HPV Vaccine Aftermath
[Note from SaneVax: There is an epidemic of new medical conditions occurring in teens the world over, at least in those who have been given HPV vaccines. Vaccine stakeholders would have you believe there is no possible connection between these debilitating new conditions and the administration of their ‘life saving’ vaccines. These same stakeholders even provide what they deem to be a viable excuse for these life-altering symptoms: psychological disorders.
The problem is a diagnosis of psychosis is a diagnosis of exclusion. This means that the medically proper thing to do with new medical conditions is rule out any possible physical mechanism BEFORE diagnosing psychosis. Did the UK doctors involved in the article below rule out every possible physical cause first? We sincerely hope so.
There is only one thing worse than being injected and neglected. It is being injected, neglacted and committed.]
From aspiring pop star to paralysed in just days: Shocking picture of 12-year-old left bed-ridden in hospital after being given controversial HPV vaccine – but doctors want to SECTION her
- Mia Blesky, of Reading, was given the Gardasil vaccine in September at school
- The next day her legs felt heavy and she had a burning sensation in her spine
- The straight A student went on to lose all sensation in her legs, body and arms
- However, her doctors claim that her problem is completely psychological
- It comes after reports told of another teenage girl who was also left paralysed
Standing proudly as she clutched a microphone and belted out a tune, 12-year-old Mia Blesky dreamed of being a pop star.
However, just days after being videoed she found herself unable to move and just weeks later she was left paralysed from the neck down and in hospital.
Mia’s family claim she has suffered an alleged reaction to the controversial HPV vaccine.
However, doctors claim that her problem is psychological – and the only help they’ve offered the family is to section her.
A harrowing video shows how her health deteriorated rapidly – as she shuffles before lying still in her adapted bed at home and croons softly, unable to move.
Read the entire article here. Video included.
My daughter had the Gardasil vaccine and developed psychosis freshman year in college after several years of psych meds with doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She is now 27 and her life has been at a standstill. None of the 20+ meds have worked. Alternative doctors have brought a possible/probable link to the Gardasil vaccine. Do you have any more information that links the two?
Vikki Cohen how can I get a hold of you?
My 14 year old son developed psychosis after this recommended HPV vaccine that I was told boys and girls needed. The medical community does not want the public to know about these horrible side effects.
I believe my son did also, he never displayed any symptoms he was hospitalized in January 2018, dx depression and autism then again in Sept and October for psychosis this article is the first I have read about the vaccination and psychosis Im thinking it makes sense
So many teens/YA are developing psychosis at an alarming rate and no one wants to be held accountable. I never wish I had consented to that damn vaccination!
My now 23 year old daughter has been suffering with psychosis for years. She also has not had much luck with meds and there is no family history. She was given the Gardasil vaccine as a teen. I have often wondered what is missing and what has caused her condition
My daughter had the HPV vaccines at school when she was 13. She has been suffering from Mental Health problems since. She is now 20 years old, she has not responded to any medication and is in and out of hospital. There are no history of mental health in my family and doctors deny its the vaccination that cause her illness
I, too, have two male children, both in their early 20’s now, who have both suffered psychosis after being very healthy and stable. It feels hard to say with certainty whether it was the HPV vaccine as they have also used cannibals and alcohol and have some genetic predisposition, but, truly, their behaviors do not seem so extreme as to cause the problems they have had. My older one had an especially extreme psychosis and also had the yellow fever live vaccine of which there is a documentary (‘Malcom is a LIttle Unwell’) Is there somewhere we can get more information or help in understanding about the HPV vaccine? I, too, wish they had never had it!
My son had this vaccination at his high school at the age of 14. After having this vaccine, his behaviour changed becoming depressed, developed psychosis and at the age of 15 ended up in a child adolescent hospital for almost up to 18 months and was critically unwell. He is now a schizophrenic. He was trialled on so many antipsychotics to which none were successful. He has been taking the last resort medication to stabilise him. He is now 21. He was a well and healthy child before this vaccination. I have believed this vaccine is the cause of my son’s deterioration and mental condition. I am so glad I found this forum. I recently read on another forum of other parents losing there children after being immunised with Gardasil. I truly wish I did not sign a form to have my son vaccinated as I was reluctant and anti-vac.
Your story sounds like my own son’s!
This is so horrible and the medical community is not doing a damn thing to help.
Please email me @ ggaines06@yahoo.com
I feel your pain, that’s exactly what happen to my daughter. She is now 22 years old and living with schizophrenia, and they still cannot find an antipsychotic drugs what works. These people shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this.