…Regret by Kim Robinson, Red Hill, Pennsylvania
By all accounts, our daughter was normal before receiving the HPV vaccine. Katie performed very well in school. She was conscientious, hard-working and took pride in getting good grades. She loved dancing having taken dance classes since she was 3 years old. Katie always danced and twirled throughout our home and anywhere else she happened to be. When Katie was 10, she joined cheerleading and became involved in competition cheerleading. She was very active, taking four hours of dance class every week plus spending many more hours practicing with her competition cheer team. Katie was healthy and vibrant.
We were very diligent with our children’s health. We never missed an annual check-up and we also followed the pediatrician’s recommended vaccine schedule including annual flu shots. Our pediatrician recommended the Gardasil vaccine. The Gardasil vaccine was heavily advertised on TV. We read the vaccine Disclosure. It said that the vaccine should not be given to those with HIV. Katie did not have HIV so we signed the Consent.
On September 2, 2010 at the age of 11, Katie received the first Gardasil vaccine. Katie’s first day of middle school was September 7, 2010. Initially, we believed that her fatigue and headaches were being caused by having to get up much earlier in the morning for middle school. However, she never adjusted to the new schedule and soon her symptoms began exploding. Katie would often tell us “I don’t know what’s wrong, I just don’t feel good.” She began sleeping a lot – over 12 hours a day and even more on the weekends, which would allow her gather enough energy to go to school a few days before she crashed again. She missed days at school, dance lessons and cheer practices. Soon her illness was visible on the outside too. Katie didn’t look good – constant dark circles under her eyes, her skin color was ashen and she appeared listless.
To us, it seemed that her symptoms must be related to the Gardasil vaccine. Katie’s earliest symptoms began after receiving this vaccine. We searched the internet but only found vague information – nothing that matched our daughter’s symptoms. We asked Katie’s pediatrician and other specialists if the Gardasil vaccine could be related to her symptoms but our inquiries were quickly dismissed as not having any correlation to her illness. Katie’s earliest symptoms were a constant headache or migraine that did not respond to pain relievers, stabbing 24/7 bilateral ear pain, fatigue not relieved by sleep, abdominal pain, nausea and joint pain. We called and visited her pediatrician repeatedly. We began taking Katie to specialists including Neurologists, ENT’s, GI, and an OBGYN and made several visits to the Emergency Room. Katie also received many blood tests, CAT scans and an MRI. Nothing any of the doctors did relieved Katie’s symptoms. As a matter of fact, the drugs prescribed to alleviate her symptoms only made her feel worse. Our pediatrician and other doctors involved with Katie’s care began suggesting that her illness was psychosomatic and recommended that we take her to a psychologist. We soon found that we were on our own, dealing with a medical issue we did not understand but trying desperately to help our daughter.
When searching the internet with Katie’s symptoms, Lyme disease would always come up as the search result. In addition to asking all of Katie’s doctors if the Gardasil vaccine was the cause of Katie’s illness, we also began asking if Lyme disease could be the culprit. In October 2010, Katie was first tested for Lyme disease. The results were negative as were two later rounds of testing. We read on the internet that ELISA and Western Blot tests for Lyme disease are unreliable and that many people who actually had Lyme disease tested negative. Since this information is all over the internet, we thought it was common knowledge to doctors as well. Instead, we were emphatically told by doctor after doctor that this was not true, that the testing for Lyme disease is highly reliable and that there was no way Katie had Lyme disease. In April 2011, Katie could no longer go to school or participate in dance or cheerleading – the pain and fatigue was all consuming. Nothing any of the doctors did provided any relief yet every doctor refused to consider Lyme disease or that the Gardasil vaccine was related to her illness.
Katie’s list of symptoms included the following: 24/7 headaches and migraines, 24/7 stabbing ear pain, hyperacusis, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, all over joint pain, constant sore throat, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, cognitive issues such as memory and severe comprehension problems, random numbness and tingling, weird “bug crawling” skin sensations, generalized weakness throughout her body (it was difficult for Katie to just sit in the shower to bathe), dizziness, fainting and heart palpitations. She slept long hours and stayed in her bedroom shielding herself from the noise of everyday living.
In May, we requested testing through a lab specializing in tick-borne disease testing. Katie’s pediatrician reluctantly signed the lab Requisition Form. This time the test results showed that Katie was highly positive for Bartonella Henselae, a tick-borne disease also known as a co-infection to Lyme disease. She was also highly positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia and the testing showed that her immune system was struggling. Katie’s Western Blot for Lyme disease was negative.
We took those results with us to a long awaited CHOP Diagnostic Center appointment (think the “Dr. House” of the Children’s Hospital) and also to her CHOP Neurologist. Katie even had the classic Bartonella rash (looks like purple and red stretch marks) surrounding her breasts and hips which is confirmation of an active Bartonella infection. Both doctors told us that these test results only showed that Katie was “exposed” to Bartonella – it did not mean she had an active infection. Both came to the same conclusion that her Bartonella rash was actually just stretch marks. That was particularly hard for us to believe. Katie was muscular and lean from years of dance and cheer.
Neither doctor was concerned about her blazing Mycoplasma Pneumonia infection nor was the fact that the testing showed her immune system impaired. Instead, CHOP Diagnostic Center diagnosed Katie with the beginning stages of Dysautonomia (a malfunctioning automatic nervous system). We were told that there was no cure and that symptoms were managed with medications. The CHOP Neurologist wasn’t in agreement with CHOP Diagnostic Center; instead she stuck to her prior diagnosis – Chronic Migraine Disorder with Chronic Ear Pain Neuralgia. The Neurologist recommended that we continue with the same treatment of 20 pills a day even though it did absolutely nothing for Katie other than increase her nausea and head pain. We felt utter disbelief, despair and anger.
We found our way to a local support group for those suffering with tick-borne diseases, which provided recommendations to LLMD’s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctors). Katie’s first appointment with an LLMD was in June 2011. This physician spent an hour reviewing blood tests and other medical reports we collected and asked a lot of questions that had never been asked before. He clinically diagnosed Katie with Lyme disease and agreed with the test results that reported active infections with Bartonella Henselae and Mycoplasma Pneumonia. He told us that Katie was very sick. Ironically, upon hearing that news we felt utter relief. This was the first doctor, since Katie’s illness began over nine months before that acknowledged she was ill. Since that time, Katie was diagnosed with chronic Strep, HHV6, hypo-coagulation, susceptibility to bio-toxin illness (mold and environmental sensitivities) and has acquired autoimmune thyroid disease.
It has been three and a half years since Katie received the Gardasil vaccine and she still remains chronically ill. She was unable to attend school in 7th and 8th grades. This year, Katie decided to repeat 8th grade again rather than begin high school still sick. Katie has an IEP plan in school which reduces her daily schedule to three core classes only. Unfortunately, Katie is still too sick to attend school with any regularity. Most days, a teacher comes to our home to review the lessons she missed at school. Some days, Katie’s pain levels are too high so that she can’t even tolerate home tutoring. Although she longs to get back to dancing again, she spends most days in her room sleeping or resting and trying to cope with chronic pain. At 14 years old, Katie’s life closely resembles a sick elderly person instead of an active vibrant teenager she should be.
After Katie was finally diagnosed with tick-borne diseases, we put our initial suspicion about the Gardasil vaccine aside. Since the treatment of tick-borne diseases is considered emerging medicine, I am always combing the internet for new information on tick-borne diseases, the latest research or treatments. To our utter disbelief, I came across an article reporting that the Gardasil vaccine can activate a latent Bartonella infection that was otherwise being suppressed by a properly functioning immune system prior to vaccination. We now believe our earliest suspicion was correct.
We found many stories about devastating health changes post-vaccine. These stories are eerily familiar to our daughter’s. The Gardasil vaccine is known to activate latent infections and viruses, such as Epstein Barr and Bartonella. The Gardasil vaccine deregulates the immune system and that allows latent infections and viruses, which were kept in check pre-vaccine by a then properly functioning immune system, to activate post-vaccine. Now, there is evidence that the HPV vaccine is linked to the onset of autoimmune diseases.
We recently consulted Katie’s LLMD and also her Primary Care Physician, who reviewed Katie’s vaccine log and extensive medical records. Both agree that Katie’s immune system was injured by the Gardasil vaccine and that it was the catalyst to her cascading health problems and chronic illness. Katie’s LLMD is now treating her for a vaccine injury in addition to treating multiple tick-borne diseases, other infections/viruses and autoimmune thyroid disease.
At this point, we are totally outside our insurance company and most everything is out-of-pocket. The overall expense of Katie’s illness greatly outpaces our income so many expenses are put on credit cards. But the biggest cost by far is the toll that the Gardasil vaccine has taken on our daughter’s health and well-being. We wonder if she will ever be able to reclaim her health and get back to living a normal life free of pain.
We deeply regret consenting to the Gardasil vaccine. We had no idea of the severe side effects some experience post vaccine. Every day, we wish we had been more informed. Parents beware of blindly following your doctor’s recommended vaccine schedule. Do not rely or expect your doctor to know everything. You must do your own research and ask plenty of questions. Our family found out the hard way that it is possible for a vaccine to have lasting and devastating effects.
kristiragni says
Your story brings back so many of the same memories for me and my daughter! It makes me so upset that another girl is hurting like my daughter Lauren . I have been down your road almost every step of the way! Doctor visits after doctor visits and NO answers! We thought we were nuts! It was a long road and nothing and I mean nothing helped her. We had surgeries and IV anti-botic treatments for Lyme. The only thing that I can tell you is that over time, a long time (5 years) did I get my daughter back! She is now graduating from college after missing so much school. Please don’t waste any more money trying to find a cure, there isn’t one. Just TIME will rid her of the vaccine. It will slowly move out of her body and she will start to feel better. It is plain and simple and really hard to do …. but just love her back to good health. I promise it will come in time! Everyday you will see some glimmer of her old self shine through. You guys can do it! You both are In my thoughts and prayers 🙂
May-Britt says
Yes, there are just too many of these cases around. There is a very well know doctor called Dr. Klinghardt – he is originally German, but is based in the States. He is specialized in Lyme disease and I would highly recommend that you visit his web site. He has lots of amazing success. Maybe what has happened with the vaccine, due to the high level of toxins, it has made her Lyme full blown. You are welcome to visit me on my FB Page MBS LifeChoice, should you have any further questions about your daughters situation. My name is May-Britt Searty and I am a Naturopath. I wish you the best of luck.
Joan Didak says
Hello, Kristi.
Dr. K. is a dear friend of mine and my former doctor. I am the DAMS Coordinator for New Mexico, (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions). I was also vaccine injured as an adult. When I found out that he drinks ASEA, I decided to try it for myself. Little did I know that ASEA would do what no other detox protocol could and I was well within weeks, following decades of mercury toxicity illness. Following decades of debilitating illness, I am now well. Pardon the repetition, but it is sometimes hard to believe I have now been well for 18 months. I hear that Dr. K. now uses ASEA to clear heavy metals from his patients within weeks. If you would like to know more, I would like to send you my story and information on how you can obtain ASEA for your patients. This is what bioidentical ASEA does in the body: Here are testimonials. Take note of the one at 19:34-
Joan Didak, CHT
Feel free to answer me here or call me at (505)316-2315
Pat Kultgen says
Dr. K is excellent. I also “know” your story and would like to recommend something that helped me recover from mercury amalgam poisoning and my daughter recover from environmental poisoning. It is a machine that uses physics principles to stimulate cell function which helps the body detox and heal. I’ve worked with it for 16 years and can provide data and photos.
Bonnie Abernathy says
There are products that will cleanse your body cells. I can help if you’re interested.
Serge says
I would like to have more info. would you please let me know how to contact you
laevern says
Merck lost integrity….discounts claims…keeps on lieing
A highly authoritative agency has integrity…checks out and pulls drug off market to restudy
what wrong with the pharmaceutical agency’s
Archbishop Jim Humble says
Praying is good and I’m for it. but there are other things you can do. Thousands of children have been helped by MMS a mineral found many places on earth naturally and activated by a food acid such as vinegar. Web site or More than 20 million people have used MMS. There are more than 1400 trained minister of health in 110 countries treating people free and asking only for a donation. MMS is cheap. give it a try. Jim humble
Janalyne Roberts says
My daughter has all the same symptoms as yours. We have been in and out the the hospital for the last 8 weeks. We are at the point where the Dr’s are saying it’s all in her head. Take her to counseling. My daughter has constant head pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, unable to remember things she should know. We are so sad and searching for a cure.
Liza says
Omgosh my name is Liza and I just came across this article! I am horrified at what these children are going thru. I invite you to call me @ 702-701-1144. I may be able to help! Blessings
Kenny says
Hi Janalyne ,
We are now experiencing the same symptoms. My daughter had her first shot a little over a month ago. Any advice? How is your daughter doing? Hopefully better!
Julie Atlas says
I cannot figure out how to attach a comment without replying. Please look-up Manuka Honey. It must be Manuka Honey not another kind. It has cured MRSA for our family and stomach ulcers, both of which the doctors could not heal.
Amelia says
Hi Mrs. Robinson first of all I must say I’m so sorry for what daughter is going through, I have a daughter Madison who is 13, it was last year when she was 12 we got the first part of the Gardersil vaccine, an yes in-between then she has complained about headaches but she had that before, an she’s been tired all the time but I didn’t think nothing of it cause she never went to bed on time anyways. An Madison is very active in school, sports an is a Honor Roll student. Now lately she hasn’t complained about headaches an she still sleeps in due to summer I suppose, but thank you for sharing cause I’m most certainly having second thoughts on getting the second part done. I Pray for y’all an May God bring your a complete Healing on her body. God Bless
Sarashealth says
Do not risk your child’s health with any more Gardisil shots… don’t be pressured by your pediatrician. Say No… I repeatedly say know every time the pediatrician asks me. My daughter is 13. Scary toxic detrimental vaccine. Proven ineffective.
My heart and prayers for vibrant health to your daughter and all kids injured by this horrible vaccine.
Rhonda Bovia says
Hi. My name is Rhonda and have suffered with herniated disc psi and fibromyalgia since the 70’s. My story is very similar to Katie’s. I have found relief and have gotten my life back, pain free and are helping others. I can help Katie. Please have someone PM me on my fb. Rhonda Fried Bovia
Marlena says
Ok. So here we are in 2017. Three years later? How is she? To all who suffer from autoimmune deficiencies or difficulties, there are alternatives to modern western healthcare. Try something like Acupuncture or chelation therapy or cupping or talk therapy that might bring out another way to get rid of the imbalances in the body. These modalities can work. They increase the immune systems ability to fight infection. They provide an exit for the virus or bacteria. Talk to someone in these modalities who might be able to help. Acupuncture is not just for muscle tightness. It has a great potential to pull out external pathogens, no matter how they go in! Especially young growing people!
Any vaccine given while a body is already compromised can cause more damage. Be aware of your children’s nature. If they are a little off that day, reconsider either rescheduling or to decline. You have options.
Kim Bowman says
I want to start off by saying how sorry I am for Katie’s situation and illness. I am a 48 year old adult, but when I was 19 I began experiencing the EXACT symptoms you describe. Debilitating fatigue, 24 an hour migraine, sore throat, ear pain with random loud ringing, flu like feeling, joint pain, the sensation that bugs were crawling on me(I learned years later this was a phantom itch- the skin is the largest organ of the boys st and its reacting to the autoimmune attack on the body, constant urination, IBS. Chronic cognitive fog and thyroid failure. I share these symptoms only bc they are so similar to Katie’s. My experience began about 30 years ago..fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue were considered to be psychosomatic..all in your head. I was diagnosed with depression..I was a lot like Katie before getting sick…happy, extremely active in sports and very social! Long story short I got a virus that compromised my immune system. I wanted to extend hope. 30 years later I live an almost normal life. Almost. If you ever want to talk about my medical journey with this in hopes of helping Katie I’m open to doing that. If I could help in any way spare her years of extreme symptoms that I experienced. There is hope through medications and treatments available today. My prayers go out to Katie today!!!
Kimberly says
My husband is suffering this. What virus was it?
Kenny says
My daughter received her 1st shot a little over 1 month ago and are now experiencing the same things. Any advice guidance?
Cary says
Praying for your inured kids. Implement the Root Cause protocol by Morley Robbins. It is a gentle detox to bring balance. You can download the protocol for free in the link below
rn4naet says
You can reverse vaccines, see an NAET practitioner. Go to I do it and see great healing, the sooner the better, tho. Vickie
Karen says
Please look into nutritional response testing. It can heal your daughter’s immune system and heal all of her symptoms. I had, thyroid and adrenal problems, anxiety, female problems, constant headaches, extreme fatigue ( I barely had the energy to take my dog for a walk) arthritis in my knee. I been healed from all symptoms and now I work out 6 days a week and no longer suffer from all these health problems. I have gotten my life back.
Here is information on NRT.
Here is how to find a doctor in your area.
Please know that you and your family are in my prayers.
Michelle says
We see an NAET practitioner. I agree–their method will help alleviate reactions to vaccines. Highly recommend that you see one!
Sgmurf58 says
You just told my son’s story. 6th grader in 1999. Same symptoms. Lost a year of his life. Struggled to adulthood. 1 year after getting married @ age 22 complete physical collapse. Told he was depressed. Found Lyme literate doctor. Lyme obliterated his thyroid. 1,000s of dollars and 4 years later with antibiotics and supplements he is living a healthy life. What happened in 6th grade? I now know after reading your story. The catalyst for his disease? A school required Hepatitis vaccine! Your daughter will be whole again. Get a GOOD Lyme literate doctor!
John Helfrick says
I would love to talk to more people about these symptoms and problems with your children. I have a 13 yr old boy who for 1.5yrs now has not been able to get out of bed due to severe headaches, ears ringing, stomach pain and back pain. We have been to almost every kind of doctor there is. We live in Atlanta and have been to CHOA several times. They say its in his head!!! I wish they could experience what he does for a week and see if they say the same thing. If anyone has anything to share with me on my son’s symptoms please email me at My son has gone from being a super active kid who played baseball and basketball to a kid who cries from the pain when he has to get out of bed. I am open to suggestions!!!
Cherl Delgado says
My son is having exactly the same things!!!! 9m now– one day he just work up a changed young man. 6 hospital stays, exploratory abdomen surgery, an appendectomy. Several Cat Scans, labwork so many times!! In the hospital again right how for the second time in a week as I write this. This time they sent the psychologist in and tried to say he is making himself sick. But some of his results can’t be “psychologically explained!! 2 lumbar puncture spinal taps both with increasing spinal fluid pressure and rising protein levels. Extreme neurological symptoms localized only to the left side of his face, arm and leg. Diagnosis has gone from appendix, to GI, to emotional. Now pseudo tumor causing 6th nerve palsy issues. As a mother I know there is something!!! My young, vibrant, healthy, honor student, star athlete doesn’t want to be like this. Constant fatigue, massive left sided headache, tingling, dizziness, nausea, ringing ears, mood swings. Anyone who is willing or able to share their story or thoughts PLEASE PLEASE do @
Sandra says
I have Epstein Barr. Many of the same symptom. When I saw the connection in Katie’s story. I am thinking the vaccine may comprise the immune system to allow multiple virus which can be devastating. But only controlled holistically.
EA. Early antibody
Na. Nuclear Antibody
When they say past exposure they are referring to antibodies which are the shedding of the dead cells and remain toxic!!!
We also have Cytomegalovirus
Both are controlled.
Cindy Ortiz says
My 11 year old has been to countless doctors since November 2016. It started 1 week after being given the flu shot. He has chronic pain throughout his body, headaches, ringing in ears, GI issues and has not been able to use his right hand since March. There is so little out there and my pediatrician is a moron. My once annoyingly active little boy now spends his days sleeping and miserable.
Andriana says
My son went off to college at the age of 20. It was mandatory for him to get the hpv/guardasil and maningicocal shots to live on campus. He slowly deteriorated with involuntary facial movement, cognitive decline, was unable to drive, he experienced auditory hallucinations, severe anxiety, anger outbursts… The works. Psychiatrist told us that he was going towards prodrome psychosis. One psychiatrist kept insisting that I increase his prescribed medicine. My gut told me otherwise. I went alternative and have not regretted this. Doctor told me in his presence he would commit him if it weren’t for me. Today I am happy to say he is 29 and without the crazy symptoms. It’s been a ride. But what’s a parent to do when your child’s been poisoned and no one is taking responsibility. Am I to give him more drugs from the makers that poisoned him?? Not for us.
I believe I can help u sort this out.
Ritu says
Andriana — can we connect?
Can you recommend what protocol you followed?
Yazmin says
Did you ever connect with Adriana?
Yazmin says
Can I ask you please what type of holistic doctor you went to for your son? Please?
padvani says
Igenex is the lab that I use in my practice to test for Lymes disease. Many of the standard tests aren’t accurate and I use this lab because it specializes in testing for Lymes disease. The best place to get it treated is the Sierra Integrative Institute in Reno,NV. Doctors will generally give antibiotics for this and it doesn’t always work because the Lymes hides in the tissues. Seriously, send your daughter there and she may have a better chance to get well. This is where I send my patients and they get amazing results!! And I have had seriously impacted patients. This Institute uses different protocols to clean the blood and actually gets rid of the disease.
RaiderFan1970 says
Question – I was looking at the Igenex website. Do you test just the urine samples, or do you send the CSF as well? My daughter had to have a tick head removed from her scalp when she was about 3. In the last year or so (she is 14 now) she has had issues with a single swollen joint (a knee which had to be drained), an episode of Belle’s Palsy, and complains of lethargy (thought maybe it was just a teen thing). All of these are “sometimes” associated with Lyme Disease (based on internet research). Of course I am usually suspicious of anything I read on the internet and always take it with a grain of salt. Past tests for Lyme Disease have come back negative, but I do not know which lab was used.
krobinson says
Thank you everyone for your interest and feedback. It means a lot to us and we are very open to all suggestions. Over the last 3 years, we have actively pursued treatment with two well-known and respected (by their LLMD peers) LLMD’s. Initially, Katie makes good progress but then she plateaus and starts to fall back again. It is hard for her to have hope anymore, which is devastating for a parent to see in their child. We believe the vaccine injury is holding Katie back from progressing with any treatment so we have turned our attention to addressing the vaccine injury itself. Recently, Katie may have started to make some progress again — only time will tell. We are thankful to everyone at Sanevax for their support, dedication to spreading the word to others in an effort to protect as many other girls and boys as possible from becoming future victims of HPV vaccines and for helping those that have already succumbed to chronic illness post-HPV vaccine.
Shari Frontz says
A very well written story about your daughter and the effects of the Gardasil vaccine. Your story is similar to ours. We dealt with this in 2008-2009 when everyone medical believed the vaccine was safe. We to went to countless doctors and had numerous tests done. Everything always came back normal. I couldn’t find anyone to believe it could be vaccine related. We tried every diet, vitamin, and numerous medications; nothing worked. Her main problem manifested to the GI tract and intractable diarrhea and abdominal pain. Eventually we traveled to Cleveland Clinic and found help.
My daughter today still suffers from the effects but with each year that passes she continues to improve. Today she still takes a GI medication for inflammation and watches gluten intake and fructose. After being gluten free for 2.5 years she was finally able to reintroduce wheat in limited quanities with no ill effects. Yes she still gets tired and has the headaches. And yes she catches every virus and cold. Emergent Vit C is taken daily and helps her immune system. Today my daughter is healthy enough to exercise, run, and work full time. She qualified for Boston Marathon this year and our family will be there in April to cheer her on! I hope in time your daughter improves and the effects from Gardasil disappear do she can enjoy a normal life.
Teri says
Hi Shari and Everyone who is posting on this article. I’m hoping I can find information in all of these posts as well as Kim’s original article to help my daughter. She had the Gardasil vaccine last January, May and this past Fall. Maybe that’s why her chronic abdominal pain has not gotten better. Alex had the H1N1 Live Nasal Mist back when everyone was freaking out about it. I felt that I was protecting my family by having everyone get the mist. This was back when Alex was in 2nd grade (8 years old). Shortly after getting the mist in November she starting having tummy aches and they kept getting worse and worse to the point where she was missing a ton of school. After every test imaginable through the Cleveland Clinic she was diagnosed with IBS, fructose and lactose intolerance. The problem was that altering her diet didn’t seem to help. That summer she started getting better and she had a good year in 3rd grade. But the next winter in 4th grade it started up again. After repeating all the test again and going to the Center for Integrative Medicine they said dairy and gluten intolerance. Diet modifications didn’t help again. Finally over the summer she started getting better and had a good year in 5th grade. Then came 6th grade. A ridiculous amount of stress in October seemed to trigger migraines and headaches that eventually went away but then her abdominal pain started back up. Here we are, 1 1/2 years later and she is not better. Constant, chronic abdominal pain every day. We are home schooling 7th grade and praying that she will come out of it. Ironically she had the Gardasil vaccines last year. Could this be why she was not able to recover over the summer? I am desperate to find some kind of help for her, but the clinic was a dead end. I’ve only seen the GI department tho. I’m writing down all the info in these posts to see if there is someone around here (we are west of Cleveland) can help her. ANY comments and suggestions would be so appreciated. Teri Gannon
Kim Robinson says
Hi Teri,
I’m so sorry that your daughter has been suffering. Once we figured out the Gardasil vaccine injury we realized that Katie had a genetic weakness for removing toxins. This likely played a part in her vaccine injury. You may want to get copies of your daughter’s vaccine records and her doctor’s records and see if there is a pattern of her getting sick (or worsening) after vaccination. It doesn’t have to be a reaction within a few days. Many of the injured find that their symptoms pick up in intensity several months after the vaccine. Hopefully the ladies at Sanevax contacted you after your post. I know that they try to reach out to everyone who comments on articles. They were a terrific resource to our family and the lifeline we so desperately needed!
Nancy Larkins says
Briefly, our family too has suffered a variety of long term illnesses. Who knows what all the causes or precursors were? Though warning others of pitfalls is useful, thank you! The “how we got here” doesn’t concern me as much as getting well and being able to function in life. It’s astonishing the seeming short gap between health and unabated illness and how quickly one can move back and forth between the two.
If you haven’t explored methylation issues that probably would also assist your Katie in her recovery. It uses supplements to appropriately speed up basic chemical processes that should be happening in our bodies over a billion times a second. I have progressed tremendously with Lyme and a variety of other treatments for infections and weaknesses. Last summer I made another massive step of improvement with beginning treatment for methylation issues. There is information on the internet about this. The challenge is finding the subject explained it in a way you understand enough you can get the help you need. I finally spent several days almost a year ago and just now 2+ weeks reading and reading and comparing a variety of professionals’ materials to get enough of a handle on it I was able to write an introduction to the topic. Actually, what I wrote is an embellishment of a transcript I made of a recent radio program by Ben Lynch, ND. I thought he did very well with what he said; I added information where his seemed to leave too many gaps or questions. In part, his time was just too short to cover all the basics. I am sending this to several of my family and friends that have been pestering me for years to tackle some nutrition issues and then explain it to them. My dietetic background does help.
If this “transcript” might be helpful to you, let me know. I’m happy to share it as soon as I can figure out how to transmit it.
Will pray for His healing hands of mercy for all of your family,
Nancy Larkins
Katie Duffy says
Kim, as I started to read your article about your daughter I immediately thought “Lyme Disease” before you mentioned it. I fought Lyme for 5 years, and her story sounded sadly familiar. I went through 2 years of being told I was crazy by Western Docs into 3 years of treatment from LLMD’s. I know you probably get bombarded with information, but I have some I would like to share with you. Please feel free to contact me. As a last ditch effort before submitting to life long antibiotic treatment, I decided to give a homeopathic doctor I had heard so much about a try. It changed my life. Please reach out if you like. Praying for Katie and your family!
monica terranova says
Dear Kim.. Im so glad to hear Katie is getting better, im in the same situation. After Gardasil i got Lyme and Hashimotos, and i dont know what to do.. I Live in Denmark, and have talked to a LLMD in Germany, but i think it is important to treat the gardasil damage´, or else lyme treatment wont Work. Im getting more and more ill very day, and am so afraid to Loose my Health compltely..
I Would be so happy if you could contact me.
Prenisha James says
Dear Katie Duff,
I hope I’m not too late to receive a response from you on this but I am 21 years old and my mother like most thought that i was suppose to get the gardasil shot and i ended up getting all three shots. Shortly after receiving the third I spent 4 days with a pounding headache no medicine would touch then later being diagnosed with viral meningitis at age 14. The doctors at CHOP diagnosed me with mostly physical symptoms because there was no sign of too much fluid in my spine like most cases. I since then have been diagnosed with chronic daily headaches with no cure and also abdominal pain. I’ve had numbness and tingling and never a doctor who knew enough to say gardasil had anything to do with it. My mother is heartbroken that she has given me such a thing but we do also see a homeopathic doctor as well in which he was trying to detox me and told me on multiple occasions that I am close to having thyroid cancer which i have never heard from anyone else. The fatigue and pain is something I have worked so hard to incorporate in my everyday life that I’ve been so close to thyroid cancer with no idea. I see people saying eventually it will rid but like I said here I am now at 21 suffering from headaches and abdominal pain every single day and probably destroying other parts of my body by taking way too many medicines to get any kind of relief. Do you know what medicines your homeopathic doctor gave her? I would really like to suggest it to mine and no longer have to live this way. Thanks so much.
Julie says
Hi Kim,
I highly recommend looking into giving your daughter Shacro, as it will not only eliminate the Lymes Disease, it will heal her injury from the vaccine and improve her immune system. You can find more information about it at I have done some research on Sharco and I have not come across any negative reviews. The testimonies are amazing! You can find it all on that website. Here is a link to an email from a doctor who used it and some medical records he has attached: You will see one of the patient’s had borrelia and other pathogenic agents that were all absent after about two and a half months from taking it. I really hope this helps your daughter, Katie, with total health restoration.
Kim P. says
Kim — I noticed the chronic strep diagnosis — PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look up Beth Alison Maloney’s website (her book, Saving Sammy, is essential reading about the dangers of chronic strep and PANDAS):
Beth is not only the parent of a child (Sammy) who suffers from chronic strep, but also an attorney and legal advocate for children who have been injured by medical interventions, misdiagnosis, etc. She is a plethora of information, but particularly with STREP & PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep). I can’t urge you strongly enough to connect with Beth – either via her website or facebook page: Chronic Strep is responsible for a multitude of autoimmune disorders. There IS treatment — but it is difficult to find doctors who are informed providers. PLEASE contact Beth!
Vicki Owen says
I have read your daughter’s story with great interest as my 60 year old brother just recently was diagnosed with Lyme’s and we question that Prednisone may have been a catalyst in bringing on dormant symptoms of the tick bite that was gotten months prior to the symptoms appearing as well as the diagnosis!
The symptoms of fatigue, joint pain, neuropathy, anxiety, and personality changes has been debilitating!
The antibiotics (2 weeks now) are helping and we are hoping that the symptoms are reversible but are concerned because of how long it took for the diagnosis! It still seems to me (and I am a nurse) that it wasn’t just a coincidence that my brother became so sick right after the Prednisone!
Janie says
Check out Dr. Katinka at The Neurological Relief Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She is healing my mother-in-law right now who has been suffering for 9 years! There is a young man who had Lyme disease and she helped him get his active lifestyle back! She is honestly a lifesaver for my family right now!
Teri says
Shari, I forgot to ask what medication is your daughter taking?
Kim Robinson says
Hello Shari Frontz,
Thank you for reaching out and affirming that there is life after HPV vaccine injury. Your daughter is an inspiration and I wish her luck and the Boston Marathon!
Kate says
Kim…. This exact same thing happened to my Hannah… Exactly- it’s so scary. Thank you for helping me to not feel “crazy”
Suzanne says
Hello Kim:
PLEASE go to My children have been sick with similar symptoms for almost two years. Your story is so similar to ours. It’s so sad when doctors don’t believe a child who is suffering in every possible way. They are feeling sicker than we can imagine, have lost their quality of life and are feeling hopeless and then, doctor after doctor, tells them it’s all in their head. We know our children and refuse to accept that diagnosis. Kim, my children both have a SPECIFIC HLA TYPE that is found in 25% of the population. Foreign antigens (substances) stay in their bodies causing the immune system to constantly fight back. This causes so much inflammation in their bodies that it leads to Chronic Illness and the many symptoms similar to your daughters. It is an innate immune response and many doctors don’t order the necessary labs to identify this. Perhaps Katie has one of these HLA-DR genes and the vaccine was toxic to her. She may need help removing it from her system since her body is unable to do so on it’s own. The website explains Biotoxin Illness as well as Lyme. Many people are susceptible to both. Please take time to read whatever you can about this. I have never written or commented on anything on the internet but I felt compelled to tell you about this. Hoping it will help your beautiful daughter. Thanks to our family has hope and a real diagnosis.
Kim Robinson says
You are correct too! Katie developed a severe sensitivity to mold because of the genetic weakness you describe — she is a member of the unlucky 25%. The Gardasil vaccine is a yeast based vaccine and yeast is in the fungal kingdom so anyone with a mold allergy or sensitivity should not get the Gardasil vaccine — although this is not in the manufacturers warning! Katie has developed distinct symptoms when exposed to moldy environment so the good news is that she can recognize the problem and remove herself very quickly. The last exposure in her high school cost her a 6 month relapse! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to our family and I wish you best of luck keeping your own children healthy and vibrant!
Jillene says
Dear Kim and Katie,
The body is intelligent and can also heal, thats what my mom taught me, she’s been a health advisor and healer since 40 years.
I’m not sure if you want to try monolaurin or olive leaf extract which both have anti-viral properties…
I don’t have Katie’s problem, but suffer from other issues (intestinal parasites which destroy immune system etc) which make me exhausted, weak, and susceptible to viruses and illnesses.
Sugar elimination will help Katies immune system immensely (you can google that one!). And a healthy diet of greens and other veggies, non gluten grains and easy to digest proteins (fish, chicken, eggs, beans if vegetarian, but no nuts) can also help immensely. And of course, apples.
I’m 62 yrs old, and 27 yrs ago, I really thought I was dying. I’ve never been the same since, but manage to have a decent life through trial and error, and learning what helps me most.
I wish you all the best.
Cynthia Castro says
I am so sorry your daughter had to go through this. Unfortunately, there are some doctors who just go by the book without really researching their patient’s history. Where are you located? I would recommend for her to see an herbalist (nature sunshine products) Amazing brand. It does take a couple of months for the body to restart itself however the results are amazing. It’s not easy though… She will also have to change her diet completely… I would recommend a series of colonics as well to flush all those chemicals that are in her body. I would also research Doterra… And maybe a juice fast as well And she must see a good chiropractor ( the alignment of the body is very important everything is linked up to one another) God Bless! If you need a good herbalist let me know I’m in NJ. This woman saved my life.
Heather says
I’m so very sorry your daughter and family are going through this. I’m sure that you have already read so much that your eyes want to fall out of your head. If you are back reading here again it probably means that your daughter is cycling through her symptoms again (or that this thing sends notifications when you get replies!)
I’m not a dr but I have spent enough hours researching Lyme and its coinfections and complications that I could have had a few more degrees had I spent the time in a classroom instead. Please read about what I found for myself and just keep it as an extra piece of info for your Lyme toolbox – something to try if things get bad again or just try it.
Anyone dealing with Lyme (I’m saying Lyme but also mean any of the co-infections) that is not caught right away has a rough road and has to do a lot of their own research. Igenex seems to be the right lab to get more accurate results for Lyme testing.
I’m certain that you have found a lot of the same things that I have myself with my own internet searches over the past 4 years. But in case you were side tracked by the vaccine component and haven’t found all of the same things, I’m willing to spend some of my Saturday night typing to a stranger who may never even see this on the off chance that I might be able to help your daughter feel better.
There are a lot of people out there looking to gain from our desperation and fear. We would almost try anything if there was a possibility of it working. The ” if it sounds too good to be true then it isn’t ” seems to apply here.
These are the things that have been true for me. In no particular order and without any rough draft. So please forgive any randomness.
Eating according to an anti- inflammatory diet isn’t easy but always makes me feel somewhat better to really good no matter how bad my symptoms are. Basically cutting out sugar (unless it is in fruit or occurs naturally in a whole food), wheat, corn, dairy, soy, caffeine, and alcohol (that one shouldn’t be an issue for your sweetie), eating a lot of greans, drinking a lot of water, and making yourself do some sort of low impact exercise 30 minutes at least 3x per week (recumbent bike saved me – the worse your joints feel more important it is to do it. I’d find a tv show that interested me and only watch if I was on the bike, it helps the 30 minutes go by.) I found it easier to follow a particular diet with an iPhone app that would remind me what to eat, when, and counted down my water intake to make sure I had enough.
This type of eating starves the bacteria that the antibiotics were not able to kill. These little bugs in her system have a life cycle. The more time it goes untreated the more they built up in the host’s system. The getting better and getting worse seems to have a correlation to the life cycle of the bacteria in the person’s system and the type of diet (how much available food there is for them). This bacteria wants sugar & makes us crave it. Also when im not feeling well i tend to go for the high carb, sugary stuff. It’s faster and if I have to force myself to eat something it’s easier if it is one of my comfort foods. Unfortunately those are either sugary or its one of the types of foods that our bodies turn to sugar quickly so it ends up feeding the very guys I’m looking to kill.
If I’m on antibiotics and want to line my stomach so it doesn’t make me feel more sick, I take the meds with a probiotic Kiefer (I like strawberry but blueberry is good – there are a few different good brands out there – none that I’ve tried stand out as disgusting or warrant a warning not no buy them – but I only use this if I’m feeling too sick to manage making an anti-inflammatory meal for myself (your daughter is lucky because she has someone who can help put together her meals. When things get bad just trying to scrape something together to eat can feel like too big of a job. Oh forget any of the special favors like gingerbread – it’s sounds tempting but it’s just disgusting – the regular fruits are a safer bet with the Kiefer!)
The other things to consider are biofilm. The bacteria sets up a colony inside with a film that can shield it from antibiotics. There are a few suppliments that help to dissolve biofilm & I personally think that in combination with the antibiotic and a probiotic (because tons of antibiotics will kill off too much of your good bacteria & then yeast can run wild in your system – if you let it go you can end up with a lot of the same symptoms you can get from the Lyme co-infections. Which could land you on more antibiotics which makes the yeast problem even worse. Yes, the fun just keeps coming) There is a blood test for systemic yeast infection that should be able to rule this out as a complication for you. But even if your daughter doesn’t have one, she isn’t going to want to develop one either so keeping up with a good probiotic in capsule form is still a good idea.
Never take a biofilm dissolving supplement without being on the antibiotic. When the biofilm is attacked, it will get the bacteria mad. If you are going through this your natural immune system is too exhausted to fight the bacteria that’s been kicked out of its snuggly biofilm comforter & bed. Don’t wake it up & let it go crazy, wake it up so its out of hiding and kill it.
The ear pain/pressure and pain in the back of the neck and the migraine like symptoms plus knee swelling/pain are her red flag that the buggies are cycling again & she needs to either get them snugged back in bed by starving them or try to kill all of them with the combination of all 5 types of meds and complimentary treatments. (Antibiotic, probiotic, biofilm dissolving supplements, no sugar diet, and exercise)
Odd tip, high temps can kill some of the bacteria also so if she has access to a steam room ( health club or even spa visit) this can be part of her maintenance program.
Also it’s tempting to go crazy with caffeine when you are feeling so tired but when this is the cause of the fatigue, the caffeine does more harm than good and can actually make you feel more tired.
I’m not pushing any brands, you can look up the things I’ve talked about and select brands for yourself. I’m glad to tell you what I’ve used if you are interested.
I hope your daughter soon has more good days than bad. I’m sorry you are all going through this. It really is a big deal. The lack of support while these cases increase in number is unbelievable.
Please tell your daughter that it’s ok to give up every so often & recharge (skip exercise & kale for some ice cream) as long as you go back and pick up the fight again. It’s hard to do all of this but if your breaks are too long you can end up feeling even worse.
I don’t want to say best of luck because it sounds insubstantial or just not enough.
Keep pushing ahead. It will get better. It may then get worse again but if you keep pushing and doing what is good for your body, the amount of time that you are good should be greater than the amount of time that you are not.
I’m sorry this happened.
Melissa says
Heather, I have been seeing a lyme literate medical doctor for 5 months now after months of undiagnosed visits to doctors, hospitals, neurologists, etc. I was just made aware through my facebook today about this Gardasil vaccine and the damage it can do. I looked up my records and saw that I received this vaccine back in 2010, 2011, and 2012. I am still learning so much about the lyme disease and co infections, and your comment is giving me a sense of hope at getting better. I have never once blogged or posted about anything, but this is a disease that I wouldnt wish upon my worst enemy. I feel so passionate about this, and would love to get more information from you if that is at all possible. I am a 24 year old female that had to return home from grad school to have my mom help take care of me while I am receiving treatment. Anything I can do to help myself get better I would love to hear more about. Thank you for your post!
Andrea says
Have you tried a gluten free diet? My neighbor was in the same category as your daughter , a specialist in NY recommended GF, and she’s been feeling so much better.
Tracey Rowe says
My son also had a similar story with regard to getting a LYME diagnosis, although he didnt have guardasil vac Im now wondering if his illness coincide with another vaccination, but after 3 years of struggling with all the classic symptoms he went gluten free and the difference has been so dramatic. I agree a clean diet can help the immune system and I was told that LYMES feeds on sugar also, he always had such an upset digestive system but since eating healthier his disease has been much better, only a few days this year he has suffered, co-incidently when the cold weather set in.
Kim Robinson says
Hi Tracey
Many of the injured also develop food sensitivities too. The damage to the immune system has it reacting to things it never reacted to before the vaccine injury. We do limit sugar as well because it increases inflammation levels. Katie reacts to gluten, citric acid, processed corn and beef — all of which had to be removed from her diet as a part of her healing. Thank you for reaching out to our family!
Lillian Hurtado says
Kim Robinson I am so sorry what happened to your daughter. This really breaks my heart! Thank you for sharing your story. My daughter is 11 years old and her doctors and people swear that this vaccine is a must. I myself truly felt that I didn’t want to give this to my daughter and am so thankful that I didn’t. I guess my thoughts were I never took it and I turned out fine. So I am going to stick with my gut feeling on this one and not let her get this vaccine. I do wish your daughter well and pray she gets better soon! My thoughts and prayers goes out to her and your family!
Kim Rowan says
Just saw your story shared on Facebook. Our daughter lost three years of her life but she is well now. Through supplements and strict diet, you need to detox. If you want more information, please message me at She can get better, there is help out there. It’s a long road back, but we are one of the few success stories.
Tonia says
Kim I am going through the exact same thing with my daughter. It has been 2yrs since she got the 2nd shot. I have been to CHOP and Akrons Children’s I always thought it was the shot and after reading this I’m positive it is! I don’t know what do? What Lyme disease dr did you see and where was the lab that did the testing? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you!!
Charlene Clement says
You might know this already, but there is vaccine court in the US..
KimT says
Hello Kim,
When I read your post it was as if you had written it for my daughter, she is now 16going thru this already for the last 2yrs, it has been emotionally and physically hard. After reading this I can now go to her Dr. And show him this and request some test and go from there.thanks for sharing your story, I realize we are not alone and that there is something there.
Alison Perch says
Your story speaks to me. Have heard many other Moms tell stories like this of their children with Lyme and how a vaccination activated it. I too was 11 when I got sick like Katie. My daughter got diagnosed at birth as well via Surrogate Birth after I had been in treatment for 8yrs. Crazy I know. My 30 yr experience with Lyme and everything my parents and family have gone through led me to start a group called Lymie Moms Unite on Facebook. I’m also creating a website now too. If your ever interested in joining for help and just support for you and your daughter this is the link. God bless you both and I hope she is doing better now!
My Blog:
My Moms Group:
Alison Perch
Stacy says
Please report this to VAERS which is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System:
Especially since you have physicians reviewing her records and you have medical documentation that Katie is vaccine injuried, you may be eligible to receive funding from the Vaccine Injury program:
i am a therapist and I have children who receive funding through this program to pay for medical bills and therapies.
I am so sorry this happened to your beautiful child.
Jennifer Campana says
This is everything my daughter Kailey has. I am in tears. We have been told the same things. She has severe syncope on top of everything else. Weakness, headaches, body fatigue,stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity when touched, sore throats all the time. We don’t know what to do anymore. I wish I could have my girl back too. She was vibrant happy, she was a great actress. Her Drama class was her life. She in now homebound. She had to quit school as well. Teacher comes 2 times a week. She has been like this for over a year. My heart aches for her. We need help.
Mia says
I’m deeply sorry to hear your story. It has made me reconsider that vaccine for my daughter. I had a rubella vaccine injury when I has your daughters age and exactly the same things happened to me. My life has been full of struggles and ill health as a lot of these treatments weren’t around when I was younger. I hope that you find something ASAP . I will talk to my friend who is an environmental specialist and see what he says. Mia (Australia)
Lari Manz says
Very sorry for your daughter and family. It is devastating. Check into Bee Venom Therapy (BVT). It is what Dr Klinghardt used for himself and family. People are having great success with it. I just started it. This is the incredible story of how this very specific protocol was developed:
This is the closed Facebook group. Apply and see what people are experiencing, read the protocol, info links, etc:
There is a lot of info and scientific data from around the world (and over the last 5 thousand years) to support the idea. Best of all, people are being healed. Healing & Blessings to your daughter.
tammy says
My gboy has the same thing…weve been battling this for over a yr but his dr says its bartonella even tho his ts say no….hes 14 and so sick…we live in far nor cali and they want him to go to Sacramento but we dont have a so we do telemed at our lical clinic schc…i dont know what to do…last feb he had three lines only and attended school n rode his bike four days a week across town for mma…now he is on home n hospital ….his whole life he spends in pain or sleeping….have you gotten any ansers????
Kim Robinson says
Hi Tammy,
I’m so sorry that your son is suffering so much. Yes, we have gotten a lot of answers. The biggest one as it relates to your son is that this vaccine damages the immune system and that allows multiple latent (previously inactive) infections/viruses to activate and wreak havoc on the victim. We tried treating her multiple infections/viruses including Lyme and Bartonella but she could never tolerate treatment and actually became sicker. We had to work on repairing the damage caused by this vaccine. Hopefully the women from this wonderful website reached out to you and gave you some information. They can connect you to the Facebook groups for the Gardasil injured. There you will be able to connect with other families and begin to understand the nature of this injury and what others are doing that is working to help their children. There is hope. Kate is about 85% recovered, has been going to school full-time since November and is thriving again!
Treatment That Saved Me says
I have diagnosed Lyme disease, and I have gone through many of the symptoms that your daughter had…in addition to grand mal seizures and a frozen shoulder that included losing muscle strength in the arm for no apparent reason. All this just came about on a healthy mom and wife of two little girls, out of nowhere. No, I did not have the vaccine, so that adds a complication that I cannot comment on, but I was “blessed” with a friend that had Lyme prior to me that went to SUNRIDGE MEDICAL CENTER in Scottsdale, Arizona. I followed her advice to go there after seeing that her success in healing remained after 2 years…NO RELAPSE! That is what convinced me to take a chance at this treatment. They work on building up your immune system using no antibiotics, letting your body get strong again so that your immune system can fight again. It is a holistic approach, and it literally saved my life. I have my physical and mental health back, and my husband and daughters have me in full function again. I am so happy and so thankful to that small staff in Arizona. I have researched places to try to find comparable treatments locally since I know and understand what they do to me in AZ, but NOTHING compares. Yes, they have IV treatments, but no one does what Sunridge provides, that I have found. They are special. I started treatments in December, and it is now July. I can now say I am almost all better. I am going back in August for a short treatment stint. I will be forever grateful to them for saving me. I have changed my eating habits to an organic, no gluten, low sugar, no dairy diet (I do my best at it…I’m not perfect!), but their methods have gotten me off of all the traditional pain pills(within 2 weeks of daily treatment!) and got me back to the real me after 2 years of searching for what was wrong with me when doctors were dismissing me and tests were sending me every which way. I do take daily supplements now that help maintain my adrenal gland health and other immune health. I had to be my own advocate and detective, but it was worth it because I am “me” again, when I thought it was an impossible thing at one point. (It was scary when your 7 year old agrees, between tears, that it was the right thing to stay for an extra week of treatment, while they flew home after winter break to go back to school because she knew how bad of condition I was in. My 2 daughters and husband came with me the first time as soon as Winter Break started because we wanted to spend Christmas together even though I was going to get treatment, and my husband wanted to check the place out with me the first time. We shared a studio hotel for the stay. We were very close over the break!) I was going to try an LLMD initially, but I decided to do this, and I will never look back. It was the best decision I have ever made. If anyone needs help with repairing their immune system due to Lyme, you should at least look into this. It was a life saver for me. It was an expense, I won’t lie… A huge expense, but if it was between life and the alternative…even the quality of life I was living (anyone who has been in this situation knows what I am talking about)…we just knew we had to do something so I could be a productive part of the family again. I am! I just know that we thought that once we had a diagnosis we were “in”! We found out fast that you are kind of just left to figure it out on your own. So, if I can just help one human find healing because I am SO thankful that my friend basically was the vehicle for allowing me to get my life back…here it is. The one hang up is the expense. My insurance would not pay a penny. But, I am happy again, and I can now enjoy watching my girls grow up again. I was afraid I was not going to get to see that happen.
Sharon says
CAn you give us an update on your treatment at this facility? Thank you.
Catherine Morris says
I am so sorry your daughter and family have been through such a stressful and exhausting experience. It’s been several years since this story was first posted and I hope you have found answers. I don’t know if you will even see this response but thought I would write anyway. Regardless of the triggering cause it sounds like your daughter has developed Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome which can be triggered by any significant trauma to your brain including Lyme disease, toxic exposures or any other event which causes significant stress to the brain. Scotopic Sensitivity can cause every one of these symptoms: 24/7 headaches and migraines, 24/7 stabbing ear pain, hyperacusis, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, all over joint pain, constant sore throat, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, cognitive issues such as memory and severe comprehension problems, (yes I pasted that directly from your story). Scotopic sensitivity describes a condition where specific wave lengths of light can not be processed correctly. This causes visual disturbances, headaches, migraines etc. Cross stimulation of other nerves traveling along the same nerve pathway can cause some of the other symptoms she has such as pain in ears, face, sinus, jaw, etc (anything controlled by nerves that are part of the 5th cranial nerve bundle called the trigeminal nerve ganglia. The great news is there is a simple and effective treatment for many of these symptoms and it is DRUG FREE. Treatment involves wearing glasses that have spectral filters built into them which block out the specific wave lengths of light she is having issues with. She would know instantly, the moment she puts the filters on if she would experience relief. I am a teacher of the visually impaired, I am not selling or marketing anything. You can download and read “The Circle of Underachievement” by ian Jordan for free as a PDF file, just Google it. Also Google “Ian Jordan ASD video” and look for a 19 minute video. This video lets you actually see patients experiencing the impact of light filters. If you are interest in more information you can email me. Also check out which can give you a lot of information but it is not as specific as what you need.
Lynne Gallery says
Catherine, Thank you so much for posting this. I found this information to be immensely helpful!
Sandra says
Sgmurf58 says
February 12, 2014 at 2:52 am
You just told my son’s story. 6th grader in 1999. Same symptoms. Lost a year of his life. Struggled to adulthood. 1 year after getting married @ age 22 complete physical collapse. Told he was depressed. Found Lyme literate doctor. Lyme obliterated his thyroid. 1,000s of dollars and 4 years later with antibiotics and supplements he is living a healthy life. What happened in 6th grade? I now know after reading your story. The catalyst for his disease? A school required Hepatitis vaccine! Your daughter will be whole again. Get a GOOD Lyme literate doctor!
John Helfrick says
August 21, 2016 at 5:16 am
I would love to talk to more people about these symptoms and problems with your children. I have a 13 yr old boy who for 1.5yrs now has not been able to get out of bed due to severe headaches, ears ringing, stomach pain and back pain. We have been to almost every kind of doctor there is. We live in Atlanta and have been to CHOA several times. They say its in his head!!! I wish they could experience what he does for a week and see if they say the same thing. If anyone has anything to share with me on my son’s symptoms please email me at My son has gone from being a super active kid who played baseball and basketball to a kid who cries from the pain when he has to get out of bed. I am open to suggestions!!!
Cherl Delgado says
September 16, 2016 at 7:32 pm
My son is having exactly the same things!!!! 9m now– one day he just work up a changed young man. 6 hospital stays, exploratory abdomen surgery, an appendectomy. Several Cat Scans, labwork so many times!! In the hospital again right how for the second time in a week as I write this. This time they sent the psychologist in and tried to say he is making himself sick. But some of his results can’t be “psychologically explained!! 2 lumbar puncture spinal taps both with increasing spinal fluid pressure and rising protein levels. Extreme neurological symptoms localized only to the left side of his face, arm and leg. Diagnosis has gone from appendix, to GI, to emotional. Now pseudo tumor causing 6th nerve palsy issues. As a mother I know there is something!!! My young, vibrant, healthy, honor student, star athlete doesn’t want to be like this. Constant fatigue, massive left sided headache, tingling, dizziness, nausea, ringing ears, mood swings. Anyone who is willing or able to share their story or thoughts PLEASE PLEASE do @
Sandra says
June 21, 2017 at 2:32 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I have Epstein Barr. Many of the same symptom (Epstein Barr has 60) are familiar just not to the same extent due to potential combining other vitus When I saw the connection in Katie’s story. I am thinking the vaccine may compromise the immune system to allow multiple virus which can be devastating. But only controlled holistically.
EA. Early antibody
Na. Nuclear Antibody
When they say past exposure they are referring to antibodies which are the shedding of the dead cells and remain toxic!!!
We also have Cytomegalovirus
Both are controlled. I can see where the vaccine is at fault. With a compromised immune system multiple virus can ravage bodies
Linda says
Hi. I recovered and reclaimed my life from a vaccine induced/Lyme triggered illness using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System. It is a program based in neuroplasticity. Check it out at and under success stories watch Riley’s testimonial.
Donna says
There is a natural product called CBD oil it is very helpful to many ailments. We have a store in Toledo Ohio called Toledo hemp center. I would highly recommend trying this for your baby girl.
Dana Brown says
Kim, my heart aches, reading your story about Katie. My daughter, Blaire, had significant seizures after a DPT vaccine. I intimately understand your families heartbreak.
I want to offer you some information. Without going into great detail, I discovered doTERRA Essential oils – a company recognized by John Hopkins medical as the most pure essential oils in the industry – which I have personally seen and experienced amazing health benefits. I had no idea how many health benefits they offer.
The reason I couldnt help but reach out… I know of two women who have used doTERRA essential oils to totally rid their symptoms of Lymme disease. One of them actually worked to develop a process using these essential oils, which stopped her grave symptoms. I wanted to let you know that I have a copy of that process if you’re interested in reviewing it. If so, send me an email at, and I’ll send it to you.
My thoughts are with you and Katie.
Dana B.
Cara says
I went through a similar set of circumstances myself after receiving several vaccines to do health work in 3 rd world countries. In my search to heal myself, a practititioner recommended something called ‘Dynamic Neural Retraining System’. It fixes, over the period of 6 months, the dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system so that the immune system can come back online. The great part, no supplements, no doctor visits, no extra cost once you buy the product. It is working so well that a few major universities are now studying it. I don’t work for them but I think it’s a great product for vaccine injury or anything other type of chemical/ environmental injury. The practitioners I was seeing at the time said I was the worst they’d ever seen and I’m happy to say I mostly have my life back now.
nailsource says
This is very scary. My daughter has had the same symptoms and is being treated for Lyme and chops migraine pathway and is supposed to see a specialist for Pots in October… My daughter found your daughter on instagram and showed me this link. She asked me when her shot was and it was exactly a month before beginning our journey in march. It is now august! Any help or ideas from you would be great.!
Health Bites Online says
Please find yourself a DAN doctor. They specialise in treating vaccine injuries. Also, report to VAERS and take it to Vaccine Court.
Melissa says
I never had the Gardisil vaccine as it came along well after I had all my vaccines. However I do have experience dealing with Hashimoto’s, mycoplasma pneumonia, HHV-6 and EBV. One thing that has helped tremendously is a prescription for LDN – low dose naltrexone. It helped with fatigue somewhat and you can see what it’s all about at Also, cleaning up my diet – getting rid of sugar, dairy and gluten specifically – has helped tremendously along with numerous nutritional supplements . I have also experienced some die-off of the nasty stuff by taking monolaurin. Another good website I found that addresses issues of chronic fatigue is I hope some of this info. helps somehow. I have a 15 y.o. daughter and my heart goes out to you. I am so thankful I flat out refused that vaccine when it was mentioned to me. Best wishes!
Kim Robinson says
Thank you for this information. Katie is on low dose naltrexone. We added it one year ago and it marks a defining turning point in treatment. Her immune system finally began responding and she has made a lot of progress. We’ve found that Acupuncture enhances the benefits of low dose naltrexone. She is gluten free and we definitely limit sugar. This last year Katie has been working towards recovery and we definitely have hope that a full recovery is now possible!
Shonda bailey -pugalee says
My daughter Allyson, jst recieved the first round of this vaccine a couple weeks ago!!!! She is not feeling well and is home sick today with a stomach ache and threw up last night!!! I am terrified!!! It’s the first time since getting the vaccine that she hadn’t felt good but I jst happened to run across this article in Facebook jst now!!! Omg!!!! Should I take her and hv the vaccine reversed or do u hv to get all three doses before it becomes harmful!!!!
Kim Robinson says
Shonda bailey -pugalee,
It probably is too early to tell if your daughter suffered a Gardasil vaccine injury but you are ahead of the curve because you are now aware. Unfortunately, it is not possible to unvaccinate someone after they experience an adverse reaction to a vaccine. I would start writing things down…. keep a journal. For many the symptoms wax and wane early on so having a good record helps. Please do not continue with the 2 remaining vaccines in the Gardasil series until you have time to do a lot of research first. Start with the vaccine ingredients (many of which are known neurotoxins) and read Merck’s insert in the package that is provided with the vaccine. It is a long document and it lists possible adverse reactions. I believe that headaches, nausea and abdominal pain are listed as possible adverse reactions. If you determine that your daughter is experiencing an adverse reaction, please insist that your doctor report her reaction to VAERS. It is important to monitor your daughter, believe what she tells you and support her even when others might suggest otherwise. Take care!
Nancy says
There is a way to “un-vaccinate” at least to some meaningful degree…. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER THE VACCINATION… (the sooner the more effective) obtain “Chlor-out” (brand name that can be found in any pet shop or WalMart for Sodium thiosulfate) – Sodium thiosulfate, one of the critical medicines in the treatment of cyanide poisoning, is gaining increasing respect as a powerful natural detoxing agent. It is also used in the restoration of rivers and streams that have been polluted with heavy metals, and it is in that respect that people are beginning to apply it to natural health care. – Sodium thiosulfate is a colorless crystal of sodium, sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen. Both the EPA and FDA consider it a safe substance and permit its inclusion in foods such as table salt. It is often present at therapeutic bath spas or thermal spas – Sodium thiosulfate is said to be a powerful detoxing agent to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. It is also a topical anti-fungal such as can be used for ringworm.
Put 5 drops into every glass of water that the vaccination victim drinks.. this will stop the action of the heavy metals in the blood and brain.
This was used in the arsenic poisoning event in India 30 years ago… and whomever was injected with sodium thiosulfate lived .. the rest died. Look it up on Google.
chelsey Standish says
Hello Kim,
I found your article about your daughter Katies story while trying to find answers for my little sister. She is now 14 and suffers from the EXACT symptoms. She suffers daily, and has missed so much school. She wants nothing more than to get better, unfortunately its just getting worse. I Reached out to my mother and had her read your article. She was in absolute disbelief. We may have finally found out whats wrong with our sweet girl. Doctor after doctor, and still no diagnosis. She would very much like to speak with you, if you think you can help her in anyway, please let me know. We are completely in the dark, and have no clue how to move forward.
Who would have thought this vaccine could cause people so much heartache.
MARY says
Does Katie have a last name? What is her doctor’s name and where does he practice? I would like to communicate with them.
Nancy Adamson says
Thank you for sharing your story. This is the same thing that happened to my son. He is 12 and almost done with his first year of treatment for Lyme and Bartonella. He had the gardasil vaccine when he was 11.
Kim Robinson says
Hi Nancy Adamson,
I hate the suffering that this vaccine causes to so many children and their families. I hope that your son is responding well to treatment. If not, please contact me (the Sanevax team can put you in touch with me). Katie never responded well to treatment for tick-borne diseases. We ended up changing directions about a year ago and focused on repairing her immune system and other damage this vaccine caused. Katie finally began responding is as about 75% better than one year ago. We have a little more to go in her recovery but we have a lot of hope that her Gardasil vaccine injury will one day be totally behind her.
Maya Silliman says
Hi Ms. Robinson
I am not writing about a child having had this vaccine, but I stumbled to this site tonight. I have no children.
I’m a retired RN who has a good awareness that vaccines can be potentially dangerous (I do not ever recommend them)
and want to say that I am so happy to see that your daughter, Katie, is getting better finally.
Kudos to you for sharing your experience and that all of these postings are helping others.
I have a grown friend with chronic fatigue, IBS, IC (regarding the urinary bladder wall), headaches, and is now having a poor quality of life for quite a few years. I don’t know how this all started for her but with reading many of these comments, I’m going to do a bit of research
on some of the treatments mentioned to see if any of them might help her.
Thank you so much for all that you and others have posted and to all here with the same situation, I hope your children have a speedy recovery and may you all find the best doctors you can. I am ashamed of the medical profession I was once in.
Kelly Turner says
Gardasil contains MF-59 squalene adjuvant. This is the adjuvant responsible for autoimmune disease in military members who became sick after receiving affected lots of the anthrax vaccine. Please research squalene, and if you haven’t considered the holistic approach, you may have success in helping Katie with it. I suffered from many of the same symptoms as Katie after getting squalene in 3 anthrax vaccinations, but today I am functioning normally. Dr. R.E. Tent at Diverse Health Services in Novi, Michigan helped me immensely with this issue, and he is familiar with squalene and it’s effects. The hardest thing is finding a doctor who will listen, and who knows how to deal with the problem. He is amazing.
I wish you and your daughter the best, and I can only hope that more people will learn about the dangers of squalene. They lump anyone who questions a particular vaccination into conspiracy-theorist-driven crazy people, but we need to know what big pharma and our government are trying to mandate we put in our andour children’s bodies.
Kim Robinson says
Kelly Turner,
Thank you for the information and yes I totally agree that it is difficult to find the right the right person to listen let alone find one that can treat these complex illnesses the right way. I will definitely research the MF-59 squalene adjuvants. I know that Gardasil contains 225 mcg. of aluminum. Many of the vaccine injured suffer heavy metal poisoning and must address this is order to get well. Thank you for the recommendation to Diverse Health Services. I have not heard of this organization. I know that many of our military suffer long term chronic illness caused by the numerous vaccinations that must endure while serving. It is so sad. Thank you for your service to our country!
Tracy says
Hi Kim. Please get ahold of me… research Juice Plus! This is not a sales pitch, you can certainly purchase from me, or anyone else. All I want is her on it. I had the same symptoms to a T! It gets to a point where you want to give up, especially when a doctor recommends counciling. JUICE PLUS is whole food nutrition, it is highly researched & proven! The only one of its kind! Fruits & Veggies in a capsule, nothing added, nothing taken.
Christy says
Hi Kim. I’m so sorry for all you are going through. In 2003 when I was 4 months pregnant I got a flu vaccine per my doctor. A week to the day, I miscarried. The baby was healthy – I had ultrasounds done during the prengnacy and genetic testing done on my baby after I miscarried. The doctor confirmed the genetic testing was fine. As a last resort he did a lupus test on me. I came up with the markers for it – although I didn’t have the symptoms at that time, I was told I probably would in the future. And I did by April 2005. I know the flu vaccine puts your body in a hyper state, which is exactly what happens with lupus. I fully blame that vaccine. I wanted to tell you that there is a Dr. Bonnie Becker in Telford, Pa that had diagnosed Lyme for 20 years and was able to heal herself and now has a practice. I know that the Woodlands Healing Center in Quakertown refers their complicated patients to her. She has greatly helped me on another issue. I hope she can help your daughter. God Bless.
miriam says
Please find a homeopathic/naturopathic near you that does muscle resistance testing as well as testing on s cellular level. Many times systems can be ” reset”. Alternative solutions are out there and they do work. Praying that you find healing for your children. In Jesus’ Name.
Shannon says
A paleo autoimmune diet may provide some relief. I’ve seen it completely turn people’s lives around who have any form of autoimmune disorder.
Tina says
Yes I agree. Read more from Robb Wolf
Diane says
Thank you for posting this story. I have a daughter turning 11 tomorrow and she has lived a medical nightmare from grades 1 – 4. A lot of similar stories, except no vaccine before it started. After going to numerous doctors (including Mayo Clinic), and being told it is in her head, I finally visited a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor. I had called and questioned a few before settling on this particular one. I now have a daughter that went from only being able to eat 4 foods to eating what she wants (for the most part- a few things she cannot eat two days in a row), went from crying at 6:00pm from fatigue and pain and begging to go to bed to having to be chased around the house at 9:00pm to get into bed, went from being unable to walk through a store to running 5ks, plus a host of other eliminated issues (including asthma, POTS, chronic pain in stomache and throat, migraines). Nothing covered by insurance, all pretty expensive, but found success. I no longer need to regularly visit the doctor, but I do keep on hand his herbs and give to my daughter as symptoms appear. They usually disappear within 1-3 days. Good luck.
Teri Gannon says
HI Diane. I was wondering where your Chinese doctor is and what did he do to help your daughter. What herbs do you use? Trying to find some help for my daughter. Thank you. Teri Gannon
Robin says
please see this families story:
Tommy Priester says
To the Robinson family. I’m so sorry for all that you have gone through and continue to struggle through.
I’m a Clinical Herbalist here in Ma. outside of the Boston area.
Your story is a familiar one. I have helped many people get Bartonella under control and get their lives back.
I don’t need your business, I just wanted you to know there’s hope for Katie’s recovery.
My prayers are with you!
Many blessings,
Tommy Priester
chris says
This is exactly the same thing going on with my 10 year old son right now. Treated for Lyme, Bartonella, hhv6, positive past exposure EPV. MRI head negative. Now going for sleep study to rule out narcolepsy with cataplexy. My son did not receive the HHV vaccine, he did have the varicella vaccine but was showing signs of fatigue and headache with sore throat prior to injection. Curious to know if most are located in Northeast and was anyone worked on for narcolepsy. We anyone really 8 months into his illness.
chris says
This is EXACTLY what my 10 year old is going through for the past 8 months. Treated for Lyme, bartonella, hhv6, positive past exposure to EPV. Now being worked up For narcolepsy with cataplexy. My son did not have the HPV vaccine, however he did receive the varicella vaccination, but did have symptoms of illness prior.
Kim Robinson says
I’m sorry to hear that your son is so sick. Unfortunately, injury to the immune system is not something that is isolated to the HPV vaccine. Vaccines are dangerous to those that unknowingly have a compromised immune system which is the case when tick borne diseases are in the mix. Often the vaccine is the tipping point that sets the body up for chronic illness. I’ve researched vaccines a lot since we figured out the connection to Katie’s illness and I’ve read others that suffer from narcolepsy/cataplexy. There is a lot of information on the internet about ways to detox your child and vitamins/supplements he needs to support his body. Katie’s turning point was adding low dose naltrexone to her protocol. Our traditional medical system does not know how to address a vaccine injury and instead, you are likely to find that your son gathers a long list of diagnoses from a variety of specialists with no one coming up with a treatment plan that works. Many of the vaccine injured eventually turn to functional medicine doctors, homeopathy and chiropractors to finally find help. I hope you find someone that is able to help your son make a full recovery.
Jennifer says
Have you heard of NAET treatments? I have benefited so much from this! It is an all natural way to teach the body not to be allergic – that is, not to react negatively – to certain triggers. (such as yeast; mold; etc.) It starts with muscle testing (this is non-invasive; and is even used by veterinarians) to determine what is causing a symptom. The process then uses non-invasive techniques to simply teach the body not to react to that thing.
While I haven’t dealt with Gardasil reactions (I refused to take that vaccine) I did use NAET to clear my body of other vaccine allergies. My biggest result though came from getting rid of an inoperable brain tumor after living with it and its issues for three decades. I started NAET treatments in 2014; at which time I learned that this tumor was caused by egg and soy allergies. I did not even know that I was allergic to these! However, once treated for these allergens, my body was able to detox and get rid of the tumor on its own! Of course, my “brain tumor doctor” was blown away by my next MRI results. He can’t explain this result; but I know the answer!
ps…. My NAET practitioner has also helped other vaccine victims with severe life-altering side effects. You can find a practitioner near you here; and also see their level of training:
Michele says
I am so sorry to read about your daughter’s health struggles. I have suffered my entire life with many of the same symptoms that she is experiencing. Also starting around puberty, and increasing exponentially after I had my children. I was finally diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos hypermobility syndrome when I was 48 years old. Ehlers danlos syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder which affects collegen. Collagen is in all of our tissues so EDS affects our entire body in any number of ways. My story is not rare. EDS is highly under diagnosed and it is estimated that 95% of people who have it don’t know it.
I notice in her picture that it looks like Katie’s knees, especially her right knee hyperextends. Her myriad of symptoms as well as the stretch marks that you described are red flags for me. If she is very flexible in her joints you might want to research EDS and see if it rings true for you.
I wish her the best.
Jillian says
Hi there. I saw your article and felt compelled to respond. I am so sorry for all that is happening. I am an acupuncturist/herbalist. I have had patients with situations like your daughter’s. When people come to me often they have exhausted many other options and just don’t know what else to do. I know of several ways to go about addressing Katie’s health complaints. If you want to pick my brain, please contact me at Clearview Acupuncture at 914-739-5200. xo….I will keep you in my thoughts.
Montana Herridge says
I had very similar symptoms and a similar experience with doctors when I was 12 years old in 2011 after I had gotten the Gardasil vaccine. It was a desperate and terrible time because I was in indescribable pain, unable to do anything, being blamed for being sick and no help was in sight. Thankfully my recovery started 6 months into my sickness when I went to a homoeopathic doctor (natural medicine) and they gave me remedies that slowly cured me. I know that there is debate over homoeopathic medicine but I was desperate and it worked and if Katie is still sick I suggest she try it! Her sickness is similar to what I had and homoeopathic medicine was my only hope! Dear Katie, keep having hope, I know what it is like and I know how easy it is to loose hope with this illness but I’m living hope that its possible to get better! I’ve always been a bit ashamed of my sickness because I was blamed for it and afraid that people wouldn’t like me if they knew about my past sickness. We’ve felt the symptoms so its very real to us but some people who’ve never experienced it aren’t very understanding. However after reading this, I’ve learnt that I’m not the only one who went through this and its time for me to raise awareness and support anyone else who’s suffering from this, so thank you for being brave enough to share your story. Get better soon Katie, I will be thinking of you! If you’d like to be in contact with me to learn more about my story, have someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through, to try to raise awareness together, etc. feel free to email me!
Teri Gannon says
Hello. What were the homeopathic remedies you used?
Teri Gannon
Vicki says
Im very sorry that this happened to you. Have you ever heard of the field of science called glycobiology?
It will be very helpful for tge immune support. If I didn’t come to know it I don’t know where I would be right now. I do have an DVD on it and it is amazing if you would like I could send it to you. My gift to bring awareness and help with some answers for you.
God bless,
Vicki White
Stephanie says
I just read your article through a share on Facebook.
That was my experience 15 years ago. I became exceptionally ill with Lyme’s disease. The problem was no one knew really what it was back then. I hadn’t had a vaccine however my body had a parasite. No one knew what I had, as the Lyme’s test was offered where I lived.
It took 2 years to recover. I fully recovered. This is why I am writing to you. I searched the web to find you and I hope you contact me. I know several people are asking to be contacted. I would like to put you in touch with the lady who helped me. She is a very good Homeopath. She became a homeopath 17 years ago when her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He was given 1 month to live and she said to the hospital that she didn’t like his diagnosis and took him out. He has been cancer free for 16 years. He was also treated homeopathically.
My email address is: Anyone who has problems they can’t get rid of, should contact me and I will be more than happy to provide you with her details. God Bless you all.
l.a.g. says
Kim, my daughter is on the same road as your daughter with Lyme & co. I always suspected the Gardasil had something to do with the downward spiral of her immune system. PS- we are neighbors in Mont. Co. PA
Kim Robinson says
I am so sorry that your daughter has struggled with illness. Hopefully she is responding to treatment. If not, please contact Sanevax and they will know how to get in touch with me. The moderators had forwarded your comment to me but when I tried to respond back to you, it was bounced. Katie never responded well to the treatments for tick borne diseases. For her, it wasn’t her answer as the damage to her immune system needed to be addressed first.
Lois Horan says
I had a similar reaction to your daughter, but after receiving steroid therapy for a breathing emergency. I want to share what I did to get myself on the road to recovery after 1.5 years of severe illness. Perhaps it will help her. Using nutritional supplements, I went from sleeping 15 hours per day, struggling to breathe, unable to walk from the pain to a normal 7.5 hours of sleep right away after taking these supplements. I began walking, just ten minutes per day, as soon as I started the supplements. I added five minutes per day per week, until I was walking an hour. You have to build slowly to avoid swelling. Inflammation is the source of your pain. From there, I started doing P90X, and could only do about 10% of the routine at first. I stuck with it and completed the 90 day program, Then I started training for triathlons. Yes, I got my health back. As long as I continue with my supplement regimen and exercise regularly, I remain vital and healthy. Good luck, it is not easy. But you can get better. It happened for me.
Kim Robinson says
Lois Horan,
Thank you for reaching out to our family and providing the regime that worked for you. I will definitely research all the products you suggested. I just wanted to say that stories like this are inspirational to the Gardasil injured who have suffered for so long. Sometimes it is hard to imagine that a full recovery is possible. Best of luck in all that you do!
Paula Comeaux says
Kim, if you get this comment, I advise you to please get with a reputable allergist, immunologist or hematologist who knows of mast cell disorders. . Mast cells are the body’s immune system fighters. They hold histamine, tryptase and variety of other things. Mast cells can be overproduced by a body or can be too reactive to stimulation. The problem can be caused by a number of things. When mast cells become too unstable, they pour out histamine and many other things as if the body were reacting to an allergen. It can cause all the symptoms you mentioned. The symptoms are systemic, body wide and can present in many ways. One becomes very sensitive to heat, cold, certain chemicals, preservatives, high histamine producing foods, etc. , Read on mast cell activation disorders. It can make life miserable out even be life threatening. The added chemicals in the vaccine could’ve triggered the entire thing by activating the mast cells in the bone marrow. Check the Mastocytosis Society for more details. Mast cell stabilizing drugs can change a life. Please check it out. Google The Mastocytosis Society.
Dr. Gary Scardino says
My name is Dr. Gary Scardino and I Practice in Bucks County Pa
Using Torque Release Technique, Auriculotherapy and Nutrition Response Therapy I have seen great results over the past 16 years with many of the syndromes mentioned in this article and the comments. Consultations are always free in my office because I understand the financial difficulties these events cause from seeing doctor after doctor. Call to see if I may be the answer for you.
Kim Rowan says
Our story is almost identical to Katie’s, my daughter lost three years of her life due to the vaccine, even paralyzed for six months. She finally got well through a series of supplements and a very strict diet. It was a long road and there is no immediate cure. But I can say my daughter finally is leading a normal life. If anyone out there who is going through this nightmare wants to know how we handled it, please email me directly. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We lived it.
Susan Niblo says
This is a letter I wrote after our daughter’s horrible experience with Gardasil. She is now 23 and still suffers with many side effects that were a result of this ridiculously over hyped and unnecessary vaccine. The commercials from Merck are atrocious, as they claim that as a parent, one can prevent their child from getting cancer. They show the parent with a red cape as if they are a superhero for protecting their child. DO NOT GIVE YOUR CHILD THIS VACCINE!!
The purpose for this letter is to enlighten all the health care workers, mothers, fathers and/or guardians of teenage girls and all others who know someone who is considering or has gotten the Gardasil vaccine. My daughter Kristi, 16 years old, received the last of the three injections on May 20, 2008.This past summer she started to complain of constant fatigue. had fainting spells and random bouts of aches and pains. On Sept. 11, 2008 she was sent home from school complaining of headache, spine pain, confusion and symptoms of a bladder infection. She was given antibiotic by the OB-GYN and sent home. The next day she woke up screaming for help as she couldn’t feel her arms and legs, was gasping for air, vomiting,severe back pain and fever. At the ER she was given antibiotics and sent home as she was told she “may have passed a kidney stone.” Over the next two weeks her health was deteriorating and after her fourth visit to the ER she was finally admitted to Westchester Medical children’s hospital for the next ten days. Over the course of her stay she was seen by teams of doctors from Neurology, Rheumatology, Infectious Disease, Endocrinology, Adolescent Medicine, Urology and Cardiology.She endured TWO spinal taps, many MRI’s, CAT scans, sonograms, ultrasounds, and blood workups until her body could no longer emit any blood. She was on a morphine drip for severe headaches, liquids for dehydration,Percaset for allover pain, and two anti nausea medications for severe vomiting and acid reflux.She was checked for meningitis, lymes disease, lupus fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,, hoshimoto’s disease, kidney disease and multiple sclerosis.Everything showed up negative. She became so sleep deprived because her heart rate was in the 30 range that a moniter constantly kept her awake. She started to hallucinate and was developing blood clots in her legs from lack of use. Since there was no diagnosis, the doctors decided to send her home to be in her own environment. She returned home having to use a wheelchair, unable to walk and was referred to a physical therapist. Out of desperation we continued to go to specialists hoping to get some kind of answers. One highly recommended Rheumotologist who works out of Hackensack Hospital in New Jersey told Kristi (after a short physical assesment and no bloodwork) that she was showing signs of “pain amplification syndrome” and she needed to “throw away her crutches” and “go see a psychiatrist to get better because there was nothing physically wrong with her.” The extreme lack of professionalism, compassion and awareness that this doctor showed made us even more determined.Coincidentally,after that visit, an angel in the form of an email came to me. It was from an ER nurse in Westchester Medical , (who was familiar with Kristi’s case ) telling us of another girl who was admitted with the same symptoms as Kristi; down to every detail. This girl was finally diagnosed with a severe reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. After three days of researching the internet, I found hundreds of cases almost exactly the same as what Kristi endured with even some girls dying from stroke and heart attacks. I am now convinced that this is what happened to Kristi as opposed to being sheer coincidence.The symptoms can start as early as the first shot or begin to show 4-6 months after the third shot is given, as was Kristi’s case.This past Friday, February 6th 2009, Katie Couric devoted a segment of her broadcast exposing the horrible stories of theses young women who were convinced to take this vaccine, believing it was safe and now are losing their lives because of it. Girls as young as 9 years old are being given this vaccine. I beg you to PLEASE do the research on the reactions before you or someone you know is considering the Gardasil vaccine. Merck, the manufacturer of the drug refuses to get involved and tells all victims to deal with their health care provider .PLEASE pass this on to everyone you know who could be a potential victim. Kristi continues to recover, six months after she fell ill and will soon return to the healthy, active and beautiful seventeen year old that she deserves to be. Thank You for any help you can give to stop this tragedy.
April says
Hello Susan, omg im so sorry i just read your daughters story with gardisil how horrible and from someone who has been vaccine injured too as well as my kids i wanted to ask you as i’m writing an article about the dangers of gardisil and need permission from someone to tell and share their story, would you be willing to help me, if so i would greatly appreciate it, i promise you i am for real in trying to keep others from getting hurt and now that this bill has been passed in CA we are all worried for our children. Hoping to hear from you.
Terri Poole says
You should really try LDN, it REALLY helps people with auto immune diseases. Research it, you will see.
Kim Robinson says
We added LDN (low dose naltrexone). It marks a defining turning point where Katie finally began to respond positively. Many other vaccine injured are using LDN with success. Thank you for reaching out!
Wendy says
My son just went through this same horror. Reading your article reassured me I wasn’t crazy. This was the first case that mirrored what we went through. He was pushed to get HPV vaccine because according to the doctor with his asthma and nut allergy he had a weakened immune system. Had I known the havoc it could creat and the lost year of life for a 13 yr old i would never have allowed it. Your story broke my heart because I never wanted to see another child suffer like mine had or for a parent to feel so beat up by specialists while knowing your gut thought it was something else. I too went through every doctor, hospital and all the expenses. I have good news though. He is 100 % today. We sought out a naturopath that came highly recommended from ac chiropractor. They said he can always figure out the weird stuff. He’s amazing. They were right. It took a few months but he like he was before, doing well in high school and playing sports again. People travel from all over to this doctor and he is a fraction of the cost next to the Lyme specialists and all the specialists and tests. I highly recommend trying him. When I went I said, I’ve tried everything else this can’t hurt. Guess what it didn’t hurt, it was our miracle. His name is Dr. Richard Bloom, Spring Valley, NY 1-845-425-9575. I will keep your family in my prayers.
katie says
Wendy I would like to speak with you about this doctor if you happen to see this comment please email me at
Jordan says
Kim Robinson, I hope you see this!
Chronic illness is so hard, and chronic pain is even harder. I’m so glad you found answers. I searched for 17 years before getting any kind of answer. I recently have been looking into Bartonella. I had a rash recently that appeared to be just that. And I was diagnosed with “Cat scratch fever” about 13 years ago, but told not to worry about it, that it will go away. So I’m looking into it now. Your daughter sounds SO much like me. Right down to the cheerleading and dance even! This brings me to the other part of this comment. I also have Dysautonomia (POTS specifically) and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Bartonella and Lyme are known to cause POTS, as is Ehlers-Danlos. Perhaps those doctors that diagnosed her with Dysautonomia were partially correct??? And EDS is a common link that is know to cause many of her symptoms as well. I know with chronic illness people are often bombarded with advice and whatnot, but I just saw so many similarities, I felt I ought to bring it up. Just may be something to look into. Many people don’t fit the “picture” of EDS or Dysautonomia and still have it. It could be a missing puzzle piece to bring up to a dr that is very knowledgeable about EDS and Dysautonomia. I hope this is helpful. I know the life your daughter lives. It is miserable. It is rough. It is NOT fair. All the aspects to it are just more than anyone should have to handle. Especially a child. I’ve been in her shoes. She’s not alone and there are many that know this life also. I hope she has enough good days that is still able to live the life she dreams of. I’ll be rooting for her 🙂
Kim Robinson says
Thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, we agree with the Dysautonomia/POTS diagnosis. However, CHOP missed the mark on the cause telling us that there was no way that Gardasil played any role in her illness and they were also adamant that she was not sick with tick borne diseases despite having a positive Bartonella Henselae test result in hand and the classic rash indicating an active infection. Many of the Gardasil injured suffer from Dysautonomia/POTS and it can be very disabling. Katie suffered very pronounced symptoms for some time. It was difficult to take her out of the house even for a doctors appointment. She was often dizzy and felt close to passing out just standing. I believe the sustaining high level of inflammation that the Gardasil injured suffer from have a lot to do with developing this disorder. Once we were able to reduced Katie’s inflammation levels, these symptoms improved and she rarely complains of feeling weak or dizzy anymore. I will look into EDS (someone else suggested the same thing above). We appreciate everyone’s willingness to reach out and share information with us! I certainly hope you find ways to overcome your illness.
CN RN says
Katie and mom and dad, I do pray you are still reading comments. After 3 decades of critical care nursing I was given the opportunity to work with a world renown Lyme literate physician. Please read his book “Why can’t I get better” by Dr Richard Horowitz. Go to his Facebook site and fill out the form on the waiting list. HE IS BRILLIANT!!!!!! AND THAT IS AFTER WORKING WITH SOME OF THE BEST CRITICAL CARE PHYSICIANS NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY! for over 35 years! My daughter sent m your article and I know he can help you!
If you would like to reply to me, by all means do so. I have seen bedridden patients for a decade be able to now function in a job! You will not find anyone with more knowledge, expertise, compassion and ability to think with his right and left sides of his brain simultaneously. God placed me in his office for a reason. Perhaps it was to reach out to you. He trained in Europe, totally in french and has pts come here to USA from Europe. Please follow through. There is life after Lyme. My blessings!
Caitlynn Eckert says
Kim, if time permits, please email me. Your story has truly touched my heart. Here is a link to a gofundme account for you and your family. Im not sure how much it will help, if any, but I hope it may.
Jennifer Moody says
Hello Kim,
I appreciate you sharing your story. My daughter will be 8 soon and I will definitely keep this information in mind when the times comes that the vaccine is offered to her.
I wanted to share with you some products that may work for your daughter. I recently became introduced to Isagenix through a friend. My friend suffered an autoimmune disease from a complication with a Mirena IUD that she had placed. She began to display similar symptoms that you described about your daughter: extreme fatigue, tired, losing weight, etc. My friend started taking isagenix products and she no longer suffers from these symptoms. While Isagenix can’t say that it cures diseases, it has been known to make HUGE differences in people’s lives. Feel free to research it. My friend, Kristi Lawrence, would be more than happy to share more information with you.
Kim says
OMG! I never connected my daughter’s health changes to the vaccine until reading this article. … but this story sounds soooo familiar. She ended up finishing high school online because she was just not physically able to attend school regularly. … and now, 5 years later, she still doesn’t have the energy and immune system that it seems she should have. I am definitely going to follow up and determine how closely the vaccine and her health decline are related. Thanks for sharing!
Melissa Munn says
This story made me cry. I have a grandson with Autism who began having symptoms within days of the MMR vaccine. I am a Certified Body Code Practitioner/Energy Healer. I will work on your daughter twice for free, if she finds relief you can continue to have her work with me and pay me my regualr price. The great thing about Energy work is that you can do it from anywhere in the world with amazing results. Let me know if this resonates with you. Look at my website and let me know. Again at least let me give her the 2 free sessions no strings attached by phone or skype. . I just want to help. Melissa
AKG girl says
I am shocked there are so many stories here so similar to mine! I thought I was alone! Nearly exact same experiences as me!! I have been struggling for so long to recover. I personally had these terrible, terrible reaction to vaccines. The worst in 1997 and again in 1999. I slept for nearly a week each time. Same eventual diagnosis. Please, please continue to speak up everyone!!! Please consider writing/emailing about this issue, and the attempt to propose Adult immunizations plan – – – The deadline is march 9th, 2015!!! Here is the link:
May I also encourage you to keep trying! Eventually you will find a way to detox and recover. Borax therapy is helping me a lot these days. (just google) Maybe could help some you too!? Thank you everyone!! We are not quacks! We are not imaging this stuff or making it up for the fun of it. Fight on!! There are many, many of us and more in support of truth everyday! Stay strong! <3
Louise Stanley says
Our daughter (also named Katie) was injured by her MMR vaccinations. At 15 months when she lost motor ability and speech, the doctor said it was a coincidence. When it happened again with her 7 year booster, resulting in subsequent diagnoses of Tourette’s, ADHD, Asperger’s, motor delay and sensory processing disorder, our PCP prescribed Ritalin and Clonopin which I declined. Her bartonella pain symptoms began 2 years later. After 2 years of abx treatment for bartonella with a LLMD (out of pocket because we are Canadian), and gaining approximately 80% improvement from symptoms she was weaned to herbal antimicrobials (Buhner’s bartonella protocol). The addition of Buhner’s babesia antimicrobials to the bartonella protocol resulted in a babesia herx reaction followed by a clinical diagnosis of babesiosis (for which she had previously been asymptomatic and had tested negative for through Igenex – both microti and duncani).
Treating the undiagnosed, underlying babesia infection has brought her back. Now at 13 she is happy, energetic and succeeding in school. Her grades are now significantly higher than the class average, and her cognitive/executive function is excellent. She no longer requires accommodation through her IEP. She celtic dances, rides horseback, curls, plays piano and is active in her church youth group. Katie remains on low doses of Buhner’s complete herbal bartonella and babesia protocols.
I have now taken out vaccine exemptions for both of our children, and declined the HPV when it was offered through school. I agree with your hypothesis that vaccination can undermine proper immune response allowing proliferation of latent infection.
I’m sorry your daughter is going through this, I hope you find a path to healing. Vaccines won’t stop until the devastation is too great to ignore.
Lisette says
My 16year old daughter received her first round of shots for Gardasil on January 6th. She is scheduled for the 2nd round in a couple weeks. After reading your story I am terrified to take her back. Will it mess her up if I don’t go for the other rounds?
I was terrified NOT to give her the shot to begin with, I wish I would have researched more 🙁
KLOVE says
Anyone looking to heal themselves or a family member from this disease please read this:
& there are other resources here:
The lovely Olivia can explain it far better than I can. I wish you all love and healing!
Colin McQueen says
Hi Kim,
Terrible story. My 16 yo son developed chronic fatigue after treatment with roaccutane for acne. He was eventually tested and diagnosed with mycoplasma by a specialist in chronic fatigue. I am convinced that the roaccutane damaged his immune system, and allowed the existing low-grade mycoplasma infection to develop. The Gardasil probably similarly damaged Katie’s immune system.
A long course of antibiotics did not help much. We put him on olive leaf extract, a natural antibiotic, and for a change in his environment sent him off to stay with a relative in Asia and within a short while he was able to lead a normal life, which he does to this day 14 years later. If we were starting again I would add blackseeed (black cumin) oil and cold-pressed virgin coconut oil to his diet as well. Best wishes to you all.
rhonda richsrdson says
Get ahold of Dr. Daniel Gentner in Cadillac MI. He is a homeopathic chiroptactor. He has dealt with both Bartonella and mycoplasma!
He is a brilliant Dr. Who has helped many. 231-775-6381.
HypoGal says
Thank you for sharing your story. My heart is saddened to read about the terrible experience you have had with Gardasil. My daughter is sixteen and I have been on the fence about the vaccination .
Big hug to your daughter- You are a terrific mother!
I sincerely believe knowledge is power.
Roxanne says
My heart has been broken since October for my 9 year old son. My son has always been athletic, outgoing, smart and enjoying life. Today it is a completely different story. After reading these posts, I now believe it was from vaccinations. He received a vaccination in Sept for Pneumovax 23. and then in October the flu shot. In October, he started having severe bouts of belly pain. By November, it turned into belly pain, nauseous, bowels that wouldn’t happen for 4-5 days, enlarged tonsils and sore throat. He would say I just don’t feel good. A GI specialist said it was IBS but he doesn’t have the symptoms of IBS. I took him off of gluten and dairy but by December he was missing a lot of school, couldn’t fall asleep nor sleep very well (restless all night) and blurry vision. In December, blood work showed he had mono earlier in the year but was over it and 20 food sensitivities. We went on a big food elimination diet but never saw awesome results. He said everything I put in my mouth hurts my belly and throat. In middle of January, his symptoms got worse with lymph nodes very enlarged, chest hurting and body hurting. Another round of blood work showed his mono numbers escalated, had a bacteria infection, glucose levels really low and high AST and ALT levels. We went to an ENT doctor and his adenoids were covered in puss. Sent us to an Infectious disease doctor who said it is dysautonomia. A second opinion for the GI doctor said he should seek therapy but also gave us a doctor at CHOP for GI issues. No one seems to get this isn’t my son. He has always played sports all year long and now he sits on the couch most of the time. He always went to school with no problems and now he gets very emotional and says he isn’t smart, it is too hard or doesn’t remember things (even things we as a family have done).
Lene Jensen says
At hyperthermia clinics in Germany they cure Lyme (as well as treat cancer).
My husband is a cancer patient and on our stays at Hospital Dr Herzog we have met several lyme patients getting a new life after the treatment.
I am wondering if the hyperthermia and infusions could help those that are vaccine injured (but without Lyme) as well.
Links: (just email them and ask about the Lyme program)
See also this video about an extensive program for healing at another German Clinic:
Jenna says
It might be a good idea to have her Day 3 Hormone levels; Estradiol & Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) checked, as well as her Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) level to determine her ovarian reserve.
Lisa VanNatter says
My 14 year old daughter just started with a constant headache, fatigue, and muscle aches on January 7, 2015. She received the vaccine in July of 2012. We have seen neurologists, a chiropractor, an ENT, acupuncturist, our CHOP Pediatrician. I have had her tested for Lymes and mono. Lymes came back negative and she has anitbodies to EBV. We are now consulting with an expert neurologist from LA who wants her to have an MRV and a spinal tap. He thinks it is Inter-cranial Hypertension. Now after reading this article, I am wondering if it could be this.
Lori says
I found this blog and the related stories today and like so many, it relates to my 14 yr old daughter. As has been noted above, while vaccines can cause these reactions, it is possible to have these set of symptoms and not have taken any vaccines. This is the case of my daughter. It seems that most have a trigger episode or something that started the illnesses, in Kim’s case it was a vaccine, in our case it was not. In our case it was probably a bacterial or viral infection compounded by running cross country.
My daughter has almost the same symptoms continually mentioned (headache/pains/dizziness/fatigue/chest pain). We are working with diagnosis ranging from autoimmune issues, disautonomia/POTs, elevated mycoplasma pneumonia, and elevated thyroid issues. We have been to multiple Neurologists, Cardiologists, Immunologists, Pulminologists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, … .
It wasn’t until we started working with a team of integrative doctors that we have become to get closer to what might be going on and how to help. I still feel like I am on a hamster wheel spinning as we have had so many ideas of what it could be, and each time we find something we start on the path, and then find out it didn’t help. For me, finding a doctor to manage the case and champion the cause has been huge. But I still feel like there is a huge audience out there of parents like me who need a better way to communicate and share what we are going through and what we have learnt. If any of you know of a place online like this, please let me know.
I welcome continuing a conversation online if you want to reach out ( and I am especially interested in what has worked for each of you. I think many things cause this situation to affect these highly functioning adolescents but it seems like once the ball starts rolling, many of the same treatments and cures could work and I would love to hear more about what has been working for those that are reading this. Thanks
M beltran says
Kim you should visit the website they sell a cleanse called the incurables! It can do amazing things. I have seen it cure cancer within my family and friends 4 different times. It has also cured manny other illnesses! The detox alone cured my 4 year old of eccoli poisoning. The doctors said there was nothing they could do and sent me home telling me she would either live with massive liver damage and never lead a normal life or she would die! Well after only takeing the detox for 3 days she was almost 100% better! I believe the incurables cleanse could cure your daughter!
Julie Bartel says
Thank you for sharing your story with the world. I wish Katie the very best. It sounds like she has an amazing family advocating for her care. I’ve suffered autoimmune type symptoms since my early 20’s, after receiving a ridiculous amount of immunizations (compliments of the military) on the same day. I’m now 45 & finally beginning to understand how to help heal my body. I’ve found a NP that actually listens, which is a huge relief. In your article you reference online information that you found linking the immunization to exacerbating underlying virus. I’m especially interested in researching this issue further. I have four girls who will not be receiving the shot. I’d like to be able to provide them with as much detailed information as possible. Is it possible to post links in the reply? Many thanks.
Mary says
She needs a sleep study. I had all kinds of issues including pain, excessive sleeping and cognitive problems and to my great surprise I have severe (no snore) sleep apnea. I was sleeping a lot because I was chronically exhausted because I was suffocating every 2 minutes. Because I didnt snore, we thought (after much off the grid testing) that I had fibre, gluten sensitivity and the like. NOPE. Sleep apnea disrupts all body systems.
Diane says
To All Families and Young Ladies who have suffered as a consequence of this vaccine,
I am a certified health coach and wanted to let you know that I helped a mom and her daughter heal from the devistating effects of this vaccine. It was at Thanksgiving dinner that the mom came to me asking if there was anything I could recommend as her daughter could barely move from the couch. Her daughters story is so similar to all of these. No doctor would even entertain the idea that it could be the vaccine. By Christmas of the same year after implementing my recommendations the daughter was back on her feet! I am thrilled to say that she experienced a complete recovery!
I guess I should make a disclosure that I am not a doctor, just a mother on a mission!
Here’s what I recommended: Bentonite Clay! Number one recommendation. It’s taken internally and rids the body of heavy metals. Next was to build the immunity….to do this I recommended a few different supplements including high doses of vitamins D and C. High quality fish oil and probiotics. In less than a month the daughter was back on her feet.
There were some dietary recommendations I made as well including elimination of all products that contain artificial sweeteners.
I am willing to hold a free webinar for anyone who is interested in learning more. Your daughters can heal! This doesn’t have to deprive them of there vitality or of their teenage years!
Sending healing prayers to all of you!
Carolyn Maslin says
Has anyone told this family that there’s a fund to help pay medical expenses for people injured by vaccines?
Carolyn Maslin says
There’s a fund to help with medical expenses for people injured by vaccines. It’s funded by vaccine companies.
Laura says
Kim, I cried when I read about Katie. The story is all too familiar. My daughter has been struggling with daily chronic headache for 4 years. An exhausting number of doctors, specialist, medications, and non-conventional medications. She had the first two gardasil vaccines but I did not allow the third. I was suspicious that it could be the culprit to her headache and fatigue. We have been aggressively pursuing options (even hospitalized twice in Chicagos diamond headache clinic) for four years. Everything is trial and error. We recently had DNA testing done that showed which medications could or could not be metabolized by my daughters body. Needless to say many of the meds she has been prescribed were on the not able to metabolize list. You feel awful as a parent giving your child so many medications and then to learn they would’ve never helped. Recently we also had her serotonin levels tested because she, like Katie, would get many hours of sleep but still so very tired. Her serotonin was at 12! Normal is 60-200. We have tried Botox, occipital nerve blocks, nerve blocks at the temples and finally tried nerve blocks above the eye. It helped her headache, located mostly in her forehead!
I hope & pray all these children will get relief and go back to a happy vibrant life.
Karen says
I agree with all those who are encouraging a holistic route. I recently started seeing a Naturopath. It is amazing what they can do for autoimmune issues. I have suffered for years and found that most medical professional over-prescribe medications that may relieve symptoms but rarely bring healing. I used to think a holistic approach was a little “out there” and relatively powerless, but I am so glad to be proven wrong!
Casey says
This sound very much like POTS!!!! Which can be brought on after immunization because pots/dysautonomia effects the CNS. I just watched a lecture on this and learned that it can come on after vaccination. Many Doctors are not familiar with pots….it can present as Lyme disease too!
Ashleigh Walton says
My name is Ashleigh Walton. I, myself, was a victim of the Gardisil vaccine. My symptoms were almost identical to Katie’s and last almost six years. I received the vaccine when I was 14, however; I am now 21 and generally healthy. I would love to reach out to Katie, as I know how hard it is when your friends don’t understand what is going on. If she ever would like to talk, please let me know! As gloomy as days may seem now, things will get better! There is light at the end of the tunnel. I know because I have been there.
God bless,
Kelly Power says
Hello Kim. My name is Kelly and I am 17 years old from Dublin, Ireland. I received the HPV Gardasil vaccination 4 years ago. From that very day I have never felt right. After a month of receiving that injection my health deteriorated rapidly. My back had caused me severe pain that had me lying in bed for a year. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and had been given epidurals to stop the pain. Soon after my back I got extremely fatigued to the point I was falling asleep everywhere and had to get at least 2 naps a day in order to function. I got severely depressed and had suffered from panic attacks. I then got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and had been seeing a doctor for that for months so they could get my dose right, Even though the dose was right and my thyroid had gained a balanced hormone level I was still having the symptoms. Then both my wrists disabled themselves and I couldn’t use my wrists. They found ganglion cysts growing in the joints of my wrists but they were not big enough to be causing that amount of pain. I then went to get cysts aspirated and had steroids injected into my wrists. Still then my wrists were in agony. Then after a few weeks of getting my wrists done my body started to get terrible chronic pain everywhere. I have always suffered from chronic and pain and I thought that it was nothing just my muscles aching because maybe I did something to them playing football. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and had to be put into a rehabilitation hospital for nearly a month to try learn to deal with the chronic pain I was feeling. And that was just before christmas. Now here I am getting tested for Lyme’s disease and Bartonella as I am showing the rash all over my body and I had been told all the time that it was just stretch marks. My mother had always cursed the day I got that vaccination and so did I. We are currently looking into getting compensation because of what had happened to me from the vaccination. I am being called collateral damage from doctors. I have started on something that you may want to look into. Its called Low Dose Naltrexone. It is meant to have done wonders for Lyme’s Disease and Fibromyalgia. I am so sorry about the horrible time your daughter has been experiencing but tell her she’s not alone. And thank you for making me feel less alone and like Im going mad when I say that vaccination destroyed my health. Please if you would like to talk to me about anything here is my email.
Kim Robinson says
Oh my… I can not believe the amount of people reaching out to try to help our daughter. The response has been truly overwhelming. I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to reach out to us. I am reading and researching everything that has been suggested. Fortunately, Katie is a lot better than she was when I original wrote this article over 1 year ago. She is still not 100% recovered so we continue to search for Katie’s path to a complete recovery but at least now we have confidence that this is an attainable goal.
For those of you that have children that suffered a vaccine injury, stay strong and know that it is possible to recover your child. Do not accept a diagnosis of various syndromes, which seems to be the norm today. A syndrome is not a true diagnosis and if your child is diagnosed with a syndrome, run away fast. Alternative or natural treatments hold more promise for the vaccine injured than mainstream medicine. Find someone that understands the global impact of a vaccine injury on the body and you will find the support and guidance you need. Rebalancing the body requires being open to health factors that traditional medicine often overlooks.
As parents we are supposed to balance the benefits of a vaccine against possible adverse events. However, what is sold to us is a message that vaccines only have beneficial effects and the rest is forgotten or ignored. Merck created a market for Gardasil with deceptive marketing that planted the fear of cancer in the mind of consumers. Please understand that Gardasil does not prevent cancer nor has it been proven to prevent cancer. It is a vaccine against four strains of the HPV virus. In most cases, the immune systems of those that acquire an HPV virus clear the virus on its own.
If your child is vaccine injured and you have the ability, please speak out and let others know what has been done to your child. We hope by sharing Katie’s story that we’ve reached parents who decided that the possible risks posed by Gardasil are not worth it and decided against administering this vaccine to their child. I wish everyday that I heard even one warning like ours before consenting to this vaccine — it would have saved Katie from years of needless suffering.
Bob says
I have a 14 y/o daughter that is on an identical track to yours. we are just in the process of getting specialized blood testing for lyme and had never considered Gardasil as a possible cause. Thank you for sharing your story so others can have hope and learn. we are in VA but are looking for a good LLMD if the one you have in PA is good I would love more information. here is my email for any information you could share. Thanks in advance!
David says
Hello, i was very sick several years ago (pre obamacare) and your comment about out of pocket costs after insurance. Had that changed for y’all after health care reform?
Elmer says
Hi Kim,
I’m very sorry to hear about your daughter. Her story is scarily similar to my daughter’s. Could you, or anyone else who has helpful suggestions, somehow message me to let me know what has and hasn’t worked for your daughter please? She has tried everything we can think of from Lyme treatment, glutathione IVs and other things for methylation and detox, avoiding all food allergies, mold illness, etc etc
M. Bellero says
Thanks for posting this story it really hits home with us. We have experienced a very similar story with our daughter after she received the Gardicil shot. Within 48 hours she began experience CNS problems. Her main issue was severe OCD, in addition to Migrains, lack of energy, constent sleeping. She spent the better part of her high school years in bed in a darkened room unable to live a normal life. She has had extensive treatment and even hospital stays. She has been home schooled on and off the the last few years of her HS years. When you try to discuss with doctors they look as if you are from another planet. But keep pressing them. They are required by law to report the adverse events and they are not allowed to determine if it is related or not. To be on the safe side you can also report any suspected reaction directly to the FDA at FDA.Gov.
Thanks for sharing.
Paula says
Please read “The Paleo Approach” by Sarah Ballantyne, PhD…..thousands of people are healing their autoimmune disorders with this diet (myself included) and please know that unlike what all that hype may say about the Paleo diet, it’s not about the meat- it’s about the vegetables.
Jennifer says
Please look into fasting and the regeneration of raw fruits and veggies… Detox miracle
Sourcebook by Robert morse Nd with fix it
All I’m living proof
Julie says
Hi Kim, I’ve been reading a lot of stories like this! I’m so sorry for your daughter and all the kids who suffer terrible outcomes from something that is marketed as “life saving” by the medical community and our government.
One treatment that stood out to me that I thought I’d mention to you, I know you’ve recieved a lot of input re: solutions ;-), was that from Organic Olivia. (
She turned things around for her system with cleanses and detoxing naturally, without more medicine.
Wishing your daughter great health in her future!! ❤️
LInda Morasse says
THERE IS AN all natural supplement called Theramine which helps greatly for pain Try it.
dawn says
My son is experiencing all of the symptoms and has had a migraine for 7 years. He did not have the gardisil vaccination before the onset. I think there is a problem and I think people want to make a cause and effect. I suspect this all has much more to do with the age and hormones than the vaccination.
Aus says
> Parents beware of blindly following your doctor’s recommended vaccine schedule.
And that includes whatever they recommend.
> Do not rely or expect your doctor to know everything. You must do your own research
Absolutely, therefore you’ve gotta examine what is in your medicine or any medical substance
your doctor would give/sell your child or yourself, which could cause ANOTHER symptoms on top of
the ones you/your girls already have. For example, some people recommended Naltrexone.
Then you MUST KNOW what kind of so-called SIDE EFFECTS it has at least,
BEFORE you determine to give it to your girl/yourself or not.
I wonder when people will wake up to this ugly reality…
My suggestion is here,
Please read this comment as well.
Kari Hamilton says
Gosh, I don’t even know where to begin. First, I want to thank you for sharing your story. I have had concerns about Gardasil, but have never seen so much information and confirmation of problems in one place! Now I know to stay strong and not have my daughter (or sons) vaccinated. Again, thank you! Your story makes me ache for you and all the parents that are going through this. It is because of that ache, that I am stepping out of my comfort zone to post this. I am nervous to offer one more suggestion, as there seems to be an overwhelming number of suggestions being posted. However, I feel so strongly, I had to share. Have you ever heard of Juice Plus? It is a whole food concentrate (26 fruits, veggies and grains) that has been researched in over 30 studies and proven to support the immune system among other things. I am so grateful for the changes it has induced in my family; I would love the help you learn about this to see if it may help your daughter. I can be reached at if I can help in any way. Thank you, Kari
Lexie says
I apologize for yor daughter’s troubles but I have to caution everyone on refusing vaccinations. The percent of people in the world who develops serious problems is so small and the only reason it seems like a lot rigt now is because this is a website on vaccines. It is not taking into account the other statistics. You suspect that the hpv vaccine may have activated the infection – I am curious if you found only that one article. Additionally I would ask where the study came from, if the study is merely correlations or if there is direct evidence for this? If there was direct evidence and this was a valid study that could be repeated and peer-reviewed AND it was effecting a higher percentage of the population then doctors would not recommend the vaccine. Doctors DO read studies, they keep up with research if not completing their own research. Just make sure that whatever article you are reading, check the study they are referring, check their methodology, it may be completely invalid.
Karen Hubbard says
I came across your story. I am 30 years old and had the vaccine about 7 years ago. I have recently had an unofficial diagnosis of Lupus. I have never considered Gardasil as a culprit for all my troubles, but reading your post makes me wonder. I have been diagnosed with Mono/Epstein Barr several times in the past 10 years. I still test positive for active Epstein. I always contributed my chronic fatigue to this, but maybe Gardasil caused the mono to flare again. I have horrible joint pain that tends to be located in my hips, but also appears in my shoulders. I also have headaches/migraines. I have always attributed these to sinus issues. They come and go, but most headaches are in the back area of my head or temples. The migraines leave me seeing spots or very blurred vision, a long with the pain. At the age of 24, my eye doctor said that I had the focusing time of a 45 year old and it would only get worse. It takes me several seconds to fully focus on a particular thing. Over the years I have coped with these ailments in multiple ways. It’s hard to control diet, but that seems to be the ticket. I go through phases of nausea which makes it almost impossible for me to eat. I still remain tired almost constantly. I try to maintain a “normal” life. Playing tennis, working a full time job, keeping a house up, but it is hard sometimes. Sometimes I crash and have to rest.
If you ever come across something that helps Katie, please share. I refuse to take all the medicine that is prescribed to me. I have recently heard that Natural Cherry Juice helps with Lupus so I will be trying that soon.
Take care and Best wishes,
Lori Savins says
Please please look into PARVO B19 – Fifths disease! I was plagued 2 years ago – my 12 year old got it as well – in teenagers and adults its not well known but ALL the same symptoms you described. A blood test is never ordered but it will confirm it. So many people don’t think of this- very hard to get medical field to listen– but it’s more common than you think. While there is no cure- at least you would know.
John Russ says
My son too had the gardisil vaccine with underlying Lyme and became very ill and incapacitated
I wrote it about it in my blog
Good luck
Lisa C. says
Wow, I few months ago I came across a Facebook post on another young lady who also was fighting this “mysterious” illness doctors couldn’t find any answers to either. It turned out to also be related to having received the Gardasil vaccine. This young lady was able to heal herself by changing her diet and using Traditional Chinese medicine vs Western medicine. Here is the young lady’s websit with her story After reading about you daughter story, I went back to my Facebook page to find it for you. I personally found it interesting that she ne I personally found it interesting the methods she used to heal her own body. As a nurse & a mother of an athletic teenage girl myself, my heart goes out to your family for this injustice done to your daughter by our health care system.
Ann says
After my son’s second shot he became ill. He has extreme fatigue and muscle aches. At times he develops upper neck pain and muscle weakness, especially in his legs. His life has completely changed. Physical activity is very difficult for him. I reported my son’s reaction to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It was clear that his doctor became upset by this and referred him to his assistant. My son still suffers and my concerns are the long term effects. I need to find a physician in the Elyria/Cleveland area who will be an advocate for my son’s well-being.
Jane says
While my situation wasn’t as serious as Katie’s, in grad school I did one dose of an HPV vaccine. Right when the shot went in, I felt pain and my arm was sore for days. I went back to the doctor and complained of the soreness and decided not to continue with the doses. I agree with you, I wish I was more informed about the vaccine and the possible side affects that could result.
Drew says
Are you aware of the vaccine court in D.C.? I’d never heard of it until this week. NPR did 2 stories about it this week. Here’s a link to the second story:
Betsy Voorhies, MD says
I hope you read these comments. I am a Homeopath and have been able to cure Lyme disease and vaccine related conditions. Because I’m retired, I would like to refer you to my Homeopath, Karen Cohen, DC. She’s in Santa Cruz, CA but can “see” Katie by Skype or over the phone. Please at least talk to her about Katie’s condition. Her number is (831) 425-1422. My heart goes out to you and your family. I know what hell you’re going through and hope that it ends soon.
anita says
Sounds like a case for the vaccine court. Just heard it exists for individuals who have bad experiences with vaccines. Best wishes for your daughter’s healing.
J Wolansky says
By the number of comments to your story, it is clear that weakened immune systems are becoming more prevalent and increasingly affecting our children. I know the dangers of vaccines as I lost my nephew at a young age to a different vaccination than you referenced. I would quickly like to tell you that my daughter can no longer have vaccinations as after years of physicians, surgeries and various hospital visits, many aspects of her illness are being revealed. She suffered identical symptoms as your daughter. I want you to know that several dr’s at CHOP failed to help her but Dr. Jeffrey Boris changed her life. He specializes in Dysautonomia and his efforts proved to restore her life. Through his amazing guidance and persistence, she was sent to Univ of Penn hospital to see a geneticist who diagnosed the underlying condition as EDS(Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome). If you would like more information on how these two illnesses can magnify the effects of lyme’s, vaccinations and medications, I strongly encourage you and others, to log on to Search the blogs on EDS and Dysautonomia. There might also be information on this particular vaccination. The information presented provides insight as my daughter’s original symptoms began at 8. She is now 21 and over the years different symptoms appeared. She has a gastric pacemaker due to gastro-paresis, her headaches are under control, her energy is supported by Ritalin as it activates the CNS to maintain consistency. Again, I highly recommend Dr. Jeffrey Boris. He is an advocate for these children and is working on research for long-term results. As for genetic testing which I highly recommend, I would suggest going to see DR. Claire Francomano at John Hopkins. I hear from everyone she is the most skilled at determining the underlying cause of these illnesses which are increasing at this alarming rate. I am certain the vaccine activated the illness in your daughter but I encourage you to learn why your daughter, as my nephew and daughter, are highly susceptible to reactions.
I pray that your daughter finds continued improvement in her health and that we all explore the implication that diet and environmental toxins are having on future generations as the rate of these once rare conditions are on the rise.
God Bless your family,
kris leffler says
I had a friend whose son, after immunizations as a young teen, became ill and after years of 8 different meds, accepted the idea that he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Doctor after doctor just wanted to prescribe meds. Mom finally found a holistic guy who swore he could help. After many visits to get an ionic detox foot bath, he began to feel better and was able to walk without pain. The foot baths literally pull the toxins out of the body (the water was black the first few times from all the garbage coming out, then lightened up over time). He is now off all meds, no pain and has a job where he is on his feet all day, no pain. It was her miracle for her son. When all else does not seem to be working, what do you have to loose? I wish you well!
Dani says
There should be natural remedies for your daughter, find a naturopath to test her to see what her body needs. I have always used a homeopathic practitioner and have remedied even appendicitis, never had it removed do to taking the appropriate herbs and vitamins that my body needed to heal itself.
Granite Page says
This is my daughters story. Once finally diagnosed (co-infector) she was refused standard anti-biotic treatment (Lyme illiterate state).
We had no choice but to seek alternative, non-invasive treatment with Dr. Dean Page in Hartland,MI. He saved her life.
First appointment cost $150 with follow-ups about $80 (2-4 per year). Because Lymes and co-infectors can lie dormant it can take a few years to
clean it out. However, the first treatment showed such a drastic improvement that my daughter went from asking for a wheelchair to applying to college within days. There is some permed ant damage from going years without treatment, but that last 10% is easy to live with in comparison.
Riku says
I wouldn’t consider Katie to be lean. She is overweight.
Katarina says
I am sorry you have such an aweful experience with the vaccine. It is just too sad how are vaccines pushed on our children. It is great to hear though that Katie is feeling better. I am wishing you best of luck for her recovery. I just wanted to let you know about a holistic medical institute, that has a great success with treatments of all kinds of diseases. You must be bombarded with informations, but I am hoping this one will help you and others. Please, visit
Sending you a lots of prayers and hugs for your daughter.
Garie says
I just read Katie’s story on Facebook and just finished reading every comment and response to the article. I do not have Lyme Disease but I suffered from severe Candida overgrowth, migraines (week long), chronic headaches (daily), stage 3 Adrenal fatigue, Chronic fatigue, Chronic Pain and Inflammation, Hypothyroidism, lack of concentration and focus, irritability (anger), depression, joint pain and swelling, Epstein Barr Virus,
Severely low D3 levels (17), off the chart high Cortisol levels and hormone imbalance, IBS, PMS, Endometriosis, Menorrahagia, excessive sweating, insomnia, skin issues and hair loss. There is a correlation between chronic illness and disease and gut health. After 7+ years of illness and trying everything I could get my hands on, I found nothing that gave lasting relief and some things had side effects that that exacerbated the problem. June 2, 2015 I started Plexus. I am now off all prescriptions (except thyroid), supplements, herbs and essential oils, and no longer suffer from the above symptoms. The products are proven, all natural, non-gmo, gluten free, and sweetened with Stevia. There are no contraindications (unless you are taking a statin, check with Dr. before taking BioCleanse as it contains grapefruit extract), and they are safe for children (check with pediatrician). If you are looking for a natural, effective way to eleviate symptoms and promote a healthy immune response, I suggest trying Plexus. I have included 1 testimony below…
Florence Kersten shares…
So, I’m sure some of you are wondering how I got SOOO PLEXUS CRAZY…Well, if you have a moment let me explain…
I have been hypoglycemic for as long as I can remember. At age seven I got Lyme’s disease and started having chronic pain (I pretty much always had a deep-bone-ache to some degree or another). By age eight I was having migraines regularly and chronic constipation. I have had panic attacks throughout my life, but at age 21 they came to a peek and my adrenals were shot. I have withdrawn myself from most situations that cause panic attacks as much as I can without just hiding under a rock. However, even with withdrawing myself and supplements geared towards supporting my adrenals I was still not what anyone would call normal. In a “good day”, were there was no added stress to my day, I would have 5-6 panic attacks and would fall asleep on my feet with no warning. This was a “good day, pretty much anything could up that total and the severity of them causing me to be a wreck.
I became pregnant with my 3rd baby. I started having morning sickness a week after conception; started having major skin breakouts, headaches, and my chronic pain went way up. My morning sickness worsened and I soon said farewell to almost all forms of protein, which in turn made the symptoms of being hypoglycemic even worst. (I had blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, and sugar crashes.) By the end of the summer I was so scared that I would wake up one morning and find I couldn’t eat anything. The first thoughts every morning was praying, “Jesus, please let there be something I can eat today!” I was down to eating berries, some fresh vegetables, and forcing myself to eat protein bars. I would have random cravings from time to time for a meal and my dear Hubby would get me whatever it was, but I hadn’t eaten 3 square meals since early in my pregnancy.
A friend shared with me about the Plexus Products and I started taking Slim, BioCleanse, and ProBio5. I will never be the same again! Within a few days, I saw a change. I was eating, less panic attacks, less headaches, stable blood sugar, and constipation completely gone, and I was sleeping so well, over all I saw my body began to heal itself. I quickly added Fast Relief and saw my pain level drop.
2 months into my Plexus journey…I am now eating 3 whole meals a day and snacks too! I haven’t had a panic attack in weeks. My adrenals are healing and I have more energy. As I was drifting off to sleep one night I realized for the first time in forever I am going to sleep without any pain! I usually have some pain at all time so this is huge!
Now you have to understand I am sharing the high points of my journey, my mile stones, I am still healing, I still have days that I go through another layer of detoxing, at which time I get a good headache (but not a migraine), my chronic pain goes through the roof, and my skin itches and burns and my energy level is practically non-existent. But, I just hold on for the ride, drink plenty of water (a gallon a day) and rest. When I finish a layer of detoxing I am better than I have been thus far and it one or two ruff days was well worth it.
3 months into my Plexus journey…my little man has been born, it was a beautiful birth. My midwife shared after he was born that out of all her patients in the area she was concerned about me the most, (because of how sick I was) yet it was the most beautiful birth EVER! He is a healthy baby and I would have to say he has the healthiest gut out of all my kiddos. Usually my breastfed babies don’t have regular bowel movements until they stop breastfeeding, (because my gut health is has been so bad). But this little man has had regular bowel movements from day one (with the exception of a little episode were he needed a chiropractic adjustment).
I am still on my journey; I am not 100% better, YET. This is not a “miracle cure” (although I am amazed and praising God for the results I have seen) these are supplements that balance our body, so that our body can function how it was meant to and begin the healing process. I did not get sick overnight and so I don’t expect to get better over night. But, I cannot say it enough how thankful I am to God and my friend, Shalom Brand, for sharing with me the hope of living a healthy life for the first time. If you are in pain or sick please contact whoever shared this with you, get your health back on track, you are worth this, there is hope, believe me I have been there I know. I do not want anyone to be where I was just a few months ago. God bless!
If you are interested in learning more about Plexus and how it may help you, please email me at
Lori says
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I found this blog and the related stories today and like so many, it relates to my 14 yr old daughter. As has been noted above, while vaccines can cause these reactions, it is possible to have these set of symptoms and not have taken any vaccines. This is the case of my daughter. It seems that most have a trigger episode or something that started the illnesses, in Kim’s case it was a vaccine, in our case it was not. In our case it was probably a bacterial or viral infection compounded by running cross country.
My daughter has almost the same symptoms continually mentioned (headache/pains/dizziness/fatigue/chest pain). We are working with diagnosis ranging from autoimmune issues, disautonomia/POTs, elevated mycoplasma pneumonia, and elevated thyroid issues. We have been to multiple Neurologists, Cardiologists, Immunologists, Pulminologists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, … .
It wasn’t until we started working with a team of integrative doctors that we have become to get closer to what might be going on and how to help. I still feel like I am on a hamster wheel spinning as we have had so many ideas of what it could be, and each time we find something we start on the path, and then find out it didn’t help. For me, finding a doctor to manage the case and champion the cause has been huge. But I still feel like there is a huge audience out there of parents like me who need a better way to communicate and share what we are going through and what we have learnt. If any of you know of a place online like this, please let me know.
I welcome continuing a conversation online if you want to reach out ( and I am especially interested in what has worked for each of you. I think many things cause this situation to affect these highly functioning adolescents but it seems like once the ball starts rolling, many of the same treatments and cures could work and I would love to hear more about what has been working for those that are reading this. Thanks
Michele says
Hi Ms. Robinson,
I am so sorry for what happened to your daughter. She sounds like she is having autoimmune issues because of the vaccination. Please check out this website – it may help your daughter as it has helped many overcome autoimmune disease. It is drug free. Please read the testimonials. You can contact Miki through the website, she will help you. Good luck and I hope she gets better!
Terry Robaina says
Until I read this , I thought something mental was wrong with my daughter she is doing the same thing as your daughter she also had shots in 5th grade before 6th grade and everything changed
, my daughter just failed the 11th grade due to days missed and her being sick headaches etc confined to her room most days, I am so speechless!
don says
I’m so glad I refused this vaccine for my daughter last year. The doctor was pushing it so hard like he was trying to sell me a car.
Kevin says
In case the family sees this:
First off, we have a young daughter, and I feel for your situation. I am sorry to hear all you have faced!
My wife is into homepathy, natural healing (including chiropractic), etc. and does tons and tons of research. We use essential oils for various ailments and I gotta admit it’s great stuff.
I asked her about how you deal with lyme disease and mentioned your daughter’s symptoms. She said that your daughter needs to work on her gut health. She said researchers are finding that many neurological problems (and other problems) are related to gut health. So, she told me that probiotics should help (though, of course, it’ll take a while to rebuild her gut health). I know we’ve used Shaklee probiotics in the past and saw good results for our own ailments, though I’m sure there’s other good brands you can try too. So, you guys may want to try that. It’ll be way cheaper than her medical tests, drugs, treatments, etc. and if it doesn’t work for her, she certainly won’t be worse off for it either!
Good luck!
Misty shaw says
My daughter too was affected by the guardsil shot i believe..soon after getting the shot she was having weird things going.. very long story short she was diagnosed with schmidts syndrome. . Or polyglandular syndrome type 2 an auto immune disorder.. i always said it was because of the shot but no one would listen.. because of this shot my daughter will never have children of her own
Lauren says
Hi, I’m crying right now… I too am a dancer and thanks to a well informed UT professor here in austintexas @ ACC I was able to make the decision to stop at dosage 2. And In fact, the doctor who recommended me for this vaccine knew I already had HPV as well… My next doctor questioned why I was even taking it….
BUT PLEASE READ!!!! MAYBE STOP THE WESTERN PRACTICES!! I HAVE HEARD THERE ARE EASTERN PRACTICES THAT CAN REMOVE VACCINES!!!! I cannot quote which. Please do some research on that!! If I can find anything else out I’ll repost. Or email me at so we can chat there. I’d like to help anyway I can and PLEASE TELL US WHERE WE DONATE!!!!! We obviously cannot trust our government when it comes to our healthy money is too important… More important than the people.
My heart goes out to Katie.
Michelle says
I’m so sorry to hear that this has happened to your daughter but I wanted to let you know with regards to your medical bills, that Katie may be eligible for Medical Assistance for her health problems. I’m not sure what state that you live in but in Pennsylvania, if you have a child with a serious medical need, that child can receive Medial Assistance through the “Loop Hole Program” (which you must state when applying). It is not based on your household income, it’s based on the child’s medical need. So, what your primary insurance doesn’t cover the the Medical Assistance will cover the balance. I’ve paid thousands of dollars in the past for out of pocket expenses for my child until I found out about this program. Good luck and I wish you and your family all the best!!
Tammy Hawley says
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. You could have been talking about my daughter. We have been trough almost the exact same thing even as far as CHOP, and it all being in her head. I feel like I am slowly watching my child waste away and no one will listen or help us. I am going to call her doctor first thing tomorrow and demand that they run these tests and and about the shots. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and will keep her and your family in my prayers. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to you for sharing this.
Elena says
My youngest daughter took the first of three Gardasil injections when she was 12 years old. I foolishly let her doctor talk me into it. She told me, “I’d do this if she were my child.” Almost immediately, my daughter was aching all over. She had severe joint pain (even her knuckles and toe joints) and was extremely tired. She could barely move.
One week later, we found ourselves back at her PCP’s office. Her doctor told us this couldn’t have been caused by the vaccine. I insisted on blood work (because she at first had refused) and to the doctor’s surprise, my daughter had hyperthyroidism which shouldn’t be happening to a 12 year old. She was tested six months later and once year after that and the results are within normal limits although at the outer limits so we don’t know if this problem will resurface at some point. Also, several months after receiving this vaccine, my daughter developed severe anxiety and depression which we’ve been dealing with ever since (she’s almost 17).
You can’t convince me that Gardasil didn’t affect my daughter’s health negatively. Needless to say, we never followed up on the second and third doses. We have three daughters. The eldest daughter chose to take the vaccine when she began college. She has suffered no ill effects that we’re aware of. Our second daughter chose not to vaccinated at all. With our youngest daughter, we had assumed that because one child tolerated the vaccine that all of our children would as well. Obviously, we were wrong.
Thank you for sharing your story which will hopefully prevent another child from going through what your daughter has endured. Blessings to you and yours.
Amanda says
I’m so upset reading this! I hope Katie and all the children of the parents that have posted on here are doing better. I want to share some recent information that has been brought to my attention. Healing your body from the inside and building your immune system is a great way to start and Neolife products have proven to have amazing results.
Please watch the YouTube video about a woman with Lyme that was treated successfully with the Neolife vitamins. For some reason I can’t post it, but if you want me to send you more info please email me at
Kim – sharing your story has inspired so many to do the same. Please email me so that I may help your family without you suffering more financial burden. Take care.
richell says
I understand what you.have been through specially your daughter as I have been through exactly the same thing or maybe worst. Been going to doctors as well after having Gardasil shots. My husband did a lot of research it took us a while to recover. It tool a lot of money as well for doctors appointment to doctors appointment. Yet, I was getting worse and worse. Not until we decided not to see any of them anymore. My husband did a lot of research. And I did try many alternatives but what helps me is the GERSON THERAPY/ GERSON DIET. Try to search on that, it maybe will help her.
Dawn Locke says
My daughter at the time was 17 when she had the Gardasil shot. Within a month she started getting sick. Within months she was so sick, near death. It was the most horrible time in our life. She is 25 now, living with a disease call ADDISON DISEASE. An autoimmune disease that has destroyed her adrenal glands. She has to take steroids and other medication to stay alive. It is a very long story, to long for me to write. She deals with so many different issues. And some how manages to be positive. Does anyone deal with Addison’s or know someone that does. Her symptom’s are so like Lyme disease. We would love to find a better way to get to where she doesn’t have to depend on steroids, that just leads to other issues down the road. Its so good to read that we are not alone. I asked every doctor, specialist, emergency room doctor…for months if Gardasil could have anything to do with this and I was told no way….everytime….but I knew in my gut this was the reason. And I have to live with that decision that I ok’d the shot that did all this to my daughter.
Emily says
Hi! I am wondering what lab you used for your Lyme testing.
Danielle D says
I cannot even believe how much I relate to this article. I received the Gardasil shot and soon after I was facing extreme fatigue I was slacking in school I was on the swim team but I wasn’t able to participate or go to practices. I would come home from school and fall asleep at 3 o’clock and would sleep through the next day and tell my mom came home from work at four and would still feel sick and not able to get up. This prompted us to go and do the exact same thing is you my mom took me to the diagnostic center at chop and I saw Dr. Magnusson and was also diagnosed with dysautonomia and sent to a chop neurologist for help with my frequent migraines. The gardasil shot was always in the back of our heads after a friend of ours told us that their daughter had the same kind of symptoms. most doctors rejected the idea that the Garda cell shot had any role to play in this and again they blamed it on the dysautonomia and also said that the tiredness could be due to the fact that I was playing all of the sports and then all of a sudden stopped . I’m currently 20 years old and though I am still tired a lot and do you get migraines I’ve learned to deal with it I’m actually going to be going into pharmacy school so there is hope you just have to work a little harder than everyone else . As far as the migraines I still haven’t found any preventative to work and the only thing I can take is like a Tylenol with Codeine just put me to sleep because sleep is basically the only thing that’ll take away a migraine. As far as the migraines I still haven’t found any preventative to work and the only thing I can take is like a Tylenol with Codeine just put me to sleep because sleep is basically the only thing that’ll take away my green from me
Kate Northrop says
So sorry this happened to your daughter but it sounds like the culprit was lyme disease not the vaccine.
Becky says
I have read that Ledum Palustre is the only known cure for Lyme Disease. It is a Homeopathic Remedy. My prayers and sorrow to all those who are dealing with these medical monsters caused by vaccines…… 🙁
Omphalie says
So many sad stories. Please check Hydrobaric therapy out. When the cells are given more oxygen, like under higher atmospheric pressure in an oxygen tent, amazing healing can happen. The Centre of Hope in California uses it successfully with children on the spectrum , many of them damaged after vaccination. There are a couple of youtubes which demonstrate the mental/emotional state of children before and after the treatment. It is very expensive, however oxygen tents are more affordable, particularly if you find some other families to share them with. Stuart is a technician who has a lot of experience with this technology. I trust that he will be able to answer questions
Also, PEMF technology could be helpful for the recovery process. PEMF therapy detoxes the body and stimulates cell renewal. There are again some affordable systems on he he market.
Another profound way to detox the body and help with healing is the use of far infra red saunas. Lincoln Jeffers shares his story of recovery using these saunas on Youttube
Wishing you all the best and that your children will heal again.
Omphalie says
So many sad stories. Please check Hydrobaric therapy out. When the cells are given more oxygen, like under higher atmospheric pressure in an oxygen tent, amazing healing can happen. The Centre of Hope in California uses it successfully with children on the spectrum , many of them damaged after vaccination. There are a couple of youtubes which demonstrate the mental/emotional state of children before and after the treatment. It is very expensive, however oxygen tents are more affordable, particularly if you find some other families to share them with. Stuart is a technician who has a lot of experience with this technology. I trust that he will be able to answer questions
Also, PEMF technology could be helpful for the recovery process. PEMF therapy detoxes the body and stimulates cell renewal. There are again some affordable systems on he he market.
Another profound way to detox the body and help with healing is the use of far infra red saunas. Lincoln Jeffers talks about the recovery of his immune system using far infra red saunas on youtube.
Wishing you all the best and that your children will heal.
Kylie Weatherly says
I am so thankful I found this article. My SON yes my son received this shot and is now going through the same thing
Laura says
Hi Kim, I have no idea, if you have heard or are interested in what I have to offer, but I read your story and I immediately thought of you because of your daughters immune system being so compromised. As strange as it may sound, there is research showing that whole food nutrition is KEY to an improved immune system, while I can’t guarantee a cure for her, if you wouldn’t mind reaching out to me so I can share with you what I know about whole food nutrition and allow you to hear from some experts in the field of homeopathy. As i said, I cant give you any hopes of a “cure” per say, however I know that thousands of people who have benefited from what I have to share with you, and its simple…I would love to chat with you if you would be open to hearing more. I’m sorry your daughter is dealing with this, and as a mom myself, I would do whatever I could if we were in the same position!! Thanks and have a great day!
Maya Divers says
Hi, Just thought i would send you a link to Annie hoppers website. I suffered from environmental sensitivities for over ten years after a chemical injury. I had many similar symptoms to your daughter, which included extreme fatigue, joint pain, heart palpitations, numbness/ tingling, nausea, loss of concentration and memory problems, headaches, light sensitivity, sensitivities to mould/ chemicals etc.. I spent years going from doctor to doctor without any luck and on occasion being told my symptoms may be psychosomatic. Five years ago i finally saw an occupational health specialist who diagnosed me with Multiple chemical sensitivity but said there was nothing he could do for me. After trying many alternative therapies ( some which may have helped a little) I found annie hoppers website. I have just started her program and have found it very helpful. I am still not fully recovered but am slowly improving. I have no idea whether it would be helpful for your daughter and realise her health issues are quite different to mine, but thought i would send you the link in case it could be a small part of the puzzle. Best of luck. Maya
Maya Divers says
Hi, Just thought i would send you a link to Annie hoppers website. I suffered from environmental sensitivities for over ten years after a chemical injury. I had many similar symptoms to your daughter, which included extreme fatigue, joint pain, heart palpitations, numbness/ tingling, nausea, loss of concentration and memory problems, headaches, light sensitivity, sensitivities to mould/ chemicals etc.. I spent years going from doctor to doctor without any luck and on occasion being told my symptoms may be psychosomatic. Five years ago i finally saw an occupational health specialist who diagnosed me with Multiple chemical sensitivity but said there was nothing he could do for me. After trying many alternative therapies ( some which have helped a little bit) I found annie hoppers website. I have just started her program and have found it very helpful. I am still not fully recovered but am slowly improving. I have no idea whether it would be helpful for your daughter and realize her health issues are quite different to mine, but thought i would send you the link in case it could be a small part of the puzzle. Best of luck. Maya
Shannon says
I’m so sorry to all of you who have watched their children suffer. My son’s story is strikingly similar to your daughters.
At 11 he was a vibrant healthy athlete but he quickly descended into crippling pain and illness. We too did the ER visits, specialists and even saw the
areas “best dr’s.” We too were told to see a psychologist. Eventually he was diagnosed and treated for Lyme and coinfections. 5 years later he is doing very well but has been changed by it all. I have always felt that his illness was somehow tied to vaccinations he received at his 11 year physical. Most recently after his younger brother had a bad reaction to a meningitis vaccine I am thinking more about this connection. He did not receive the Gardasil vaccine but I can’t help but wonder if there is more to this whole vaccine issue than we understand.
mollie plant says
Please have Katie’s family contact me. I know of a place that literally saved my daughters life by treating her Lyme naturally. Hansa health and wellness center in Kansas USA.
Ann says
Everyone here, thank you for sharing your heartfelt stories. I wish you all better health to come. Please learn all that you can about nagalase in vaccines and GcMAF. Nagalase shuts down the immune system so the public does become ill. More profits for Big Pharma. It’s a real eye opener:
Jennifer says
Dear Kim,
I read Katie’s story. I’ve been doing alot of research about toxic vaccines since I have a baby. You need to give Katie Zeoforce. It’s made from Volcanic ash. It has a honeycomb shaped molecule that binds with viruses, bacteria and heavy metals. It’s cheap only $40. It has been used for thousands of years. My whole family takes it. It also detoxifies pesticides from your body. I’ve also read Cats claw herb helps with Lyme. These are reasonable options. Don’t trust Drs. They just want to exhaust your health insurance. There is a Chiropractor in Michigan that may be able to help her. His name is Dr. Randy Tent. His videos are on Youtube. Diverse Health Services. I hope this helps.
Nativecutie says
I have been battling similar symptoms for years now and all of my Lyme tests were negative. Could you tell me what lab you used for the diagnosis? Thank you so much and God bless!
Doctor Gayle Rogers says
I am a grandmother of 7, and my heart breaks after reading Katie’s story. I can’t even begin to imagine what your family has suffered. I am a mental health practitioner but also very much involved in natural healing and wholeness. I know you have received lots of advice here as well as suggestions for natural supplements. Please consider one more: Moringa Oliefera which is considered the Miracle Tree on the discovery channel documentary. Please watch it if you can and feel free to contact me via my website for additional information. I will also commit to praying for Katie and your entire family. It is so unfortunate that we can no longer rely on our medical professionals, however we can rely on God. Your family has suffered much trauma and I’m sure could benefit with emotional healing. Contact me, I am offering my services, not for money but so I can help you all on your healing journey. God bless.
Kimberly says
I live in Philadelphia and I am currently treating my Bartonella and Lyme brought on by stress from 2 pregnancies close together. If you are looking for some doctors in the area and a local group of people who quietly work together to become healthy again, feel free to email me!
Stay strong – she will overcome this! Kim
Cindy Higginbottom says
My daughter who just turned 16 is going through a very similar situations to Katies. I too made the mistake about this vaccine. She just had a MRI and the results were normal, now they want her to go see a psychologist. I am no doctor, but I know something is wrong everything seems to happen to her left side including eye twitch, vision loss, hearing loss, back pain and swelling all the way down to her toes. She has been to infectious dz doctors, neurologist. Her last visit was with a Boston Childrens neurologist. We live in the Worcester, MA area. Can someone out there tell me where we should go please!
keri says
both of my beautiful daughters were vaccinated with the hpv vaccine back in 2012-2013 when they were both 12 and 14 years old and the advice of my doctor. its been about 3 years now and both of them display no adverse effects from this horrible poison which i thank god everyday. After reading these horrible stories i wish i have never gotten them vaccinated. I cried myself to sleep every night with guilt thinking that something bad will go wrong with their bodies as no knows what the long term side effects will be.How can i get this poison out of their bodies . Is it too late? How long does the vaccine stay in their system? I am so afraid right now . I am praying everyday will be fine .
Jennifer G says
This story screams PANDAS disorder!!! My son has it and we went through the same thing. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with strep. It is often diagnosed along with Lyme and immune deficiencies. Our son’s onset was sudden and a month after his vaccines were given. There are Facebook groups for “parents of children with pandas and Lyme” great info and support as well as googling pandas network. Hope this helps!!
zane says
Gardasil vaccines
As of November 2013 there have been 31,741 adverse effects, including 6248 permanent injuries and 144 deaths recorded following Gardasil vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies which make the vaccine, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services which holds patents and earns profits from the vaccine, say that they are all a coincidence. The mainstream media is even worse: they are in denial that these events are even happening
Bill and Melinda Foundation’s Oral Polio Vaccine Cripples 47,500 Children
Vaccines The science of vaccines is good at best, but we can no longer trust the governments and the makers of these vaccines.
Lee says
kim, all your daughters symptoms sound like a rare disorder that I had 20 years ago. It could undid be triggered by a viral attack on the sheaths covering the nerves that control ones muscles. It mimics Lyme disease , some symtoms of multiple sclerosis. Ear pain is because there is connective tissue in your ear! Thyroid issues are prevalent in people with this disease. I was allergic to all the meds for it so I healed myself through nutrition and herbs and vitamins. Nutritional deficiciencies have a lot to do with it, I am convinced. I quit eating anything out of a can or a box and started taking a multivitamin with selenium and zinc in it and guarani for energy. Today I live a full life although I was told there was no cure!
MB says
I don’t know how it came across my face book, however; I wish I could have taken HPV vaccine when I was a child. I had HPV, or I can say that I have it. Once a HPV is there, it will be aways in the body. After being diagnosed in my annual visit to the gynecologist the lesions in my uterus’ colon which was asymptomatic came positive. I had medical intervention right there! It didn’t stop my dear HPV to do a damage of NIC 4, or a precancerous lesion on me. Another surgical procedure done, but guess what? The margins of the epithelium removed from my colon were not clear; in another words, HPV lesions still left on me. My doctors, the best. What was left on me could fit in a microscopic scale. Another surgery, colon totally removed. I was only 24 years old. Having babies there was very complicated without a uterus’ colon. Ok, right? No, one of the complications of this kind of surgery is when on the healing process the body blocked the orifice between uterus and vaginal channel where the menstruation comes out. Ouch, now endometriosis! All the menstrual blood inside of me, and when it is the abdominal cavity it became the same epithelium that the uterus is made, which is called endometrial tissue. My endometriosis was every where, between my intestine, going to my lungs and heart. After two more surgeries, eight years, five tumors, an uterus, and two ovaries removed I said goodbye to the chance to have a kid again with the man that I love. It all began with my HPV. My daughter had HPV vaccine when she was 10. No complications. Better than that, she will not go through to the same calvary that HPV put me through. I believe in the power of choices. I’m here to expose the other side. No immunocompromised person should get a vaccine without a immuno specialist advice, and for those that an underline undetected condition lead into complications, I deeply felt for them. No apologetically, I am in favor of vaccination.
AC says
I see you have sooooo many responces….I will keep this brief. I feel your pain 12 of my immediate family members have Lyme and have experienced many of the same symptoms you have mentioned here…. Terrible! Terrible suffering! Two of them are my children (now 7&9…but they were 2.5 and 3 when I found out) All of them have tried many things and LLMD’s. Four of them almost lost their lives. Everyone of them who has gone to Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Reno NV ( has gotten their life back. I share this because I have seen it work not only for my family but for friends and friends of friends. Those who I know have suffered for years with this disease or other Auto Immune diseases. Seriously look in to it! Just so you know I gain nothing from referring you to Sierra Integrative. I just can’t stand seeing so many people suffer…..get treatment…maybe a little better….but never get well….I can’t stand seeing this year after year. I really belive Sierra Integrative is able to help your daughter. Talk to Dr. Fong….he will help you! Also Never give up! God feels your pain and He hears your prayers for your precious daughter…..She Will be well again!! I will be praying for her.
Heather currier says
I read this article and could not believe that after all the doctors, specialists, E.R.. Visits, and much more that I was seeing and reading my sons symptoms and a story of every parents nightmare a sick child and no answers…..I spoke with Kim tonight ( thanks Kim)….and think I now know my son has a vaccine injury from Gardasil also…I cannot believe a vaccine that was to protect him has torn our lives up so much….I know the journey will still be long but with now knowing and the help and knowledge along with reccomindations from others who have faced this prior to us that we can get him better…looking forward to being in the support group forms and receiving help and support from others who know our pain and concern.
Katleen says
Reading your story was heartbreaking. My daughter has been very sick but at all costs we have avoided doctors. She has overcome all of it…after 6 years of struggling. Had we gone the medical route she would have a lifetime of pain and an early death. Our path has changed my life as well. And we have found incredible healing and health. Mostly raw diet. Nothing white. Some fish. Mostly raw fruit and vegetables. But a great healer for anyone to try is this. It will help with building the immune system and reverse a plethora of disorders and kills all viruses n bacteria.. Here it is: get raw ginger, dehydrate it, chew on the dried pieces everyday ( about 3 pieces a day). It’s hot so take small bites. You will notices changes immediately. Gives tons of energy too. It will make you laugh with health!
Kathi says
I would like to recommend “Medical Medium” by Anthony William. This book deals with healing Epstein-Barr, Lyme, Chronic and Mystery Illness., etc. It can be ordered on Amazon. It’s a fascinating book and well worth the cost if it can help.
Emma says
This sounds just like what I’ve been through! I got gardasil the fall of my 8th grade year. I’m 22 now. In the winter/early spring of that school year I became so sick with..flu?…I don’t remember. I stayed home from school for almost a week and thought I was on the mend and wanted to get out and get some fresh air. My dad was making an HEB run so I went with him. We were there maybe 10 minutes and I felt the intense need to sit down. I leaned into my dad and told him I don’t feel well I’m going to be sick. The next thing I knew I was on the ground waking up from fainting. I had never fainted in my life. For the next year I had dizzy spells and fainted often. Constantly having to stay home from school with horrible migraines and fatigue. Migraines run in my dads family and up until then I had maybe 2 and Drs just thought I’m “migraine-y” like my family. I had migraines on average 3 times a month until the year after I graduated high school. I still suffer with migraines but not that deliberating. More just constant fatigue. I get stomach pains and went to the ER for that 2 years ago and they diagnosed it as IBS…I don’t have irritable bowels. In high school I constantly was at the Drs about my constant headaches and migraines. Went to a neurologist. Had 2 MRIs they found nothing. Everything came back as “it’s in your head” “change your diet” or “exercise more”. I was on my dance/drill team in high school. Work outs were pretty intense and I’ve always eaten pretty well. So we gave up hope going to the Drs. When I was a freshman in college I fainted frequently again. I had an ear infection around that time so Drs pointed it to that and school stress. I still get frequent dizzy spells though haven’t fainted in about a year. And I just live with headaches and fatigue. Does anyone have any suggestions. Is there any “cure” after having the vaccine 8 years ago? Suggestions please. Thanks.
Gina says
I just read this article because it was circulating in Facebook. I would strongly encourage and advise you to get Katie started on Plexus. This is an all-natural products and designed (with detailed and reliable research) to help with immune system function and release toxins from the body. PLEAS please consider Plexus as part of Katie’s treatment plan.
Leah says
Give your child IMMUNOCAL ASAP! It will boat glutathione levels and help strengthen her immune system!!!! I am a RN and a Naturopath and I know it works. Ask her lyme doctor about immunocsl, then Google it, go to youtube and listen to testimonials. It is EXTREMELY credible. There are 43 published studies in peer reviewed journals on immunocal. It is even listed in the PDR.
Linda stevens says
My daughter also suffered immune issues after gardisil vaccines… Diagnosed with a neurological disorder within 1 year of receiving vaccines and now has just been diagnosed with chronic fatigue as a senior in high school. Highest honors student active in her community and competitive equestrian prior to all this… She missed the first 5 months of her senior year… Now is back in school 2 hours a day and riding her horse again all because we took the nutrition route and saw a functional nutritionist who has her on the right track.. She is not 100% yet but she is able to function again… Nutrition is key to get the immune system working… No more abdominal pain, more energy, less brain fog, less headaches, no more daily fevers, lymph nodes are going down…it has been a roller coaster ride…I wish there was some justice that could be served for all these kids affected by this horrible vaccine…
Gim says
I just stumbled upon your story and I am sorry to hear how this has impacted your daughter and your family. In hindsight, I am so glad we had refused to have our daughter immunized at her school, when most people opted for having their children vaccinated. I always had suspicions regarding the push by government health bodies and of course big Pharma’s influence behind this move. Your article just reiterates the wrongs that come with such system. I wish you and your family, especially Katie all my best.
Tamela Mack says
Such very heartbreaking stories here. I have not seen this suggestion. Please consider charcoal. Charcoal baths, charcoal poultices. I have personally seen the results. Here is a link where you will find caring people. I know of others that I would not list randomly. You may contact me, if you want to.
Tamela Mack says
Such heartbreaking stories here. I have not seen this suggestion. Please consider charcoal. Charcoal baths, charcoal poultices. I have seen much suffering relieved. Here is a link where you will find caring people:
Tamela Mack says
Such heartbreaking stories here. I have not seen this suggestion. Please consider charcoal. Charcoal baths, charcoal poultices. Here is a link where you will find caring people:
Michelle says
Our daughter had all three gardisil shots. She is experiencing all the same symptoms.
Chronic headache24/7, naseau, vision problem, light sensitivity
Dizziness, she spends most of her time in her room. She has not been
able to go to school in 2 1/2 months. We have taken
Her to a child neurologist, ophthalmologist, gastrologist
and all say they don’t see anything and that it could
be pycosomatic. Her pcp said she was depressed and gave us
Depression medicine which we did not give her.
We are so upset and scared for our daughter.
We are trying to be strong and help her through this time.
We are off to children hospital in Boston to see an infectious
Disease Doctor. We have a gut feeling it’s the gardisil shots
Especially looking back at the time frame. We would love any help.
Responses on who can help her detox, etc etc
So sad in VT
tom m says
Which Lyme Literate Doctor in the PA area has been the most help to your daughter?
has she suffered any seizures?
has she has pain in the and the neck?
we are in a similar situation in PA.
Vicky says
Hi Kim
My daughter (another Kim) has been very unwell for the past three years. We actually got told by a doctor we hadn’t met before at a hospital appointment last week that she believed it cold be the Gardasil that has caused our daughter’s condition. Until then it never ever was even a thought. I am livid, upset, feel guilty, and oh so sad for what could have been if my daughter did not have this toxin in her body. I am also shocked that the same health authority that broke this to me still advocates for Gardasil. How dare they! I am desperate to talk to other mums and compare notes, find out what they felt helped and what didn’t. Are there any support groups for this?
angela says
I am going to go to this clinic in Germany. I know someone who went there and is completely better now. It’s only two weeks and you aren’t in a lot of pain like it is with antibiotics. They treat Cancer and Lyme disease. They website is
Kim P. says
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Kim — I noticed the chronic strep diagnosis — PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look up Beth Alison Maloney’s website (her book, Saving Sammy, is essential reading about the dangers of chronic strep and PANDAS):
Beth is not only the parent of a child (Sammy) who suffers from chronic strep, but also an attorney and legal advocate for children who have been injured by medical interventions, misdiagnosis, etc. She is a plethora of information, but particularly with STREP & PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep). I can’t urge you strongly enough to connect with Beth – either via her website or facebook page: Chronic Strep is responsible for a multitude of autoimmune disorders. There IS treatment — but it is difficult to find doctors who are informed providers. PLEASE contact Beth!
Shay says
Your story really touched me and I want to thank you for sharing such a sad story. I went through something myself with my son and the MMR vaccine. I was fearful of giving it to him for FEAR it would exaserbate any Autism symptoms he was already showing. People need to be aware of the dangers of these vaccines. My prayers are with you and your daughter.
Tish says
As a person who has a history of being ill for many years, who is now doing tremendously better, I want to add some things to consider. First, the vaccine may have triggered celiac disease. Many of her symptoms seem related to celiac. Most people with thyroid disease have gluten intolerance or celiac. It has to do with gluten’s similarity to certain thyroid gland tissues that are commonly attacked by the immune system in thyroid disease. Just getting rid of wheat in the diet, if this is the case, can result in a tremendous improvement. Wheat has detrimental effects on the immune system for months after consumption if the person is celiac. I personally recommend the paleo diet as a super healthy diet that avoids many common allergens, as all grains contain glutens.
Second, consider testing for the MTHFR genetic defect, which actually compounds these types of problems greatly. It is a common defect that usually is not a problem for people unless the body receives some crisis health event. It is a tremendously important component of the body’s ability to detoxify and fight infection. Chronic fatigue is often a symptom related to this. If you don’t want the expense of the test, just avoid folic acid supplements in vitamins, etc.. Instead, take methyl-folate. Folic acid can actually make things worse if you have the MTHFR genetic defect.
For me, finding out I had the MTHFR genetic defect and taking methyl-folate and other methlated vitamins has totally changed my life. I went from a constantly sick person to one who is hardly sick. Getting off all grains has also had a huge impact. These two things have had the greatest impact of anything else I’ve tried. I too, tested positive for Lyme co-infections. They were treated, but my health only improved slightly. The issue is that the immune system is not fighting them off and then you have to ask– WHY? What is getting in the way. — Celiac and MTHFR.
Crystal says
Her symptoms sound eerily like mine when I was diagnosed with Wegeners Granulomatosis, which is a rare form of vasculitis. The only thing that got rid of my headaches, excruciating ear pain and joint pain was the regimen of Prednisone the doctors put me on. I just read your article today and I hope Katie has been getting better.
Christina says
Hi my name is Christina 25 years old suffering from chronic lyme!!! I could never wish this illness on my worse enemy!! Three years ago I was diagnosed positive four years prior to thatbi suffered from severe bells palsy which left me unable to move the right side of my face for about a year. Two years later I was admitted to the ER with emergency surgery to take my gall bladder a year after that is when the pain begin dropping my 9month old son at the time in the parking lot of a local Wal-Mart!! Right than I wanted to see help. From ERs to doctors office they would continue to rule it out as carpal tunnel. Here we are now and I have little feeling in my fingers, daily pain from head to TOE literally. I suffer from fatigue as well as my legs hips and hands giving out on me daily!! My hip pain is everyday all day and I now have rheumtoid arthritis as well as fibromyalgia!! Waking up to work is a struggle living life with my children is a struggle literally EVERYTHING I do!!! I have seen at least 10 doctors since I’ve began the journey in which 8 of them treated me wrong for 3 years!!! I found a nurse practitioner that specializes in lyme and seems to know what she maybe talk in about but in in the state of Florida and they don’t see lyme so many are clueless!!! If ANYONE on here can please lead me to someone that can help be the person I once was!! I have reached the last stages of lyme and its severe!!!
Treatment That Saved Me says
I have been going to Sunridge Medical Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you can send me your email, I can tell you about it. I put some info about my ordeal in a post somewhere on this thread…You can read that for more information. They are awesome, and they did wonders for me. It is a monetary investment, but it saved my life. I am a wife and a mom again. I had three weeks of treatments this January, one week in March, and I can say I am almost free of my symptoms. I am going back in August for 3 days for abbreviated treatments.
Michelle Lenz says
Kim and other Mommas,
My cousin had all of these symptoms. For Years. It was awful. The migraines, overwhelming exhaustion, body and joint aches, all of it. She was so very sick that she was plallllnning her own funeral in secret because she didn’t think she would survive it. Along with most of the symptoms you mentioned, she also had hair loss ( clumps at a time) and memory loss. She got this as a young adult. She’d drive somewhere and have no idea how she got there, or even Where there was. She eeked out an existence with doctors telling her it was all in her head for years. She finally got a doctor to listen and he diagnosed it as a tick born immune system attacking disease. She was put on strong meds that allowed her to keep going, but not live. She married, had a baby ( the pregnancy almost killed her, literally)
Then after being hounded by a friend countless times, she finally agreed to try a group of products. Before I go further, please hear me, and hear my heart. Reading the stories above broke my heart for those involved. That is the Only reason I write this. My cousin has
been 99% healed. She has NO migraines. She runs, for fun. She has a home business and a first grade son. She is amazing now. She is off thyroid and her other meds. I only write to offer hope. That is all. If these products brought her life back, maybe they can for your kids. I’m NOT trying to sell you a bill of goods. I’m just someone who loves kids deeply and I hurt for your families. Ok, now that i hope you understand my heart, the info. The products are called Plexus. They are a whole body balancing system. There is a 60 day money back guarantee. If you want info, or to speak with my amazing cousin, please, email me and I’d love to facilitate that. There is hope. She was dying, for years. A little at a time. Now, she’s healthy.
Dana says
My daughter had the hpv shot right before 9th grade. After around 3 weeks she started feeling pain in her limbs and back and numbness in them in the mornings. All blood tests (including Lyme) were negative. They are treating her for Fibromyalgia and anxiety with muscle relaxers at night and Zoloft and pain relievers during the day. She missed most of the first semester and eventually passed the 9th grade. Summer is better, as she sleeps in longer and has no anxiety to aggravate the pain. Her Drs. are “sure” it is not from the shot, I am not so sure.
Kim Martin says
Electrodermal screening can tell you exactly what the pathogen is and where it is in your body. Homeopathic remedies can detox the damage from bartonella, Lyme, vaccine toxicity, nearly any pathogen. I’ve recommended this to many friends and have many friends who have regained their health from devastating conditions for which conventional medicine has no answers but just lots of expense. Homeopathic medicine is CHEAP compared to drugs and in my experience of 13 years, highly effective. They work through electromagnetic frequency. High quality essential oils also work through frequency.
Monica Vander Waal says
Hi Kim! Thank-you for sharing your story! I struggled with giving my daughter that vaccine when they started recommending it, after reading your story I am so very thankful we decided against it!! Thank you for speaking out so others can be aware and educated!!! We need doctors but if we can help ourselves naturally, what better way is there? I have some information you may want to look at, it may or may not be for you, but if your daughter is still struggling I believe you will find this information very important. Please email me if you would like me to send you to a few links. Prayers for you and your family, you are an amazing mom with an incredible love for your child!
Tammy sec says
Can you please post links to the evidence that supports the correlation between the hpv vaccine and Lyme/bartonella? I would love research this more but cannot seem to find the evidence to back it up. Thanks in advance.
Katie Mowers says
Kim, I can absolutely relate to your daughters story. And interestingly enough, I am a dancer, now dance teacher, from Upper Perk who struggled with Lyme since age 7. I did have the HPV vaccine when I was in high school, but didn’t notice an effect from it. I can relate to your daughters struggles, while I continued to dance.. I did cyberschool in 7th/8th grade because of my Lyme symptoms. Now I have flare ups for a month or so, and can go a few months without. The LLMD you took her to, mind if I ask who? I’ve struggled to find one who is a reasonable distance from home. I was told by my past physician in UP that it was all in my head and I should “stop running around and playing with ticks”.. Last time I went to her! I now have a new primary in the area who is better but not an LLMD. I wish your daughter the best and hope she is getting better and overcoming a horrible situation. If she ever feels well enough to dance, she is welcome to take my classes! I hope you hear from you and wish you and your family the best!
Darleen says
It sounds like you have looked into everything already, but thought your daughter might be suffering from a MTHFR Gene mutation and wondered if you have ever looked into that as being the culprit? The symptoms seem to fit. It is something that both myself and my husband have and since taking methylayed B vitamins, have felt 90% better in 4 months. Anyway, I truly hope you find the answers you seek! God bless your family on this journey to finding the answers and restoring her health!
Rebecca Bonnell says
I’m very sorry about what has happened to your daughter! I too used to believe Dr’s when they said there were no harmful side effects to vaccines until our son (our 3rd child) was poisoned by his 12 month shots. He was totally fine until that day. After the shots, he was diagnosed as being autistic. I prayed and researched for hours and tried so many things to cure his little body and mind. I knew it was the shots that changed him, so I had to somehow get all that “junk” out of him! I finally tried a product called “bio-chelat”; it chelates or rids the major organs of poisons. Then, once a week, we added L.L.’s magnetic clay baths. These pull the poisons that come from the organs out of the body. It was a very slow process and it took years of consistency, but it was worth it. We have also added probiotics to his daily diet. I have researched the “leaky gut” and this is very common with poisoned people. He is more 13 years old and no one has any idea he even struggled with autism unless I tell them! He’s perfectly normal. We are praising the Lord for giving us wisdom to know how to heal our son! Thought maybe some of these things might help your daughter or possibly someone else who is reading this post!
Linda Kawlewski says
I believe this will help your daughter,
Read the Book “Medical Medium” by Anthony Williams. Here is his website: ; I am praying for the Angels of Light, Mercy and Healing to help you get this information and help you daughter heal.
Charlene says
Yes this is what I was going to share too!!
Amy says
Kim, please contact Dr Simon Yu. He can help purge the toxins and treat her. He has been a miracle worker and I know he can help. Praying for Katie
STM says
Late posting a comment here. I am not an expert or doctor, but please consider seeing an integrated or holistic medicine doctor. One that is certified in Western medicine but does not automatically default to pharmaceutical solutions and treatments. I’ve known people who had been injured by antibiotics, and one saw significant improvement with lymphatic flush treatments, which is said to help stimulate the lymphatic system to help flush the chemicals out of the body. Also, I would look into what specific ingredients line by line is in this vaccine, because some vaccines have chemicals in them used elsewhere that have similar effects on the body, some said to be including autoimmune, lyme disease, etc. Don’t do any of this without speaking with a physician or doing the right amount of research, but clearly as you are experiencing doctors do not always know what to do, or may do what is recommended by their pharmaceutical training, etc. and what might work isn’t always the “standard protocol” or treatment program. Look into everything — gut bacteria, if probiotics can help, all of it.
Brittani says
Hello, my name is Brittani Daily. When I read this I balled. Since I was about 17 I’ve had extreme fatigue. I had mono and later found out that I had EBV. I’m now 26 and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I believe this disease is a blanket term for an autoimmune disease doctors don’t care to do further testing for. I read this because I too had the Gardisil vaccination at 17. Shortly after is when I had mono/EBV and suffered from severe fatigue. I still to this day struggle with constant fatigue no matter what I do. Vitamins/supplements have helped me but I still don’t feel anywhere close to being “normal.” It’s so scary to think a vaccine I got to prevent cancer may in the long run cause it. What is your daughter taking for it now? I’d love to hear more of your story, thank you so much for sharing!
Janine says
With everything you have been going through it would be worth looking into this book There isn’t anything to lose.
Tiffany Knapp says
This is EXACTLY my story! This was so upsetting to read! I am 23 years old and I received the HPV vaccine when I was 12 years old. My life changed. I became very sick with constant 24/7 migraines. My mother took me to the doctors who then referred me to a neurologist. I was put on multiple medications that didn’t work. I had multiple MRI’s and scans. They then referred me to a psychologists. Everyone thought I was crazy because none of the medication helped and I was experiencing so many symptoms. From the age 12-18 years old I was put on over 50 strong medications. I lost everything! I was an high honors student and played 3 different sports all throughout elementary school. After the vaccine my life began to dwindle away. I first lost the ability to play sports. Then I lost the ability to properly attend school. I tried multiple programs with an IEP, but eventually that also became too much, leading to me to drop out at 17. I lost all hopes in doctors due to the struggle of figuring out what was going on. Once I turned 18 I stopped going to the doctors and started treating myself with natural supplements and herbs. It took many years for me to start to feel a little bit more normal. I still struggle everyday with my symptoms, but with everyday living naturally I start to feel a little better. I pray that one day I will live life without this pain. I can never get back the years that were lost. I truly believe that this vaccine made me loose very precious years of my childhood. The creators of this vaccine should rot in hell, because I lived through it! I pray to God that parents will read this and never ever get this vaccine for their child!!
Tracy Lenahan says
Thank you for sharing your story. I had been asked to inoculate my daughter, and won’t now. But I will share that I do have Lyme’s that has been in remission for over 25+ year’s. It wasn’t caught in time and was sever enough that I needed IV therapy for over a year after a year of oral antibiotics. It only went in remission after using a holistic treatment that was normally used in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s called colloidal silver. The dosage was 1100ppg 5 drops under the tongue 2 times a day. I did that for 4 months. Every person that I have shared my success with has seen a similar response. When the term “born with a silver spoon” was used, it was really done. After a baby was born, a silver spoon was placed in the mouth and it killed germs & bacteria. The effect is similar.
Gail Clarris says
Kim, I feel for your daughters condition and the impact it has had on all your lives. My son had Gardasil and even though his downward spiral has not been dramatic, he is sick and has a lot of symptoms that can’t be explained, many absent days and a deep depression. I am a Bowen Therapist in Australia, have just returned from a Bowen Therapy Conference where one of our speakers was John Coleman (Naturopath) who talked about his work with Lyme Disease and also with curing himself from Parkinson’s Disease. John Coleman is one of Australia’s most experienced naturopaths treating Lyme disease and co-infections and I would recommend you contact him, tell him your story and ask his advice. He will definitely be able to advise you on how you can help your daughter to overcome this terrible illness, he would be able to give you his best advice. Bowen Therapy could well help your daughter with some of the headache, toxin release, body aches, release of tension, help her to heal her own body, please research Bowtech Bowen Therapy near where you live and see someone who is qualified and recommended. John Coleman’s website is and his email address is
I don’t think there is a magical cure and I am sure doctors can not help you but I have absolute faith in the ability of this man to be able to help Katie return to health. John used a combination of food, detoxification, Baron White formulas, exercise etc. Google search “John Coleman Lyme Distease” to see an article on the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association. Kim and Katie, sending Love and my very best wishes.
TLH says
Have you researched information regarding epigenetics & pyrroluria? I recommend you Google The Walsh Research Institute.
Much of their research centers on mental/cognitive health; however, it may also be helpful in your case because they also mention physical symptoms that coincide/present along with the cognitive problems. In a nutshell, “environmental insults” can change a person’s epigenetics (i.e. DNA histone tails, methyl bookmarks) wreaking havoc within the body. Afterward, the body goes haywire due to improper gene expression/function. Many people have found relief of symptoms either in full or in part as a result of using his diagnostic testing recommendations and bringing the body back to balance by correcting any abnormalities found with the help of a trusted physician. Bill Walsh specifically mentions in his data that vaccinations are one of the possible “environmental insults” that can have a drastic impact on child development for susceptible individuals.
Marchel S-Mueller says
Dear Kim, Such a troubling story. You must feel so helpless. Do you know about Anthony William and his book the Medical Medium? His health book has been on the NYT best seller list and also sold out for over 3 months on Amazon (though now restocked). An article regarding his protocol and EBV was the number one article on Goop’s blog last year, as well. He is helping people heal with EXACTLY these sorts of “autoimmune” issues. I am one of them, one of thousand and thousands. My life had become nearly impossible to manage with ill-health. I’m so much better now. I would deeply and strongly suggest that you get the book and follow the protocol for “Lyme”, EBV and other “autoimmune” diseases. Add into that the protocol for Heavy Metal Detox. It’s all too complicated to get into here, but I firmly believe your daughter can get her health back. Firmly. Good luck, Marchel
Daphne says
I’m so terribly sorry to hear about the ordeal you and your daughter have endured. Get a very good Lawyer and seek out an Expert Nutritionist to help her rebuild her immune system. Mainstream medications will never help her. She needs to heal her body with proper nutrition, supplements and to “kill off” the “bad” bacteria which have taken over her body and weakened her immune system. I assume she had been on an aggressive antibiotic treatment which is a double edged sword. They will kill the bacteria…all bacteria…even the good kind our bodies need to boost out immune systems. Read “The Yeast Connection”. It may be out of print but you can pick up a used copy on Amazon. Good luck and God bless!
Amanda says
I know a lot of people myself included who have beat autoimmune system diseases, lymes disease included. I would love to get incontact with you my email is:
Fran says
Katie ‘ s family. You must reach out to me. I was I’ll like your daughter and I know an amazing clinic that will help her. She deserves wellness.
Kirsten Fountain says
If you have never heard of Anthony Williams (The Medical Medium) you should look into his last 2 books life changing foods & Medical Medium maybe some of you will find something that he knows and talks about that will work for your children. You can follow him on Instagram also❤️
Amy says
Thank God for you and Katie’s story. I read it on Facebook a few days before my daughter’s checkup. I refused the vaccine based on your story and my gut instincts. I pray that Katie is finding relief and can return to her activities.
Cissy Reese says
This sounds almost identical to my daughters story. I never correlated it to her Gardasil vaccine but now I realize she got sick right after that. She was bitten by a tick but the doctor said there was no rash so she was fine. It was in there fir at least 1 day or two then comes the Gardasil. She was sleeping 18 hours a day and we couldn’t wake her. We would even shake her to get up. She wasn’t there when she was awake either. 4 years layers and she is still struggling wth her health. CHOP diagnosed her with POTS but with that there is always an underlying cause. I feel like there is something we should do bit idk what. It took us 2 years to get a diagnoses of POTS. It was a nightmare. The school fought me about truency because I didn’t have a diagnoses. They didn’t believe me. It was such a hard struggle that she tried to commit suicide.
Lisa Howington says
My daughter has very similar issues but did not have the Gardisil vaccine. Your struggle sounds so much like ours. If doctors can’t figure it out then the child is crazy, right?! I would like to recommend an excellent immunologist to you she has made a world of difference for us. Her name is Dr. Annie Arrey-Mensah out of Southfield Michigan. She has been our savior. Good luck to you all. I have my fingers crossed for you.
Fiorella says
Take your daughter to an homeopathic doctor. You need immediate alternative medicine to help her body heal. No western medicine will work 100% and actually it was the one who put her into this situation.
Wish the best!
ldb says
Has your daughter been tested for P.O.T.S.? It can be brought on by illness or vaccines that trigger the immune system to go haywire and POTS is in the dysautonomia family. We had the same problem after a flu vaccine and we only did one of the vaccines you mentioned. Our daughter suffered from multiple chronic serious illnesses after the POTS started which we believe was triggered by a flu vaccine which resulted in full blown hives for two straight weeks prompting allergy testing. Long story short, her health has been irreversibly affected resulting in continued chronic issues and loss of three organs.
Aggie says
I read your story with sadness. Just wanted to say: try Gerson’s therapy. I am sure it will help and change your life for ever.
Jaime says
I also got the gardasil vaccine my senior year of college…that is when all my Lyme and bartonella symptoms started
Rebecca says
Her symptoms sound Identical as mine! Although I’m 45 and did not receive Gardisil.
I have been diagnosed with reactivated Epstein Barr Virus though. And it’s sucking away my immune system too.
Please have Katie tested for EBV, if you haven’t already. And yes, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 2 years after being diagnosed with EBV, When my fatigue worsened…
Lisa says
Please get the book Medical Medium by Anthony William! Healing is possible and there is hope!
Lesli Vaughn says
As a nurse who has been recently diagnosed, I highly recommend that your daughter be evaluated for Ehlers Danlos syndrome. My symptoms started in my teens and I am now in my early 50’s. It has taken over 30 years to get accurately diagnosed. Dysautonomia and other symptoms are part of the syndrome, and symptoms vary for each individual. Dysautonomia, paresthesias, headaches, dizziness, fainting, joint pain, immune system dysfunction, chronic URI’s and sinus infections, food and drug reactions, musculoskeletal complaints etc. It may be that the timing of symptoms coincided with the vaccine and aren’t related at all, but rather happened at a time when symptoms from another cause were emerging. The main thing is to get an accurate diagnoses, so you know what you are truly dealing with and can manage in the best way possible. Hugs to all of you!
Jennifer says
Have you heard of NAET treatments? I have benefited so much from this! It is an all natural way to teach the body not to be allergic – that is, not to react negatively – to certain triggers. (such as yeast; mold; etc.) It starts with muscle testing (this is non-invasive; and is even used by veterinarians) to determine what is causing a symptom. The process then uses non-invasive techniques to simply teach the body not to react to that thing.
While I haven’t dealt with Gardasil reactions (I refused to take that vaccine) I did use NAET to clear my body of other vaccine allergies. My biggest result though came from getting rid of an inoperable brain tumor after living with it and its issues for three decades. I started NAET treatments in 2014; at which time I learned that this tumor was caused by egg and soy allergies. I did not even know that I was allergic to these! However, once treated for these allergens, my body was able to detox and get rid of the tumor on its own! Of course, my “brain tumor doctor” was blown away by my next MRI results. He can’t explain this result; but I know the answer!
ps…. My NAET practitioner has also helped other vaccine victims with severe life-altering side effects. You can find a practitioner near you here; and also see their level of training:
Chantal says
I am sadenned by your story. I can’t believe everything your daughter has gone through as well as you and your family. From the numerous posts I can see that you already received many ideas/suggestions that may be or have been able to help your daughter however if you are still looking for something that may help please send me a quick message to
I am not a miracle worker I am just an empathetic mother of 3, nurse and live blood Microscopist that is on a mission to help people find themselves again. I have a few good tools that could help. Sending you strength, prayers and lots of love
Lori Sue Emery says
I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter…I can’t even imagine what your entire family is going through. I don’t want to insult or cause any more problems door you my husband has suffered from several illnesses that MANY Dr’s and specialists couldn’t help with. We finally found a naturopath in Logan Utah who does Meridian Stress Assessment. She has helped him so much and we believe even saved his life. People fly to see her from all over and they always get results. I actually know a young boy that she cured from autism….witnessed it with my own eyes. My name is Lori Sue Emery and I would love to give you her information. You can contact me on messenger. I don’t get anything for referring people to her. She has helped everyone in my family and my town and I just want to help anyone I can.
Margie Labbe says
Hi everyone!! I’ve been reading your posts and–as a nurse–am amazed that our health care community is still promoting Gardasil. I also want you to know that there are supplements that help with autoimmune-type illnesses. So many autoimmune illnesses can be traced to injury to the gut, or microbiome. 80% of our immunity actually stems from the gut! Know that there is help out there, and there are alternatives to more drugs. Many people get relief with a gluten free diet. If you haven’t checked out Plexus before, it is worth your time. There are no cures, but people are getting relief from symptoms.
I pray for each of you struggling with illnesses!
Angie says
I have been so sick for so long with the chronic migraines in pain. But I finally found something that takes it away. No this is not something I’m trying to sell. But please contact me… Maybe it will work for Katie
Barry Forbes says
I wrote a series of newspaper articles twenty years ago detailing the dangers of vaccinations. At that time I was a Sunday columnist for the East Valley News, Mesa, AZ. I was surprised the editors accepted the articles, but shocked at the number of people who wrote to me with their negative vaccine experiences – in some cases serious, lifetime reactions including, of course, autism. Needless to say, the newspaper heard loud complains from doctors. I even received a complaint from a big-pharma representative.
So fast forward to today. Nothing has changed. Docs are still vaccinating like there’s no tomorrow, and people are still being mislead by everyone concerned in the food chain – and that includes their government agencies that go to great lengths to deny everything. Children and young adults are still being victimized, all in the belief that the “loss of a few is a small price to pay for the protection of everyone else.” That, in itself, is another lie.
Kim, it is wonderful to hear your daughter is getting her life back. God bless.
Liz Brynin says
Can I suggest that you look into detoxing Katie from this vaccine. Dr. Tinus Smits, a Dutch homeopath and doctor developed a protocol for antidoting vaccine damage. This protocol is known as CEASE (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression), and although it was initially developed to help autistic children, it has a much wider application for cases where there is vaccine, drug or other toxic substance damage. They have some amazing results – please don’t give up hope yet.
Have a look at the CEASE website:
You should be able to find a suitably qualified CEASE therapist somewhere near you. There is also a book available on Amazon.
Good luck with Katie
Ann says
I’m sorry this happened and I hope Katie is doing better. I have dysautonomia too and have been treating it for over a year with herbal anti virals, a powerful medical diet (gaps + Keto) and am heading towards remission. I work out of an integrative medical clinic where we help people heal from these kinds of illnesses, remission is totally possible.
Tom says
Mrs. Robinson Ive had first-hand experience dealing with Vaccines. Its effects are devastating especially with children with a compromised immune system. Energy healing like NAET, Bioresonance techniques, and Acupressure techniques are worth a try. At vaccination stress can easily be dealt with and can be eliminated completely before it becomes a devastating symptom. I hope we have more awareness on this subject and thank you for sharing your story. God Bless!
Andrea Herlth says
Kim, as I read your daughter’s story… heart breaks….this is so very much like what is happening to my 16 year old daughter…..she got the 1st shot 10/2/2013 and the 2nd on 12/2/13 and has never been the same since the 2nd shot (no 3rd shot given)…..truly the stories are remarkably similar….we were back at the Pediatrician’s office within a week with reports of constant dizziness and not feeling right. Symptoms were subtle at first and then there were more and they we not subtle….we have found a Neurologist and he believes that the vaccine caused an autoimmune avalanche that triggered the Lyme front and center…..many of the symptoms for the Lyme are the same for autoimmune issues and HPV Vaccine….it is all related….headaches…migraine just treated Saturday night at an ER with an IV cocktail to relieve the pain and nausea. She is in pain….legs, back, arms, neck….has the BP drop when standing (getting to be POTS) and tachycardia….PANS….this has changed her life….not in school but in homebound program at the moment. Please contact me if you can ( I wanted to see If you are willing to share what treatment they have done for Katie…we are considering IVIg right now. This is like a nightmare…..she is not the girl she was, we are not the same people we were before 12/2/13, and we are emotionally, physically, and financially drained. Thank you! Andrea
fotini katsoudas says
WOW…this story about your daughter is way to similar to my daughter, although she never got vaccinated with Gardasil. She had lyme disease. My daughter got better cause we found a holistic doctor in Morristown NJ that saved her life. She is now 17 and is finally living her life. Lyme is no longer in her body. The difference with holistic doctors is that they will pull out all the spores and kill them instead of just treating with antibotics, I have such empathy for you and your family. I know how hard this is and I wanted to give you this suggestion. My daughter is living proof that you can get better with the right treatment. Please feel free to contact me if you need anymore information. I have so much knowledge about lyme and I would love to share with you and help you in any way. Please don’t hesitate to ask it would be my pleasure.
Kim trainer says
I am sitting here in shock as I read all of these posts. My daughter, Julia is having the same issue. She was just released from CHOP in Philadelphia with the diagnosis of autonomic nervous system issues and amplified pain syndrome. After being released, we ended up taking her back the next day in a wheelchair. The pain was so intense in her stomach and head that she could barely walk. My daughter is a competitive ice skater and now can barely walk at age 12. Her color is gray, and she stays in bed. She has not been to school since Christmas. I do not remember if she received this vaccination, however I will be finding out tomorrow. I hate to see all of these children so sick it is just wrong. Although,The fact that I have found other people going through the same thing is helpful and I’m not feeling as alone.
Patricia Goddard says
My daughter has suffered from the same symptoms since Oct 2013. She received the vac in Aug 2013. She is in so much pain. Has been hospitalized five times in the last year. Has pos Epstein Barr and pos Pertussis blood test. They have tried her on everything. We are going to Duke in March to see a Immunoligist. I dont know if this is the best dr to see. If you have any info I would love to talk with you. she was a competitive horse rider and cheer leader and now walks with a cane. she is in a constant state of dizzyness. and pain and her fingers tingle and burn. Thank you for any help or information. on our options.
Vicky says
There is a vaccine court for those who have been injured by vaccines. I heard about it on public radio. I think the information is on the CDC website.
ldb says
we tried IVIG for POTS and autoimmune avalanche and it caused more problems. With the first IVIG dose, my daughter ended up with the type of meningitis that comes from the immune system fighting off what the IVIG is creating. Be careful with that. It was a nightmare reaction. Did any of your girls have GI or motility issues after all this started? Mine has poor motility now, chronic pseudo-obstruction, gastroparesis, no gallbladder, appendix, or colon and chronic fatigue syndrome along with her POTS. contact me at
Sheryl says
To fotini katsoudas :
What is the name of holistic doctor in Morristown NJ? Hoping that will help my cousin too. Thanks!
yulanda says
Please contact me on your information on Lyme. My 10 year old son is so sick and I suspect Lyme. My email is
Emma says
Hi, I realize your comment was over a year ago, but do you mind emailing me and sharing some insight? I understand your daughter never had the vaccine but this story is so very similar to mine. I got the vaccine the fall of my jr year and am almost 23 now. I’m not real sure what Lyme disease is. 8 years after the vaccine I’m living what is a “normal” life for me after being sick but still living with daily headaches, dizzy spells, and constant fatigue. The winter of the same school year I got the shot I became sick with I believe the Drs said the flu and that was the first time I ever fainted. For the next 6 years I would faint frequently and had migraines at least 3 times a month. Went to Drs, neurologists, and had 2 MRIs. They couldn’t find anything. Diagnosed my stomach pain as IBS which I don’t have irritable bowels. I can share more of my story if you email me. The last 2 years I’ve been taking iron cause Drs have suggested I might be anemic which would point to fatigue, dizzy spells, and fainting. Although I haven’t fainted in about a year, I don’t think the iron pills are helping much. Do you mind giving me some suggestions as to where to turn to? Thank you.
tom m says
did your daughter suffer with headaches and severe neck pain?
which doctor in Morristown helped you? our daughter has been suffering for 3 years
Sarah Ashley says
Dear Katie’s mom, I highly encourage you to look into Chiari Malformation, EDS, and POTS. I too have Lyme and MTHFR, and all the symptoms your daughter does, but I had surgery for Chiari in 2015 and am getting better and better! Most Drs misdiagnose because of lack of education.
aimee says
So sorry to hear of Katies illness.
Find a doctor who uses “Ozone Therapy I.V.”
This kills viruses and Lymes and will help her immune system to heal.
Paula Comeaux says
Kim, if you get this comment, I advise you to please get with a reputable allergist, immunologist or hematologist who knows of mast cell disorders. . Mast cells are the body’s immune system fighters. They hold histamine, tryptase and variety of other things. Mast cells can be overproduced by a body or can be too reactive to stimulation. The problem can be caused by a number of things. When mast cells become too unstable, they pour out histamine and many other things as if the body were reacting to an allergen. It can cause all the symptoms you mentioned. The symptoms are sydtemic, body wide and can present in many ways. One becomes very sensitive to heat, cold, certain chemicals, preservatives, high histamine producing foods, etc. , Read on mast cell activation disorders. It can make life miserable out even be life threatening. The added chemicals in the vaccine could’ve triggered the entire thing by activating the mast cell in the bone marrow. Check the Mastocytosis Society for more details. Mast cell stabilizing drugs can change a life. Please check it out. Google The Mastocytosis Society. Even combine the search with