By Norma Erickson
In 2008 Linda Morin lost her only daughter, Annabelle, 15 days after her second shot of Gardasil. It is small consolation for the Morin family that Quebec has decided to reduce the number of recommended Gardasil injections from three to two.
Linda wishes her government would concentrate more on the already proven safe and effective means of controlling cervical cancer – pap smears and good follow-up.
To this day, Linda and her family continue to fight for investigations into the causes of Annabelle’s unexplained death and all of the other mysterious deaths and disabilities after Gardasil. They do not believe in coincidence or epidemics of psychosomatic disorders. They want answers.
The SaneVax Team wholeheartedly agrees. When faced with the mysterious death of a previously healthy child, investigations and answers are not too much to ask for. The Morin family is to be congratulated for having the strength and courage to try and protect others from experiencing the dark side of Gardasil.
Gardasil: Quebec Suspends Third Dose
By Cédérick Caron in Écho de Laval, Wednesday 18th June 2014 Translation provided by Helen Kimball BrookeWhile Quebec is suspending administration of the third and last dose of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Linda Morin, who remains convinced that this vaccine played a role in her daughter Annabelle’s death, feels that it would be advantageous to focus on preventive screening.
French-language newspaper Le Devoir reported on June 9th that the Health minister had taken the decision not to administer the third dose of the HPV vaccine which is part of the Canadian vaccination campaign for teenage girls in their third year of secondary school.
The reason is that according to current scientific data, a similar level of protection could be achieved with only two doses at lesser cost. This could save Quebec $8.5M.
“In my opinion”, says Linda Morin, “this decision is purely political and financial. If only the money saved could be reinvested into prevention of cervical cancer (triggered by the different strains of HPV), by encouraging sexually active girls to get regular Pap smears.”
Since her daughter Annabelle died in December of 2008, this brave woman from Laval has been leading a crusade against the Gardasil vaccine; she is convinced that it was what caused her daughter to drown in her bath.
“To stop giving the third dose will not resolve anything;” claims Mrs. Morin. “The problem is the first dose.”
Controversial Vaccine
In the death report he submitted in December 2010, Coroner Michel Ferland concluded that Annabelle Morin drowned and this was the cause of her death. He specified that she died of inexplicable natural causes but did not exclude the possibility that the vaccine could have been implicated.
The coroner also raised questions on the HPV vaccination program and advised Santé Canada, the Canadian health system, and the Health Minister to provide the population with better information on the potential adverse effects of this vaccine.
He mentioned that in the United States at the time of Annabelle’s death, the National Vaccine Information Center had already recorded 78 deaths linked to the vaccine and suggested that similar research should be conducted in Canada.
The vaccine continues to be the topic of many articles just about everywhere, including Europe where lawsuits have been filed against JV Sanofi Pasteur MSD, the pharmaceutical company which markets the product in France.
According to Mrs. Morin who is in touch with the parents of French girls who have experienced different kinds of adverse effects after receiving this vaccine,
“52 lawsuits have been filed against Gardasil in France. One of the cases is even pending in a criminal court.”
In Canada, British Columbia has already followed in the footsteps of Quebec by deciding to administer only two doses, as incidentally is the case in Switzerland also.
Merck however, the pharmaceutical company which developed the vaccine, still claims that three doses are required for optimum effectiveness of the vaccine.
The Laval Centre de Santé et de Services Sociales (Health and Social Services Department) reports that dropping the third jab will not have any impact because it was administered alongside two other vaccines.
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