Posted by: Norma Erickson, SaneVax
15 September 2010
The following information is from a flier currently being distributed throughout Ireland, by the Mother’s Alliance Ireland, to parents who are being asked to give consent for their children to be vaccinated with Gardasil. This vaccine is manufactured by Merck and claims to prevent cervical cancer.
“1. Has your child been checked out for an allergic reaction to any of the vaccine ingredients? If not, you are advised to refuse consent until tests have been carried out.
2. Has your child been tested for presence of any HPV strain? If HPV strain 16, or 18 is present in your child, then there is a 44.6% risk of your child developing cervical cancer if the vaccine is administrated. HPV strains 16 and 18 are the ‘high risk’ strains associated with cervical cancer. If your child has not been tested for HPV, then you are advised to withhold consent until tests have been carried out.
3. Has your child ever engaged in sexual activity which would put the child at risk of contracting HPV? HPV can be contracted not only by sexual intercourse, but by genital skin to skin contact. If the answer to this question is yes, then refuse to consent to vaccination.
4. Could your child be one of the 32% who are immune to the vaccine? In clinical trials, one-third (32%) of participants were found to have no immunity to strain 18 of the HPV after 24 months. If your child is one of the 32%, please be aware that this vaccine does not do what it claims to do and therefore the risks certainly outweigh any benefit that may be obtained by vaccination.
5. Are you and your child aware that over 19,000 adverse reactions to this vaccine, including 77 deaths and serious brain damage, have been reported?
Advice to parents: Young people may be reluctant to admit to parents that they are involved in sexual activity. Therefore, it is advisable that parents show this ‘consent form’ to their child before signing it. Every child has a need to know the risks involved in both sexual activity and vaccination.”
MAI is desperately trying to get the word out throughout Ireland, that there are risks associated with Gardasil. They strongly feel that everyone should be fully informed prior to giving consent to this vaccine. Then each family can weigh the potential benefits versus the potential risks and make a decision they feel is right for their children.
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