Emily Tarsell
[SaneVax: In 2008, Emily Tarsell lost her only child, Christina, a mere 18 days after her third injection of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The coroner could determine no cause of death. Emily’s mission since the loss of her daughter under such unusual circumstances has been to find out what happened to Chris and all of the other unexplained deaths that have been reported after the administration of HPV vaccines. She wants investigations into the cause of these deaths. Emily understands that sometimes young women die. The inability to determine the cause of death is another thing entirely. This is NOT normal.
On the December 4th edition of the Katie Couric Show, the HPV Vaccine Controversy, Emily spoke for all of those who have mysteriously lost their children after HPV vaccinations. Watch the segment below:
The SaneVax team agrees with Emily. Investigations are not too much to ask for. Tragically, some people do die shortly after vaccinations – when those deaths are unexplainable, investigations should be standard practice, NOT something parents have to fight for.
We would also like to express our sincere grattitude to Katie Couric for having the courage to address the volatile issue of HPV vaccine safety and Emily Tarsell for relating her tragic experience.
Unfortunately, she is not the only parent to have suffered through the unexplained loss of their child after HPV injections. Watch this video to learn of others:
Every single one of these deserves investigation and answers. Anything less is unacceptable, not to mention inhumane.
[…] Couric Show aired several segments focusing on The HPV Vaccine Controversy. Her guests included Emily Tarsell, Rosemary and Lauren Mathis, Dr. Diane Harper and Dr. Mallika […]