[SaneVax: Judicial Watch recently reported the results of their latest Freedom of Information Act request – How much has the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program paid out in claims for injuries or death after HPV vaccination?]
Feds pay millions due to deadly HPV shot
By Garth Kent, WND
[excerpt] The public interest law firm Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain documents with that information from the Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS.
The documents show that HHS’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, has awarded $5,877,710 to 49 victims in claims made against the HPV vaccines. That includes payments for two claims of death caused by the vaccine.
Judicial Watch found:
- Only 49 of the 200 claims filed have been compensated for injury or death caused from the HPV vaccine. Of the 49 compensated claims, 47 were for injury caused from HPV vaccine, the additional two claims were for death caused due to the vaccine.
- Ninety-two (nearly half) of the total 200 claims filed are still pending. Of those pending claims 87 of the claims against HPV vaccine were filed for injury, the remaining five claims were filed for death.
- Fifty-nine claims have been dismissed outright by VICP. The alleged victims were not compensated for their claims against the HPV vaccine. Of the claims dismissed, 57 were for injuries, two were for deaths allegedly caused by the HPV vaccine.
- The amount awarded to the 49 claims compensated totaled $5,877,710.87. This amounts to approximately $120,000 per claim.
[…] – Autism Rates Go Even Higher 2 – HPV Vaccine Injury and Death Claims Paid: Revealed by Judicial Watch 3 – Vaccine Mandates, Strategic Social Strategy – The Gateway into the Transhumanism Movement […]