[SaneVax: CDC director Tom Frieden claims that HPV vaccination rates in the United States are ‘simply unacceptable’. Despite award-winning marketing campaigns, only a third of all eligible girls in the country have completed the series of three Gardasil or Cervarix injections. Is this because there are more adverse event reports after HPV vaccines than any other single vaccine in the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) database? Health officials continue to say ‘no’ – medical consumers seem to have a different opinion.
So what about the low uptake? According to a recent article in Vaccines, the solution is at hand. Simply follow the same paradigm instituted when IV drug users and those who practiced unsafe sex rejected the HepB vaccine – move the vaccine recommendation down to the newborn/infant vaccination schedule.
This tactic would provide additional bonus for the manufacturers and their health authority partners: the elimination of those pesky teens who are talking about all of the new medical conditions popping up after HPV vaccines. Babies only have one means of communication – they cry. Everyone knows babies cry all the time for no apparent reason – right?]
The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants
By Heidi Stevenson

If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another ‘booster’ later on? That appears to be planned for Gardasil and Cervarix, along with a slick new marketing program, thanks to the vaccine-industrial complex.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database shows clearly that the vaccines with the most reported adverse effects are Gardasil and Cervarix, the two human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines. It would obviously be madness to lower the age at which they’ve given—but that appears to be exactly what’s being planned.
As Gaia Health has documented, these vaccines have not yet been shown to be effective in preventing cancer, and may even cause the disease. In fact, the document released by the FDA to justify Gardasil stated that women who are infected with HPV at the time of vaccination are 44.6% more likely to develop cervical dysplasias.[1] This is not a minor issue, yet it is routinely ignored in the rush to vaccinate.
So why should we be surprised to find that the search for excuses to lower the age of vaccination is in full force?
Read the entire article here.
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