HPV Vaccine News
The injury and death related to the HPV Vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix continue to rise. How many will it take before the FDA takes action?
Dec 13, 2010 – One week ago SANE Vax researcher, Janny Stokvis of the Netherlands reported the latest VAERS data on deaths and injury from the HPV vaccines.
Those numbers stood at:
20,575 adverse reactions
352 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination
89 reported deaths (plus 5 reports submitted to the FDA obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) now missing from VAERS)
As of December 13, 2010 new reports state:
20,915 adverse injuries – an increase of 340 adverse events in one week.
370 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination (18 new cases submitted in a week, three are related to Cervarix)
Reported deaths remain the same – 89 reported deaths (plus 5 reports submitted to the FDA obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) now missing from VAERS)
On December 13, 2010 Medpage Today released this article:
Many Fail to Finish HPV Vaccine Series as Recommended (http://www.medpagetoday.com/Pediatrics/Vaccines/23873)
Researchers reported that many girls and young women may not be completing all three doses of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in a timely fashion.
SANE Vax believes that it is high time to take into consideration that many girls are not completing the series because of adverse reactions to the HPV vaccines.
For more information, visit https://sanevax.org/.
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THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Reporting of adverse events:
The package insert for Gardasil invites adverse events to be reported with this formulation:
“To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Merck & Co., Inc. at 1-877-888-4231 or VAERS at 1-800-822-7967 or http://www.vaers.hhs.gov”
Note that the vaccine manufacturer’ s name, Merck and contact information are stated first. The company is given ample opportunity to become involved in many cases and to manipulate reports.
Obviously Merck, a company which is well known for its ingrained culture of corruption and criminality, will employ every possible means to avoid adverse events being reported to VAERS.
Girls who have reported adverse events are known to have been contacted by Merck for further details and discussion. Many are undoubtedly lead to believe that their cases have been officially registered.
It is not known how many girls, nor the number of doctors who have contacted Merck about adverse events, have been bribed to keep cases quiet.
The company is known to threaten doctors who are negative towards their products and to liberally pay those who are positive.
If Merck does forward a case to VAERS it may have been manipulated so that the information is insufficient or misleading. It is maintained that a large number of cases which are reported by manufacturers to VAERS are in this category and therefore not included in the statistics for adverse events.
Regulations should be changed making it forbidden for manufacturers to be involved in reporting adverse events to VAERS.
Huancayo Perú 7 de Enero del 2011
Señor Ministro de Salud de Perú
De mi mayor consideración:
Me dirijo a Ud.. para hacer de conocimiento que EsSalud de Huancayo, La Libertad, Arequipa, Sabogal, Rebagliati y Almenara han iniciado la vacunación contra el papiloma virus humano (PVH) dice en su propaganda porque es el que causa el carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU). Existen varios factores sospechosos que favorecen la aparición del CCU entre ellos el PVH; pero este virus no reúne el postulado de Koch para considerarlo como agente etiológico del CCU, como EsSalud y los fabricantes están promocionando en forma masiva. Esta vacuna está elaborada a partir de un virus de laboratorio; no tienen ningún estudio de toxicidad, se ha investigado en 11,000 y en solamente 5 años. Dicen que investigaron por métodos indirectos, hacer por métodos directos no era realista ni ético (Harper 2008). La vacuna fue autorizada por la FDA para su comercialización en sólo 6 meses y en España en 9 meses, cuando este plazo dura 3 años; antes de la autorización del Gardasil se probó en solamente 1,200 mujeres, se niegan las compañías que venden las vacunas a proporcionar datos sobre los dineros invertidos en la propaganda (Medicina Sistemática 11-2010). La vacuna fue autorizada para ser utilizada sólo en jóvenes que no habían iniciado sus relaciones sexuales pero están vacunando a mujeres de hasta los 45.años;. existen evidencias que sí se vacunan a mujeres infectadas con el PVH, se incrementaría el CCU en un 44.6 % ( Jara M 2010); el ensayo clínico fase II no ha sido publicado (Laurel AC 2009); la vacunación no está justificada, es un gran negocio (Red Científica 2009) y existe una descarada campaña publicitaria exagerando el riesgo (Cam-Men 2009); en España por investigaciones han determinado que prevenir un carcinoma del cuello uterino originado por el PVH, costaría 8 millones de euros lo que estadísticamente es inaceptable. Además la World Association for Cancer Research (WACR) dice a la letra que médica ni científicamente está demostrado que sea eficaz y en Europa se han formado dos asociaciones uno de cerca de15,000 investigadores de primera línea que se dedican al cáncer y otra asociación de familiares afectadas por la vacuna quienes solicitan una moratoria, hasta que se determine su eficacia, que será recién el 2025-2030. En USA se ha formado un grupo “ La verdad sobre el gardasil”de madres que piden que prohiban la mal llamada vacuna contra el carcinoma del cuello uterino a la que acusan de haber arruinado la vida de sus hijas e incluso en algunos casos de haberlas asesinado. La vacuna contra el PVH ni es eficaz, ni segura, ni previenen el cáncer del cuello uterino (http://isabeldelafuente.ning.com/forum/topics/ineficacia-y-peligrosidad-de?xg_source=activity). .
Según VAERS (siglas en inglés), Sistema de Reporte de Reacciones Adversas Provocadas por las Vacunas del gobierno de estados unidos, hasta la fecha solamente en USA se han producido 81 muertes y más de 20,000 reacciones adversas; de ellas entre el 6 % al 10 % eran graves y sólo se reportan el 1 % al 10%; extrapolando estoa datos entonces se han producido cerca de 200,000 reacciones adversas y 810 muertes ( VAERS Report 2009) En la India se suspendió la vacunación porque ocasionó 6 muertes (Dempeus 2010); después de la vacunación se presentaron dos muertes en Austria y uno en Alemania (Supositorio 2010); en Valencia una niña tuvo convulsiones después de la vacuna y actualmente permanece en silla de ruedas; otra adolescente de16 años después de vacunarse parece una persona de 50 años (Serra MJ 2009); en USA en Febrero del 2009 se presentaron 638 efectos adversos graves: 544 convulsiones, 34 trombosis, 9 paros cardíacos y 51 alopecias (Lleida 2009); después de la inyección se produjeron 28 abortos (GineBlog 2009); 35 niñas sufrieron reacciones graves, dos siguen hospitalizadas (elPeriodico.Com 2009); en Balear una niña sufrió 14 convulsiones por día después de la vacunación (diariodemallorca.es 2009); científicos de España, Alemania y Canadá exigen la moratoria de la vacuna hasta obtener pruebas sólidas de la seguridad y eficiencia (Lajornada 2009); su eficacia se determinará recién el 2025-2030 (cherada 2010); las vacunaciones son injustificadas y son un gran negocio ( Red Científica 2009) y el costo es elevado $ 1000 las 3 dosis.
El Dr. Bernat Soria Ministro de Sanidad de España expresa: “faltan estudios, sobran evidencias de sus efectos adversos y agota el presupuesto de salud pública”; el Dr. Carlos Alberto Dardet Catedrático de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Alicante, España y Director del Journal of Epidemiología and Community Health asegura que la vacuna contra el PVH es: Fraude?, Estafa?, Robo?; es el marketing del miedo; el investigador Juan Servas dice que es una tomadura de pelo a la salud de las mujeres.:
La industria farmacéutica introdujo medicamentos dañinos a la salud: el etilestilbestrol que se usó entre las décadas del 40 al 70 en mujeres, especialmente embarazadas; se prohibió su uso porque se comprobó que originaba el carcinoma de células claras en la vagina de las mujeres y alteraciones morfológicas en el árbol genitourinario; los estrógenos que favorecía el carcinoma de mama; gracias a la investigación de la Women Health Iniciative (WHI) se suspendió su uso; la thalidomina, el edulcorante aspartamo y últimamente el uso masivo y obligatorio innecesario de la vacuna contra la gripe A en complicidad con la OMS (Forcades 2009). Entre el 2000-2003 la casi totalidad de las compañías farmacéuticas de USA pasaron por los tribunales acusados de prácticas fraudulentas y obligadas a pagar más de 2.2 billones de dólares; 4 de ellas reconocieron su responsabilidad por actuaciones criminales (http://www.scribd.com/doc/20359792/CRIMENES-FARMACEUTICOS-TERESA-FORCADES) .
Por las razones invocadas solicito a su despacho, Señor Ministro, emitir una resolución declarando moratoria de la vacuna contra el papiloma virus humano, hasta que se determine su eficacia que será recién entre el 2025-2030; nuestras compatriotas no sean conejillo de indias de las transnacionales y el estado no dilapide sus magros recursos en una vacuna incierta, en etapa de experimentación y no comprobado su eficacia médica ni científica.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
Email: godo_ara@hotmail.com
Tel : 05164252052
From its inception until the appearance of cervical carcinoma (UCC), takes on average 25 to 40 years, the research of this vaccine have begun in 2000, it is evident that the scientific efficacy of this new vaccine will be determined the years 2025 – 2040.
HPV not causes definitely the (CCU); at the onset of this disease involves multiple risk factors, including the suspected HPV, but scientificaly is proven by epidemiology and statistics that the sex is what generates this disease .: Mix in 130.000 nuns found not any UCC.
To accept that a virus or a bacteria causes a infection disease must unfailingly fulfill the five Koch’s postulate
1 – The agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent from healthy.
2 – The agent must not appear in other diseases.
3 – The agent to be isolated in pure culture from disease lesions.
4 – The agent of causing disease in a susceptible animal being inoculated.
5 – The agent must again be isolated lesions in experimental animals.
Consequently, HPV not fulfill not any principle of Koch’s postulate. by not meeting this postulate, that is accepted as dogma in medicine, scientifically we must be ensure that the HPV is not the causative agent to the UCC..
Until August 2012 this vaccine produced only in the United States: 265.640 adverse events ( 264,162 females, 9490 males and 5290 unknow sex); permnent disability 8910( 8890 females, 90 males and 110 unknow sex), 1220 deaths (1011 females, 70 males and 140 unknow sex), abnormal PAP 4930, cervical dysplasia 1970 and cervical cancer 570
The Vaccine efects advers reactions (VAERS) ensures that only complaint between 1% to 10% of the adverse effects produced by this evil vaccine;this figures shown are calculated according to the statements of the VAERS: to 10%.
Dr. Harper, who contributed to the development of the vaccine by Merck, reports that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved to give girls uncontaminated with HPV, Dr. Howenstinc ensures that the women are vaccinated with HPV contaminated, have the possibility to acquire a 44.6% CCU
http://www.newswithviews.com / Howenstine/james170.htm.
Merck did not disclose that the vaccine was transgenic, the Sane Vax has discovered, which is transgenic because it has been found that the vaccine is contaminated with DNA recombinant vaccine Gardasil (DNArPVH) and has raised its concerns to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg. The FDA replied that the vaccine will not cause any damage transgenic
A vaccinated child was ill with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. 24 hours after vaccination and found that the aluminum adhered to DNArPVH, two years after vaccination and in autopsy 6 months after death in a New Zeland girl Jazmine Renata which had recibed this deadly vaccines
Management time to get market approval of a drug the FDA is at least three years, it is a drug for cancer 15 years, but the authorization Merck had only six months and the European Medicines Agency (EMA in English) only 9 months: To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear
http://mujeresenaccion.over-blog.es/article-vph-la-vacuna-del-marketing-… http://mujeresenaccion.over-blog.es/article-vph-la-vacuna -of-marketing-of-fear-67210961.ht
HPV is ubiquitous; lives in wild and domestic animals, pollute us from birth, is on the doorknobs, on towels, on nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists,. sexual intercourse is not the only means of contamination.
HPV also lives in the 400 nm outermost of our skin and mucous membranes. ,
If you live in our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity is acquired or that our body is self vaccinatinge by PVHs living on our skin and mucous ..
The PVHs is not distributed uniformly worldwide. It has been found that in Canada HPV 18 only reaches 3%; is more often HPV 31, in my country Peru no studies have determined that HPV types predominate; Gardasil contains 225 mcg. aluminum and Cervarix 500 mcg, that produce the Alzheimer, Parkinson and autism, produce too neurotoxic and immune system disorders (Blaylock 2012) and Polisorbato 80, a powerful contraceptive, that in experimental animals produces sterility, atrophy of the testicles and disturbance organic and funtional of the organs of the reproduction; is carcinogenic and mutagenic; also contains sodium borate considered poison unused in medicinal preparations (NLM)
http://www.telefonica.net/web2/paramahamsa/vacunaninosalerta.html http://detenganlavacuna.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/gardasil-cervarix/
Have been discovered to date 200 types of HPV; HPV is not infectious, contagious; the intercourse is not only that the persons is contaminated
http://quimicaclinicauv.blogspot.com/2006/08/virus-del-papiloma-humano.html http://www-lab.biomedicas.unam.mx/smpv/queeshpv.htm
On 22-11-2010 FDA approved Gardasil for males aged 9 to 26 to prevent warts and cancer to the anus, is overkill
For the reasons from deep Peru Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a fraud?, a robbery?, a swindle?, a rough joke?, a crime?, a shame?
The HPV is not scientifically proved for the moment that produce the UCC its effectiveness shall be verified just the years of 2025-2040.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
E mail: godo.ara@ gmail.com