[SaneVax: Big surprise – a new study funded by Merck recommends vaccination of all children prior to onset of sexual activity because they might be exposed to HPV without being sexually active. This ‘study’ reads much more like an advertising campaign than anything to do with a well-designed scientific study.]
Vaccine shills now pushing Gardasil jab on teens who don’t even have sex
By Jonathan Benson, Natural News
Ever since Gardasil, the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), hit the market back in 2006, the vaccine industry has been pushing the three-part jab on more and more people, including boys, who do not even have cervixes and thus cannot develop cervical cancer. Now, the vaccine industry has fallen to an all-time low by recommending that young children who are not even having sex, and are thus not susceptible to HPV infection, get the jab because they might somehow contract the disease out of thin air.
A recent study out of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (CCH), which just so happens to have been funded by Merck & Co., the creator of Gardasil, suggests that regardless of whether or not a child is having sex, he or she is still at risk of contracting HPV infection. And the only way to lower this risk, claims the industry-funded study, is by making sure that all children are vaccinated with Gardasil.
The poorly-constructed study involved asking a group of young, African-American girls, most of which turned out to be sexually active anyway, whether or not they had ever had sexual intercourse.
Next time a doctor, vaccine nurse, health authorities, media or other promoters suggest this vaccine, ask them to provide serious unbiased peer reviewed studies with documentation for all these hitherto unanswered questions:
Whether it prevents cancer, necessity for boosters, whether it increases the risk of cancer, whether there is increased risk of cancer due to the unexpected discovery by an independent laboratory of aluminium bound recombinant HPV DNA, whether Gardasil vaccinated may donate blood without the aluminium bound recombinant HPV DNA causing serious health consequences for the recipient, whether there is increased risk of autoimmune disorders due to the recombinant HPV DNA, if HPV is necessarily an infection transmitted by sexual intercourse, whether the vaccine causes genotoxicity, whether it targets the relevant virus strains in different demographics, whether the strains change in the course of time, adverse events due to concomitant administration with other vaccines, the true numbers and extent of serious adverse events, long term serious side effects, what the results would be if a true placebo had been used in all the clinical trials, what the results of clinical trials would be if Merck had not used their own exclusion criteria, whether there is increased risk of blood clots when Gardasil is combined with hormonal contraceptive pills, whether there is an increased risk of brain damage, consequences of “bridging” – the extrapolation of study results from one group to another, potentially serious consequences if the vaccine is not thoroughly shaken, whether the vaccine will increase the risk of infertility due to polysorbate, whether polysorbate is carcinogenic, health consequences due to the presence of the combination of polysorbate and l-histidine, whether aluminium adjuvant is safe, consequences due to the presence sodium borate (borax), whether the vaccine will increase the risk of miscarriages, stillbirths or babies born with anomalies, whether Gardasil is excreted in human milk, the complete list of ingredients, whether possible benefits outweigh the risks.
Merck the manufacturer is believed by many to have a culture of corruption and criminality. It may be wise to also ask for documentation to prove that this is not the case.
After you are completely satisfied with all the answers, then you can start considering whether or not to take this vaccine!