Morgana, Tamsin [VC]
Regional Immunisation Leader
Communicable Disease Control
British Columbia, Canada
It’s come to my attention that you will be launching the HPV vaccine into the community. As one who has just been marketed to, courtesy of the HPV package being distributed by schools, I feel it’s only appropriate to reciprocate by sharing some observations and opinions with you.
A VCH (Vancouver Coastal Health) newsletter submission by you stated that the “HPV vaccine is a safe vaccine that is highly effective in preventing infection from four types of HPV that cause 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts.” [1] May I ask what your sources are? I can find no double-blinded studies (by disinterested third parties) in support of your position. Studies are ongoing (see below), and, apparently, the jury will be out until, at the very least, September 30/2009 (again, see below). It is, therefore, by definition, an unproven vaccine – an experiment. On children. Our children.
“If vaccines are safe, then why have there been over 5,000 adverse reactions [as of Sep. /07] reported from the Gardasil vaccine including 18 deaths of young girls, paralysis, Guillaine Barre Syndrome, etc.?” (Marcia Staggs Abbott, author of Shocking Discovery . . . What Have We Done to Our
Needless to say you must be aware of the reactions, deaths, paralyses, etc. caused by the HPV vaccines. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine-reporting statistics clearly illustrate it is not a proven vaccine. Your decision to partake in this campaign does not speak well for your agency: Either your organisation chooses to ignore the evidence – and risks being accused of malfeasance (and the ramifications accompanying such an accusation) – or, just as questionable, you are unaware of the latest and most up-to-date information belying the use of the HPV vaccine.[4]
Merck is one of the manufacturers currently under fire for aggressively and unethically marketing their product at the expense of the public’s health (and pocket) and intellectual integrity of our health care providers. No less than the Wall Street Journal[5], The New York Times[6] and ABC News[7] have expressed serious doubts about Merck’s intentions.
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