows it is one of the strongest anti-biotics out there and the doctors said within 24-48 hours we would see a huge change in Allie’s pain. It took nearly 80 hours after starting Vancomycin to see any change. At one point, the doctors were concerned that Allie was very anxious. Not sure what they expected from an 11 year old who was running and playing just 2 days ago and now unable to get out of bed. Allie said she did not believe we were telling her everything and when I reassured her that we were, she asked me if she had Cancer. I immediately said “NO!”, but as soon as the words left my lips, I knew I could not be sure as they still did not know what was wrong. At that moment, my heart broke for my baby girl. During Allie’s hospitalization at Vanderbilt, I had asked doctors if her symptoms could be related to the vaccinations and they said no – diagnosed her with Pyomyositis. I believe I knew even then that it was the Gardasil, but like so many I believed the doctors. They are the experts!
Allie had to learn to walk with a walker and crutches to go up and down stairs. She left the hospital on crutches due to pain in her hip and on a strong antibiotic – Zyvox. No physical therapy was recommended at that time. Allie returned to school on a half day schedule for the first week which was exhausting for her. Allie was very withdrawn for the next year after the hospitalization. I had lunch at school with her one day and a boy across the table said “she speaks!” I asked him was he talking about me and he said no – Allie. Before she would always get in trouble for talking too much. She really did not know a stranger. We were concerned but did not know exactly why or what to do.
The next year passed without a lot of incidents – normal nosebleeds, growing a lot – she is 5’8” tall. Allie was still having hip and pelvic issues and had made a couple trips to the doctor. She remained inactive as she was compensating for the pain and did not want to aggravate the muscles. Her pediatrician attributed the pain to her expedited growth. She grew nearly foot in 3 years.
She played soccer in 6th grade, but being one of the youngest on the team she did not get a lot of playing time. However, in June 2013 Allie’s soccer team started conditioning to get ready for her 7th grade soccer season and her hips again were hurting a lot! A trip back to pediatrician, who said she must have pulled a muscle in her hip and then the next week the other hip. She kept pushing through and continued to practice with her team. I was concerned as the pain seemed to be traveling. I was worried that the “infection” was back.
A couple weeks later Allie had what I believed was a panic attack. I had never seen anyone have a panic attack so I was not sure. In late August the season begins and she was playing a lot of soccer and after games and intense practices Allie walked like a “zombie”. That is NOT normal growing pains so back to the doctor again!
October 2013, 18 months after her hospitalization and 2nd Gardasil shot, Orthopedics pulled her from playing soccer due to hip pain. After 3 weeks of physical therapy and increased pain, orthopedics ordered another MRI on Allie’s hip and pelvic region. The MRI on October 1, 2013 showed no infection but 3 small ovarian cysts. Doctors say the ovarian cysts are too small to cause the pain and that the body will take care of the cysts as they are common in 12 year old little girls. So she continues with physical therapy 2 times a week. Allie is still in pain on a daily basis in her hips and pelvic area including her tailbone.
Recently, a good friend said I needed to befriend someone on Facebook as her daughter was having some of the same issues and that is when it all started coming together. I actually looked up the dates and pieced a timeline together from emails and Facebook posts and Caring Bridge posts while Allie was hospitalized. It was 1:30 in the morning when I searched my google calendar for the dates of the shots as I put everything on my calendar. When I found the date of Allie’s second Gardasil shot, I sat and stared at the computer screen for over an hour as the tears streamed down my face. I am CERTAIN that the issue Allie has with her hips is directly tied to the Gardasil shots.
I have since asked her pediatrician if it was related to Gardasil or the other vaccines she got at the same time and was again told no. However, he did ask if he could have all the information that I had brought for him – stories of other girls, reports, case studies, and Allie’s timeline. He is willing to help us understand all this and to order whatever tests we need. Once he reviews the information more thoroughly maybe he will know it is from Gardasil as well, but right now he said he could not be sure – medicine is very complex. Allie’s doctor also said that he was glad I had made the report to VAERS.
I am at a place where I do not know what to do for my girl! She was happy, sweet and would light up a room by making everyone laugh. Now she is withdrawn, doesn’t talk much at school, has started having migraine headaches, in constant hip pain and so ready for this all to be over. Even when Allie does go to bed early, she is up several times during the night not able to sleep. She has fatigue much of the time and does not play outside with friends as much as she used to.
Recently, Allie visited a homeopathic specialist. It was a very enlightening visit. She was able to tell us what toxins and bacteria Allie has in her system. The highest bacteria in her system is Trachoma, along with high levels of beryllium (copper) and aluminum. They also found formaldehyde, pesticides, glyoxalin, antimony, barbiturates, malabsorption, arsenic, insecticides, and herbicides at very high levels attacking her system and keeping her body from getting better. Allie’s CRP level is still elevated (40) and may have been since her hospitalization. She is now on a regimen of supplements to help detox her system of these chemicals and bacteria. I am seeing a spark of my sweet, funny girl again.
Once Allie is at better levels with the above mentioned toxins and bacteria, we will re-assess her and decide if she needs to see a neurologist, an endocrinologist, or be tested for Thiamine deficiency to assist her on the path to wellness. Allie’s pediatrician made a referral, and she has an appointment set with the infectious disease team and a rheumatologist at Vanderbilt next month. We will keep pushing forward until Allie is pain–free. A twelve year old girl should not have to live daily with this kind of pain.
By the way, there will not be a 3rd Gardasil shot for Allie! That is a strong statement for me as my mother died at age 52 with breast and other secondary cancers. Cancer scares me, but seeing my baby in the hospital for 10 days in excruciating pain scared me even more.
I believe Allie was a victim of Gardasil and I believe that had she been given the 3rd Gardasil shot it would have killed her as she barely survived the 2nd shot. The authorities will not acknowledge this as yet, but someday they will and until then I will be the advocate for my child.
I will decide what medications she needs and what vaccinations she needs or does not need. I will do the research and investigate the adverse effects of all drugs.
I strongly urge anyone reading this to do the same. Do your research. KNOW what they are putting into the bodies of our children!
Elza says
wish you all the best, hopefully all these international similar stories will connect so strong that they stop this vaccin
Donna Malone says
That is my hope as well!
tommyr33 says
With all the toxins in her body you should look at all natural Illite clay. I was the owner of a small company called Iceillite for a while that distributed it. It is a fantastic detoxifier and there are no chemicals. Do some research and if you have questions feel free to reach out for me. I have plenty of samples, I can send you some. tommyr33@msn.com
tess107 says
Our Gardisil nightmare happened just like your daughters. It has now been almost 6 years ago. And the good news is it gets better as time goes on. It’s a lot of rehab to make a recovery. We still don’t know if it has affected our daughters ability to have children but the pains have almost stopped, the headaches are much better. The hand tremors are better and her leg and arm muscles have stopped hurting. Even the Mayo Clinic wouldn’t tell us it was vaccine injury, but we too knew this. It’s been a nightmare but hopefully your daughter will continue to improve like my daughter. And one day I hope those people that pushed this vaccine will have to pay for the damage to all these girls that they caused. Shameful.
lisahughes says
I’m so glad you shared this! How very scary. Prayers for Allie and your family. My daughter, Kaitlyn, had her 11 year check up a few days ago and her doctor recommended that she should get the “HPV” vaccine. Since HPV is a STD and Kaitlyn is so young, I decided against it for now. After reading this, I’m so relieved I went with my gut feeling. I shared this information with Kaitlyn this morning, and she told me that her friend from dance got Lupus from Gardasil as well. Kaitlyn didn’t know in the doctor’s office that the “HPV Vaccine” that we were talking about was Gardasil. Very scary. Thanks for getting the word out. I shared this via e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook. Your daughter looks so much like my daughter – same age, very tall, and in soccer as well. Your story hit close to home for me. My heart goes out to you.
dmalone117 says
I am so glad your daughter did not have the shot!! Praise God!! Allie is getting better every day!! The hips and legs are better and the headaches are MUCH better!! She is happy, silly and joking again. I did not realize how much she was hurting at the time. Keep getting the word out and help us fight against the dreadful vaccine!!
Gail says
What a beautiful girl! So sad what has happened to her! I hope she makes a full recovery! This article confirms that I made the right decision in not getting either of my girls this vaccine. So scary!
shimira17 says
This is for Donna Malone..I read your article regarding your daughter and my heart and prayers go out to your daughter and your family.
Believe me, when I say to you that her immune dysfunctions are a direct result of that vaccine. I was given a hepatitis vaccine while working in NYC as a Correction Officer more than ten years ago. I received the vaccine and wasn’t aware of all the information that is now available. The vaccine was administered in a series of three shots; I received two and got really sick within a few months of the vaccine. The doctor did not administer the third shot instead ran several test which revealed my muscle enzymes were off the charts in terms of what is considered normal…I was later referred to a rheumatologist who later determined that I had polymyositis and this would be the beginning of a domino effect that would later cause all kinds of autoimmune dysfunction within my body. The long and short of what I’m trying to convey is that like your daughter my body had an adverse reaction to the vaccine..and I have since developed many other autoimmune conditions as a result of the vaccine. Depression and a feeling of fogginess is one of the things I felt along with confusion at other times of the initial onset of the symptoms. Pain in muscles, pelvic region and lower leg weakness, sometimes followed by a low grade fever; difficulty getting up from a seated position. I have since been diagnosed with the following which I believe are all related to the vaccine. I have always exercised and eaten healthy and I was in good health prior to the vaccine. Prior medical history show that.
I clinically have the following: Polymyositis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Leukopenia( low white blood cell count), Myalgia and most recently I have developed Tarlov cyst on my nerve roots of my spin. S1, S2.
The government has a stature of limitation, (imagine that), to file for monetary damages. Visit the National Vaccine Association & contact a lawyer for your civil rights in filing for damages; once the statute expires you will be left holding the bag and dealing with all the medical conditions that will follow over a period of time. I am beyond the limitation and feel short changed because everything that I now suffer with I will have the rest of my life.
Gary Null and Dr. Mercola are renowned nutritional practitioners who will give you the facts when most doctors will not. I am finding that even the doctors who are ordering and administering the vaccines they themselves are not even taking the vaccines.
This is a highly political issue and for good reasoning; pharmaceutical companies can’t make money if we aren’t sick and they are making money at the expense of our health and our families. Autism is a government disease, doctors reported this back in the late 80’s and they were quickly dismissed. They don’t really care about us.
Please get all the information you can before your time to file for damages has run out; even compensation will not change what has happened to your child but arming yourself with as much education as you can find will help you make smarter decisions moving forward. Keep her system clean by detoxing and building the immune system as much as you can using pure and natural products and educate, educate as much as you can and steer clear of all future vaccines.
Best Regards,
Valerie in NY.
dmalone117 says
Thank you for caring! Allie has been through some detox and a lot of supplements, chiropractor visits, and physical therapy. I really think the detox has helped the most. I am not sure how much damage was done while the vaccine was in her system and we may not know for several years. But Allie is vibrant and happy again! She is feeling much better! Hope you get better as well! Science can only go so far and then comes God!
Aus says
>I really think the detox has helped the most.
Yes, Donna. That’s what I’ve been saying.
Have you realized how much money you’ve paid to doctors, hospitals & pharma since Gardasil?
That’s what vaccines are there for.
I know it sounds crazy to many people, but that’s it.
They’ve been creating never-heard-before illnesses incl allergies and recent radical increase
of child cancer, child leukemia i.e. their future customers on top of the profit they make
by selling vaccines at the start. And where do you think Allie got formaldehyde?
What’s really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury
So sorry for Valerie too, but I see you learned the lesson in a hardest way,
> They don’t really care about us.
That’s right! cause Governments are Companies (official!!) and they are after $$$,
stealing our health, wealth, freedom and rights and it’s really time for us to wake up
and do something about it cause we’re under attack from every possible aspect.
and http://www.whale.to/vaccines/lanctot.html
But for now, I’m really glad that Allie is getting better. ;o)
Hope everybody follows her way and DETOX!!
And I pray for you both, that everything will back to absolute normal very soon.
Sharon says
Please send me the information where she was detoxified. My daughter is getting worse and the doctors keep telling her its fraying in her labrum. That is not causing her not to walk and be constant pain. It’s killing me. I feel the decision I thought was good for my daughter may have been the biggest mistake in my life.
Armanda says
What kind of detox?! Please help I need to do a heavy detox for my daughter before the twitching gets worse.
krellis98 says
I’m so sorry this had to happen to your daughter. I can’t even imagine what your family is going through. I would like to thank you for sharing your story. It is because of people like you that I had decided not to do that shot for my daughter. I pray you are able to finally rid your daughter of the toxins that are attacking it! Thank you and God bless!
dmalone117 says
Allie is getting much better, but please continue to keep her in your prayers!
Lolac says
I believe my daughter is also a victim of Gardasil. She has had chronic health problems for 3 years. After the second vaccination she had severe abdominal pain. I took her to the ER and she was diagnosed with Mesenteric Lympadenitis. I am convinced that this was a reaction to the Gardasil, though the doctors all discount ti. She went from being a happy, bright, bubbly girl to a sullen, depressed teenager in chronic pain. I would like more information about this. It has truly been a nightmare.
dmalone117 says
Hi – Have you been able to get any information??? I have not been on here in a couple weeks!! So sorry about your daughter! My Allie is getting better every day!! You can email me at dmalon117@gmail.com
dmalone117 says
OOPS dmalone117@gmail.com
Armanda says
My daughter too. Hashimoto’s. When she was fine before the vaccines she received 2 not 3.
dmalone117 says
Hi this is Donna, Allie’s mom again! I wanted to give you all an update! Allie is getting better every day!! She happy and vibrant and silly again! Not every day is great but the bad days are further apart now. She continued to do physical therapy and then chiropractor along with supplements and detox products. Allie has been a trooper – she takes the supplements like a champ with no complaining (most of the time!). Allie’s hips are better – no more pain. She started having bad headaches every day and I found an all-natural pain reliever and her headaches are much better, almost gone, but not quite. At the beginning of the semester in January, I asked her Guidance Counselor to have her moved to weightlifting for the remainder of the school year and so she is getting stronger every day too!! We do not know how much damage has been done by Gardasil and may not know for many years. As of right now though, by the grace of God, things are good and getting better each day. Thank you all for your kind words and concerns! God bless!
donovant3 says
Donna My name is Tammy I have a daughter who is suffering ever since she has gotten the Gadasil shot (only 1). I swear my life is on the computer reading every story , article or watching you tube videos on girls that are suffering just like my daughter. Im reaching for any help i can. Would you be willing to talk over email or possibly over the phone? My daughter has a friend who is also suffering and she had received 2 shots and has all symptoms as my daughter Jess which includes joint pain, abdominal pain, severe headaches, electric shock feeling through fingers, to legs not wanting to work periods are twice a month ruptures cysts but she is having the neurological effects and just like your specialists and ours no one wants to admit what is going on. Brett my daughters friend has been in UW of madison for 2 wks been to 3 neurologists who all have different opinions. Her mother and I are so frustrated, Tired, and don’t know where to turn next. We go to the rhuematologist tomorrow so Im praying we gets some answers. Im going to leave you my email address just in case you wouldnt mind contacting me and letting me know your thoughts and steps you took. thank you for your time! I pray the lord puts his healing hands on your daughter and can give her back a normal pain free life. GOD is GREAT and Prayer is POWERFUL! God Bless to you and your family.
dmalone117 says
Tammy – I just sent you an email. Sorry for the delay. We were in the process of moving and just got internet.
Kayla W says
Hi Tammy,
I have read that auto-immune problems affecting the nervous system are the most common adverse effect of Gardasil reported worldwide. Dr. Russell Blaylock is a retired neurosurgeon (U.S.) who has written a great deal about things that injure the brain and “neuroprotective” nutrients that are helpful in preventing brain injury and recovering brain function. He has found that severe headaches often indicate that damage is occurring in the brain; he successfully treats some cases with magnesium and other nutrients. He has also done work on vaccine injury to the brain. I hope you will search the web for his writings and recommendations. I don’t know whether he has written specifically about Gardasil, but his recommendations re: any vaccine injury would probably apply to Gardasil injury, too. I believe Dr. Blaylock will be an excellent resource for you and your daughter, and for the other girls you mention in your post. Best wishes to you!
T Michael says
Hello Donna , I’m so glad your daughter is finally starting to feel better ! I have 4 daughters myself , and I am refusing the Gardasil , but I am also worried about all the vaccines that are forced onto our children , or they will not be able to attend school . These vaccines I believe have a direct connection to autoimmune disease , periodic fever syndrome and Autism / asperger’s syndrome in children . Have you or anyone on the site heard of this , or what we are suppose to do ? Do I have to join a religious cult to keep my girls from being required to get all of these vaccinations ? My youngest daughter has the periodic fever syndrome which I think is a direct result from her vaccinations , she also went to Vanderbuilt , but they claim to not know what even causes it ? Some children apparently have a virus strain already in their system , and when given the vaccines there is a reaction causing these events ! Google “Kent Heckenlively” and “Judy A. Mikovits, PhD” , Kent has written a book about it .
Armanda says
You can get them exempted! My youngest daughter got exempted from any more shots because of her older sisters adverse reactions to the gardasil vaccines. Ask the receptionist at their doctors office.
Aus says
Oops, forgot to mention one more thing,
>Cancer scares me
Cancer is not killing people, Donna. Cancer TREATMENT has been, such as anti cancer medicine
which is horrible poison and chemo which is radiation = cause of cancer!!
Remember Hiroshima, Nagasaki and now Fukushima?
It can kill cancer cells but it kills healthy cells as well.
They say “cancer came back” but actually, they created more by their ‘treatment’.
So when doctors tell you that you have so many months or years left to live, that’s the estimate
of how long it’d take before their treatment kills you!
One Japanese doctor clearly stated in a video of his lecture, that he never wrote “cancer”
as the cause of the death of his patients on their death certificates though he had many, and he even
lost his little son with the disease, and that’s when he realized what I wrote above, cancer treatment
is killing the patients.
Cancer is telling you that you need to check what you’ve been doing so that you can be healthy again.
And there are real cures for cancer called ‘alternative medicine’ which must have been a real, original medicine
before this fraud called ‘modern medicine’ showed up to mess up our lives. They are either hidden or banned
by traitorous criminals so that their mates in medical and pharmaceutical industries can keep raking in.
In fact, I eliminated cancer that came back to a granny in Japan last year with apricot kernels.
Check into it and don’t be scared of cancer anymore. Detox yourself with Allie, ;o) train your immune system,
avoid stressful way of living and various poisons thrown at us, laugh a lot and then you can stay healthy!
Sharon says
My daughter was a healthy 16 year old. She was in dance, gymnastics, swimming, equestrian, softball for 10 years with no compliant of pain or soreness that was until after her Gardisil shot. I asked her doctor about the Gardisil shot and he said it would be good for her and it was safe. It was my fault for not researching more into the side effects. I believed the doctor when he said it was safe and I had my daughter get the shot. Soon after the shots she started to complain about radiating burning in her back and feet hurt. I contributed this to her being a cashier at Toys R Us. Well,the months went on and she was complaining more and more. I took her to an orthopedic where they said she may have a impingement. Then I took her to a podiatrist where they diagnosed her with plantar fasciitis. Months went by and then she couldn’t walk. I took her to the ER where they thought it was her ovaries. They found nothing. They gave her a shot of Toradol which helped her for a few months. Back to the ER they told me she may have arthitis so I took her. Test came back negative. A few months later, back to the ER where they did an MRI they saw fluid on her hip bone they can’t figure out why they said they saw some fraying on her labrum. Off to the orthopedic surgeon to be diagnosed with sacroiliac joint inflammation. She got a cortisone shot for the pain which did not help and her pain was worse. She had to take a leave of absence from College because she can’t sit, stand or sleep without pain. Something in my gut said it was the Gardisil. People tell me no that it has nothing to do with the shot because there are so many others that got the shot with no side effects. She was back in the ER with an extensive blood workup. The doctors said things were fine but when I look at the High and Low on some of the test I know she has been effected by the shot. I have a friend who is a holistic counsel and she said my daughter can be healed by detoxing out her kidneys for all the chemicals that where shot into her. I am so sad for her because of my decision thinking I was doing the right thing now she has to pay the price for my lack of knowledge. Her friends mother was over last night and she was telling me her daughter was having joint pain and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and I asked if the daughter had gotten the Gardisil shot and she said yes. Her daughter is now seeing a biochemical nutritionist and they did blood workup too and is now on a heavy duty vitamin, organic regime to start healing. If you are undecided about getting your daughter this shot DON’T do it ~ to see my child laying there in pain and not able to walk is heart breaking. The guilt I have is so overwhelming but I thought as a parent I was protecting my daughter I did not go out intentionally to hurt her. I pray to God everyday to take away her pain to give it to me instead. I will start with a detox regime for her so that hopeful a miracle will happen. God Bless all of you and your sweet little girls.
Vickie Heather says
OMG! I cannot even take this. I did not want this for my daughter, but she is almost 18 and wanted it. We have had the 1st shot and are having symptoms. I looked for info on line and found your article. I am Sooo Sorry this happened to your Beautiful Baby. I am also freaking out about My baby now. She has not had the 2nd shot and Will Not! I can only hope it runs it’s course with no more injury. Thank you so much for sharing your journey through this nightmare. Sending Love and Prayers.
Beatrice says
I just found this form. My pediatrician keeps pressing me to have both my girls vaccinated. I am trying to gather as much information to give the Dr as to why I refuse to have them vaccinated. I heard that in the state if RI that they are going to make it mandatory.I live in Ma and so far it is not mandatory. Bless all of your children who are working so hard to get well.