International Symposium
International Symposium… by Norma Erickson, President SaneVax Inc.
Tuesday, February 25, 2:30 p.m. Tokyo time marks the beginning of an International Symposium on the adverse reactions experienced by girls who have been vaccinated by Human Papillomavirus vaccines. This symposium was organized on behalf of The Researchers’ Organization Sounding a Warning concerning the Adverse Reactions induced by Human Papillomavirus Vaccines, through the collaborative efforts of Dr. Harumi Sakai, former Professor at the Tokai University School of Medicine, Dr. Shohei Matsuzaki, Professor Emeritus at the Tokai University School of Medicine, Mutsuo Fukushima, Kyoto News International Department, and SaneVax Inc.
This event will give a voice to the thousands of young women and families around the world who have suffered debilitating side effects, sometimes death, after using HPV vaccines. Many of these families have been told these events are psychosomatic or coincidental.
In fact on January 20, 2014, the Japanese government’s advisory council released an official report quite typical of those issued in other countries in which they dismissed all of the symptoms that have shown up in the bodies of vaccinated girls as the consequences of psychogenetic “psychosomatic reactions” – in other words, the consequences of mental reactions of girls who the council suggested in a sophisticated manner may have been spoiled by mothers who do not know how to give discipline to their girls.
According to Kyoto News Reporter, Mutsuo Fukushima, the key proponent of this theory is Dr. Yutaka Ohno of Keio University, who has stated publicly:
“It is impossible to find physical causes for the alleged and presumed adverse reactions at those vaccinated girls, so we cannot help concluding that their so-called adverse reactions are the mere consequences of psychosomatic reactions. The government should provide counselling to the girls so that they may be freed from their psychosomatic reactions.”
The organizers of this symposium, along with countless others, find this callous lack of concern for the victims of adverse reactions to HPV vaccines appalling. They want the world to know there are several biologically plausible mechanisms of action via which Gardasil and Cervarix could precipitate these events. They want the world to know what their research shows in the hope of halting HPV vaccination campaigns until these mechanisms of action are identified, and quantified, so those most at risk can be eliminated from any future HPV vaccination programs. Above all, they want the world to know there are those who will not give up working until the devastation following in the wake of mass HPV vaccination programs is stopped.
Symposium Calendar of Events:
- International Symposium on the Adverse Reactions experienced by girls who have been vaccinated with Human Papillomavirus Vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) – February 25th from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. – Tokai University Extension Center, 35th Floor, Kasumigaseki Building, Tokyo, Japan
- Complete information is available here.
- Press Conference for reporters from newspaper companies and TV broadcasters – open to the public – February 25th from 5:45 to 7:30 p.m. – same venue as above
- Dr. Lee, Professor Authier, Lucija Tomljenovic PhD, Dr. Sasaki, Dr. Shiozawa, Dr. Uhide Kiyoshi, Dr. Hama and Mutsuo Fukushima will be available to answer questions from the public and the press.
- Government-Sponsored Public Hearing of the Health Ministry’s Advisory Council for the Deliberations on the Reported Adverse Events of HPV Vaccines, the advisory panel consisting of 15 scientists – February 26th, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. (Evidence to be presented by scientists and medical professionals from the United States, Canada, France and Japan regarding potential mechanisms of action between HPV vaccines and serious adverse events.)
- Briefing on HPV Matters to Influential Lawmakers of the Ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) – February 26th from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. – at the room of Chairman Eriko Yamatani of the LDP Policy Deliberations Committee at the House of Councilors in the upper chamber of Japan’s bicameral parliament.
- Press Conference – February 26th beginning at 5:45p.m. In the press room of the Japanese Health Ministry.
Symposium Participants:
- Organizer: Harumi Sakai, MD, former Professor, Tokai University School of Medicine
- Co-organizer: Shohei Matsuzaki, MD, Professor Emeritus, Tokai University School of Medicine
- Interpreter: Mutsuo Fukushima, Reporter, Kyodo News, International Department
- Sin Hang Lee, MD, former Yale University Associate Professor, Pathologist at Milford Hospital, Director of Milford Medical Laboratory, Inc.
- Franҫois-Jerome Authier, MD, Universite Paris XII, Systeme Hospital Henri Mondor de Paris
- Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, Research Associate, British Columbia University, Canada
- Mirna Hajjar, MD, Department of Neurology, Hartford Hospital, Hartford Connecticut
- Masayuki Sasaki, MD, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Director of Child Neurology
- Shunichi Shiozawa, MD, Professor, Kyushu University Hospital
- Uhide Kiyoshi, MD, Assistant Professor, Kanazawa University
- Rokuro Hama, MD, Director, Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance (non-profit organization)
How and why was this symposium organized?
Early in September 2013, the Secretary General of the Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents in Japan, and Mr. (Francis) Mutsuo Fukushima, journalist with the Kyodo News, informed the SaneVax team that there were rumors of a delegation from the Japanese Ministry of Health planning to visit London in October to have discussions on the HPV vaccines with officials in the UK Department of Health and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). It was thought that this delegation may be willing to speak with scientific and medical experts who were independent of pharmaceutical industry ties. Knowing what this delegation would hear from the official sources, the SaneVax Team felt it would be critical for this delegation to speak with medical and scientific professionals who had no ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
Prior to official confirmation of this meeting, Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc. and Freda Birrell, Secretary provided their new contacts with information relating to many cases of young girls who had also been harmed by the HPV vaccines, Cervarix and Gardasil, in other parts of the world. The adverse events being reported in Japan were almost identical to those being reported in every country where these vaccines were administered. This fact alone seemed to indicate that the adverse events should not be regarded as a coincidence. The entire SaneVax Team thought it critical to demonstrate that this was a global problem. The young women of Japan were not the only ones suffering after HPV vaccinations. The more information sent to Japanese contacts, the more everyone agreed that independent experts had to be heard.
Following many discussions, SaneVax obtained confirmation from Mr. Tetsuya Miyamoto, Director of the Office of Vaccination Policy at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Health Policy Bureau and a qualified medical doctor in his own right, that he was leading a team embarking on a fact finding mission regarding HPV vaccines. He indicated that he and his team would be willing to meet with independent scientists and a doctor from London on Monday, 7th October 2013 at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in London.
This meeting was scheduled to begin at 2 pm and last for 2 hours. His team consisted of first class medical doctors from two of the six university hospitals in Japan which had been entrusted with official research efforts to shed light on potential cause-and-effect relationships between HPV vaccines and adverse effects being experienced by young girls in Japan.
Those attending this very important meeting on behalf of SaneVax were: Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Pathologist, Milford Hospital, Director, Milford Medical Laboratory Inc., and former associate professor of pathology at Yale University; Professor Francois Jerome Authier, MD, PhD, Reference Center for Neuromuscular Disorders, Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris and Dr. Damien Downing, MB BS, MIBiol from London who is a pioneer of Ecological Medicine. Also in attendance at this meeting were Mrs. Freda Birrell, Secretary of SaneVax Inc. and her husband David Birrell, VAERS Research Analyst for SaneVax Inc.
Our team in London was treated with the greatest of respect by Mr. Miyamoto and his fellow doctors. They listened attentively to all that was said and watched diligently the excellent power point presentations – stopping many times to ask very important questions. A Japanese interpreter was also in attendance.
At that time, we understood that there would be the opportunity for a further meeting organized by SaneVax to be held in Washington, DC when the Japanese delegation visited officials from the FDA and the CDC. The Japanese delegation did visit Washington, later than expected because of the breakdown in the U.S. government administration. There was no opportunity for a second meeting with SaneVax representatives to take place.
Therefore, the London meeting became very important as it has proven to be the catalyst for the historic events now scheduled to take place in Japan on the 25th and 26th February 2014.
For the first time in the history of public immunization campaigns, government officials are willing to listen to the voices of truly independent scientists and medical professionals regarding vaccination policy and immunization practices. This is something that should have happened decades ago. Perhaps the meetings in Japan will herald the beginning of a new medical paradigm.
At the very least, the meetings will provide a voice for thousands of young people and their families who are having to cope with the sometimes debilitating effects of HPV vaccination use.
The SaneVax Team would like to express their sincere appreciation to those who organized this symposium for allowing us the opportunity to assist in the planning and coordination. It has been an honor to be a part of such a historic event.
This may be the beginning of the end to the devastating health changes experienced by some families after HPV vaccinations.
Congratulations to truth spreaders from Japan, SaneVax and to the participants of the conference!
Deep gratitude to the brave experts who are spreading the truth about the dangers of HPV vaccines.
They are striving together to share their unbiased knowledge across the world so that many will be spared from suffering injuries and death because of the vaccines.
Their network is strong and it is becoming even stronger day by day.
They do not listen to people who present biased studies which are financed by the pharmaceutical industry.
They do not listen to offers of bribery.
They do not believe in manipulated safety statistics.
They believe the countless souls who were once strong and healthy and whose life changed when they became ill after the vaccines. They believe the injured, the ones in sorrow and grief. Irrespective of their numbers.
The world is listening to the voices of the brave experts.
The world is listening to the voices of the injured and the grieving.
The world is listening to the truth.
The Japansese are obviously more protective of their 12 yar olds than we Americans are. Here is the basic premise behind HPV vaccine, why it could never work:
HPV: The First Cancer Vaccine
exerpted from the book Vaccination Is Not Immunization