The Times of India
June 18, 2011
Factors such as skilled medical professionals, low-cost services, diverse genetic pool, large patient pool and world-class hospitals to undertake clinical trials are the reason for India becoming a favoured destination for such clinical trials.
Andhra Pradesh accounts for almost 28 per cent of total trials in the country. The market value of the clinical trial research outsourced to India, which grew by 65 per cent, touched $1.5-2 billion in 2010.
In the recent past, the clinical trials of Gardasil (of Merck) and Cervarix (of GSK) in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh were suspended in April 2010 after allegations of violations of ethical norms by Programme for Appropriate Technology and Health (PATH), which conducted the trials for MSD and GSK. Some girls suffered side-effects after being administered the vaccine.
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