By Marti Oakley
Gardasil is the vaccine promoted as protection against various types of cervical cancer supposedly caused by the HPV virus, and obviously is intended for other purposes. Even with the number of deaths and injury from the vaccine the ads ran non-stop on TV while state and federal governments tried to find ever newer and more invasive ways of making mandatory vaccination a reality. They got their wish; Obamacare calls for mandatory vaccination and proof of updates to vaccinations in order to get any healthcare.
Neither, Gardasil® nor any of the individual active ingredients have been previously approved for commercial marketing or use under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Public Health Service Act, or the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act, according to their application for patent.
Gardasil! It isn’t just for the girls!
“Gardasil was never tested for cancer causing agents or proof of cancer prevention. It still has not been tested or proven to prevent cervical cancer or any of the other afflictions it claims to prevent. They just “think” it might.”
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