…”This is not just about teenagers having sex, it is also about whether Gardasil has been proven safe and effective for little girls.”
Merck says that this vaccine, at $360 a series, will not have data on vaccination of little boys until 2008. Of course adding to the already heavy overlay of harmful vaccines will do little but raise money for Merck in the meantime. The Feds are also boosting profits by tying the expense into the national program for recommended vaccines.
And don’t fail to overlook the glamourous capaign of stars and starlets travelling around the country to help you make a bracelet through for an alleged educational organization funded by Merck – www.maketheconnection.org/
A more insidious drug company strategy involves directly influencing so-called consumer organizations. A report in 2003 warned:
“Pharmaceutical companies are pouring millions of dollars into patient advocacy groups and medical organisations to help expand markets for their products. Many groups have become largely or totally reliant on pharmaceutical industry money, prompting concerns they are open to pressure from companies pushing their products.15″
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