Posted on The Doctor Within
It was inevitable. In the post 9/11 marketing frenzy questing for more and more bugs and diseases to make vaccines against, what could be a more promising candidate than the second highest cause of death in the US?
Cancer of the cervix has been on a gradual upswing during the past 3 decades, now affecting some 13,000 American women, 4,000 of whom die. In the 1970s, herpes simplex virus was proposed as a possible cause, but that hypothesis was soon
abandoned after epidemiological studies proved inconclusive. In the 1980s the next candidate suggested as the missing link was human papilloma virus. [345]
Before we continue, a word about epidemiological studies. Epidemiological studies, also called population studies, are the poor cousin of true clinical trials. They are not controlled studies done under set scientific conditions, but rather attempts at verifying a hypothesis just by counting the incidence of a certain disease or condition within a certain population. The problem is that results from epidemiological studies are subject to widespread interpretation, depending on who’s doing the counting, who decides the criteria for what gets counted, who publishes the results, etc. For this reason, epidemiological studies can be used to “prove” two completely divergent hypotheses.
In the exploding vaccine industry today, epidemiological studies are quickly becoming the standard to validate our need for more vaccines, because they’re faster, cheaper, and capable of supporting practically any required outcome.
So, once herpes was ruled impossible, the new population studies then proposed human papilloma virus as a cause of cervical cancer. The first problem is that there are over 100 strains of HPV, only 30 of which are even theoretically linked with cervical cancer. [344] In addition, HPV is present in at least half the normal population, [345] almost never causing any disease or problems whatsoever. Indeed, HPV has never been proven as a pathogen for any disease.
Now in any cancer, we’re talking about a normal cell that mutated and then began to make copies of itself, unchecked.
The creators of the HPV/ cancer myth are pretending that the HPV came along and attacked some normal cells and mutated those cells and caused them to begin replicating themselves out of control – cancer. And that this is happening on a mass scale even though we just discovered it. And worse, that a vaccine can neutralize that type of attack on normal cervix cells.
Scientifically, what they’re proposing is ludicrous.
Sandy L says
Gardasil should be called a cancer vaccine because it probably causes cancer. The manufacturer Merck has not tested it for carcinogenicity. Why? Do they not want the truth to be revealed?
The vaccine may also cause cancer by replacement. The virus strains which are removed will be always be replaced by new ones. It is unknown whether the new ones will be carcinogenic.
Yet another way in which Gardasil may cause cancer is due to the presence of recombinant (gene manipulated) HPV DNA. This recent and unexpected discovery was made by competent unbiased research workers.
The manufacturer did not do this study. On the contrary, they lied and informed the authorities in connection with the patent application that the vaccine did not contain viral DNA. This was also stated in the package insert information and it was recently deleted when the discovery of the presence of recombinant DNA was made!
There is no incentive for manufacturers to search for ingredients which may be detrimental to health.
Cancer cases may occur long after Gardasil has been administrated and long after Merck has hauled in gigantic profits for this scandalous vaccine; long after all the vaccine promoters who have had their pockets lined, including people in the media, health authorities, doctors, research workers, statisticians and politicians have slid into comfortable retirement.
Gardasil should be called a cancer vaccine because it probably causes cancer.