[SaneVax: Shortly after her third injection of Gardasil, Kaitlyn had to give up dancing and sports. She informed the vaccine administrator she was allergic to metals prior to vaccination, but was not told Gardasil contained aluminum and was injected anyway. Is she a victim of post-gardasil syndrome? Why did the person administering the vaccine not know it contained aluminum, a metal Kaitlyn had a long-standing allergy to? Where was Kaitlyn’s informed consent? Investigations need to be conducted.]
Vaccine a sore spot for Whitby teen
By Kristin Calis

WHITBY — A Whitby teen is starting to get her life back after more than a year of enduring constant pain and suffering, and being afraid and in the dark as to what was happening to her body.
Before she received the Gardasil vaccine, Kaitlyn Armstrong was a happy, active girl who spent most of her spare time dancing, playing rep soccer and running track-and-field and cross-country.
But things started going downhill in the fall of 2010 after she received the first in a series of three shots offered free to girls in Grade 8 across Ontario. The vaccine protects young women from human papillomavirus, the main cause of cervical cancer.
Kaitlyn didn’t know at the time that her suffering would later be linked to the vaccine.
“I was taking Tylenol and Advil every day,” says Kaitlyn, who experienced everything from sharp pains to dull aches, and adds her pain was always a 9.5 on a scale of one to 10.
Kaitlyn’s mother, Yvonne Armstrong, has been sharing her daughter’s story at various school boards. Although stopping the vaccine is a pipe dream, she feels more information on possible severe side effects should be shared with parents and students.
Yet one more sad case concerning Gardasil. Kaitlyn and her mother Yvonne were certainly not given adequate information about the vaccine. This is unfortunately more the norm than the exception.
It is admirable that Yvonne is sharing her daughter’s story at various school boards. It is a good idea if she advises everyone who is considering a vaccine to investigate first. Package insert information for all vaccines can be found in the internet. Many doctors do not take the time to study them. They give useful and officially approved information about ingedients, potential adverse reactions, precautions etc.
However, safety statistics about how rare the adverse reactions are, eg one case per million etc, should be taken with a pinch of salt as these are often provided by manufacturers and may be biased.
Yvonne did not want her daughter to get the vaccine as she informed that Kaitlyn was allergic to aluminium. Information in the package insert states that both aluminium and polysorbate 80/Tween 80 are amongst the ingredients.
Aluminium is a poison that can cause bone, bone marrow and brain degeneration. Its passage through the blood-brain barrier is facilitated by the presence of the emulsifying agent polysorbate 80/Tween 80 which renders the barrier more permeable.
Kaitlyn suffered pain in her joints. The vaccine package insert information also refers to adverse reactions including arthralgia (joint pains).
Here is the package insert for Gardasil:
Here’s wishing Kaitlyn full recovery and thanks to Yvonne her mother for her admirable work regarding spreading information about the dangers of this vaccine.
what the fuck
no their is no acquired immunity to warts
Merck changes its story
no hpv in the vaccine “hpv is warts
then currentky that is not regarded by merck
what else mercks VIOXX drug internet search
merck was sued for negligence in making the viox go legal to market
what is wrong with Merck
warts a vaccine is made after acquired immunity is established
the vaccine has a small part of this acquired immunity
that is how a vaccine works
History of vaccine making acquired immunity was and documented
a vaccine was made after
so much more
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