[SaneVax: Are medical consumers in the U.S. ‘just saying no’ to HPV vaccines? A recent study indicates HPV vaccinations are being completed at a far lower rate than expected. In some age groups the completion rate in the United States dropped over 60% from 2006-09. Nevertheless, the so-called miracle cures for cervical cancer, Gardasil and Cervarix, are still being aggressively marketed to developing countries around the globe. One can only hope government health officials in these countries pay more attention to the ‘science’ behind these vaccines than marketing hype. After all, they have a duty to protect the health and safety of their population and an obligation to use precious health care money wisely.]
HPV vaccine completion rate among girls is poor, getting worse
From an article in medicalxpress.com
The proportion of insured girls and young women completing the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among those who initiated the series has dropped significantly – as much as 63 percent – since the vaccine was approved in 2006, according to new research from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
The study, published in the current issue of Cancer, reveals the steepest decline in vaccine completion among girls and young women aged nine to 18 – the age group that derives the greatest benefit from the vaccine, which should be administered in three doses over six months.
“The first generation of women that could benefit from the only HPV-related cancer vaccine in existence is missing the opportunity,” said lead author Abbey B. Berenson, director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health (CIRWH) at UTMB. “This vaccine prevents one of the most devastating cancers in women.”
Researchers examined a large health insurance company’s records of 271,976 female patients aged nine and older who received the first dose of the HPV vaccine between 2006 and 2009. Of this full sample, just 38.2 percent received all three doses within 365 days. In all but one age group (27 and older), researchers uncovered a marked drop in the number of females who completed the vaccine series:
HPV Vaccine Completion Rates (source: UTMB)
Age 2006 2009 Completion Dec/Inc
9-12 57.5% 21.2% – 63%
13-18 54.9% 20.8% – 62%
19-26 44.3% 22.6% – 49%
27+ 15% 24.5% + 37%
Mindanoiha says
It’s perfectly understandable that after the first injection a girl is often not interested in more. There are many reasons:
– maybe she felt ill after the vaccine and still does so
– maybe she knows about other girls who have become ill after the vaccine and have had their lives ruined
– maybe she’s heard that those who have become ill are not believed and receive minimal help
– maybe she’s read the package insert info. She will then probably know more than the average doctor who often does not do this
– maybe she’s read the long list of potential serious adverse events
– maybe she’s wise enough to not trust the safety statistics in the insert information as these are known to be manipulated
– maybe she reads https://sanevax.org/ which regularly publishes info about serious adverse events including those registered in VAERS
– maybe she realises that Gardasil may cause brain damage, cancer, autoimmune conditions, blood clots and infertility, etc etc
– maybe she realises that Gardasil has not been tested for cancer causing properties
– maybe she’s read that Merck’s clinical trials showed that 73.3% of girls receiving the Gardasil jab suffered from a new medical condition
– maybe she’s heard that Gardasil has not been shown to prevent cancer
– maybe she’s aware that Merck is known for corruption and that other promoters including politicians, health authorities and doctors are often involved
– maybe she’s played the letter game:
A girl who gets G A R D A S I L gets all mixed up and becomes: A – S A D – G I R L !