By Christine Townsend
At one point or another, every parent in the world makes a decision they regret. Who could have predicted that an attempt to protect my daughter from cervical cancer via HPV vaccination would turn our lives into a constant battle to regain her health and maintain her right to an education? If we had only known……
Allow me to introduce my daughter, Chelsea Sascha Townsend, of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK. This is her story.

Before Chelsea had the GlaxoSmithKline Cervarix injection she was a very happy, outgoing, confident young lady who, from starting nursery at the age of two to having the first round of vaccinations at the age of twelve, had had just one day absence from school due to illness. Chelsea was such a determined and confident young girl that, once she started secondary school (making the move with none of her friends from primary as they all had places at a different school) was when others began to notice that she was confident, very intelligent and always stood up for herself, she would go out of her way to prove to them that she was the stronger person. She would come home with tales of being told she was ‘weird’ and her response was, ‘if they want weird, then I’ll give them a reason to call me weird’ and would set off in the mornings with the left side of her hair in a plait and the right side either down, in a bunch, a mass of curls or dead straight. Always pushing boundaries; that was my daughter. She had many friends at primary school and during her first year of secondary would always be out on sleep overs, taking bike rides, reading for hours on end and even began to go to listen to local bands play. Chelsea had the respect of her peers.
After receiving the first injection – my daughter was part of the first year of the HPV vaccination programme being administered (her dates of vaccination were November, December 2008 and May 2009) – Chelsea began to get severe headaches which were treated with migraine medication which then led to her having what she described as ‘absences’ whilst at school: she could be in the middle of a lesson, walking along at break time, sitting down eating lunch or have someone talking to her and yet she couldn’t hear a word that was said to her and felt as if she was ‘not in her head’; she was referred for investigation for possible epilepsy. Naturally, the epilepsy diagnosis was incorrect.
Over the next couple of months and the subsequent doses of ‘Cervarix’ being administered, Chelsea began to suffer from aching joints, more severe headaches and tiredness. She began to miss a couple of days of school a week due to the headaches, nausea, aching joints and by the time she was approaching the end of year eight she was missing whole weeks due to all the previous side effects with the added issue of extreme exhaustion now beginning to affect her. She also was experiencing loss of short term memory, lack of concentration and visual disturbances.
Over the summer holidays of 2009 Chelsea began to suffer from complete exhaustion – she would sleep in later and later during the day and would have no energy to be able to go out with friends. She changed from an outgoing, popular girl, who was always laughing, to a very introspective and unconfident girl with no interest at all in life. Her appetite began to diminish and she started to lose weight. By the end of the summer my gorgeous daughter was virtually bed ridden. She now slept for at least 20 hours a day and, if she felt well enough, could join her brother and I for dinner but would have no appetite and would tell us that the smell of food made her feel sick. Being a single parent I still had to go to work every day and so Chelsea was left at home alone, sleeping the days and nights away. Occasionally she would have the energy to get out of bed and watch a couple of hours of TV but, after a while, the colour would drain from her face and her eyes would glaze over as total exhaustion would once again take over.
This is how Chelsea’s life was lived for the next eighteen months, bedridden for weeks at a time with only the occasional ‘good’ day when she had enough energy to get out of bed – she became even more insular, struggled in social situations with people she had known for years and, on good days, refused to venture out of the house in case people from school saw her and called her a ‘fake’ – as they had been doing through social networking sites – rumours even went around that she was absent from school due to pregnancy: she had been seen taking her little cousin to the local park (my ploy to get her out into the fresh air for a few minutes). Finally she was given the diagnosis of CFS/M.E in late 2010 but our GP was and still is refusing to entertain the idea that her illness began after the first Cervarix vaccination. Due to the diagnosis Chelsea was awarded three hours of tuition a week but the two tutors she had allocated to her by the Local Education Authority were not particularly understanding of her needs.
In addition to her diagnosis of CFS/ME, Chelsea has also been diagnosed as having an underactive thyroid gland and is now taking the medication Thyroxin – this diagnosis was given in 2011. There is no history of this condition in our family.
Thankfully, in May of 2011, a wonderful tutor was then employed by the local authority and, with her help Chelsea’s confidence slowly came back. I was also taking her to weekly appointments with CAMHS – Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service where she was seen by a psychologist who prescribed anti- depressants, which Chelsea stopped taking after three months as she said they hadn’t changed anything about the way she felt, and gave her advice on how to get her sleep pattern back to normal (by this time she was, on some days, awake for a few hours at a time, but at night time when the rest of the house was asleep (further exacerbating her feelings of isolation and loneliness) and a psychotherapist for CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) who discussed planning and pacing with her. It was awful having to drag her to appointments when she felt that the CBT was accomplishing very little and, in her words, was just ‘a man sitting there lecturing me’. However, now that she is studying Psychology at A Level she can look back on her experience and see that CBT really did help.
We had weeks of harassment from the Local Education Authority’s Attendance Service, who seemed to view Chelsea and I as a ‘soft touch’ – because I teach at the school she attends. To the point where, during one meeting, the LEA’s head attendance officer leant over to my daughter and threatened ‘do you want your mum to go to prison Chelsea?’ I’m sure I don’t have to outline how angry I was at this comment and the rather insulting reply I gave. A different tack was tried – they suggested that I make Chelsea come into school when I did at 8am to ensure I woke her up and got her out of bed as was my duty as her parent…I am afraid that is the point when I broke down, starting Chelsea off crying too (we both cry when we get angry or realise that an injustice is taking place). My response was something along the lines of: ‘I doubt that you have ever had to try to wake up your child that is a shadow of their former self, trapped in their own body. They can hear you, but cannot open their eyes, let alone lift their head from the pillow. Have you ever watched your child’s lips move in response to you asking them a question but no sound comes out because they do not have the energy to even form a whisper? Have you ever arrived home hours later and have your child repeat back everything that you said to them that morning, proving beyond a doubt that opening their eyes, responding and getting out of bed are a physical impossibility? Have you ever seen a grey pallor take over your child’s skin, making them look waxen and worn down? Have you ever looked into your child’s eyes and seen nothing there? Eyes that are completely devoid of life? Eyes that appear to be black and dead?’ The woman did not bat an eyelid and told me the date and time of the next meeting they had scheduled (during one of my free lessons), by going into the school office and looking at my teaching timetable!! They had not reckoned on the both of us refusing to bend to their bullying tactics and, after I had written and sent a four page letter to them outlining each and every way they had broken the law, acted in an underhand manner and, when we openly challenged them to take us to court, did they finally acquiesce to the fact that Chelsea was the only person who knew how her body worked and was the best person to decide when she was able to attend lessons.
When her GCSE results were given out in August 2011, she had managed to gain five A’s, two B’s and a BTEC distinction star in Science. Chelsea is now working on her A levels. Sadly her M.E seems to have worsened over the last year and she is only able to attend school for either two half or one full day and has had to drop one subject but, despite this, she is getting A grades in the two subjects she has continued with and is planning on taking an extra year to complete an extra subject and an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) in order to gain entry to university.
Chelsea has worked hard to rebuild her confidence, after a long battle and many letters she is now sent work from her teachers that she might have missed and, thanks to guidelines from the AYME website, the school are now aware of their legal responsibility as to the provisions Chelsea is entitled to due to her illness. It has been a long, hard slog to get to this point and it still isn’t over as she faces a fight to get to university and embark upon her chosen career path whilst battling every day against her own body that has been irreversibly changed by GlaxoSmithKline’s HPV vaccination, Cervarix.
Many times over the last few years I have said to Chelsea that if I could take away her suffering and have it myself, then I would, as I am sure all mother’s would – each and every time my daughter has responded with, ‘Mum, there is no way I would want you to have to feel like this every day, I wouldn’t even wish it on my worst enemy’…just sitting here typing these words has brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat!
In my role as tutor to students in Year 7 and 8, I make a point of always mentioning Chelsea’s case to the girls a few months before they have their vaccination, hoping that they will relay my daughter’s story to their parents. However, I now feel that this is not enough and that I will be failing in my professional ‘duty of care’ if I do not provide the parents of these girls with recent literature about the adverse reactions these vaccinations cause. I will be approaching the principal of the academy in which I work in an attempt to convince her that as an establishment responsible for the well-being of young people, we have a moral and ethical obligation to provide parents with information both supporting and discrediting the HPV vaccination programme. If I can prevent just one young girl from having her life irreversibly changed, then the guilt I feel over the gamble I took with my daughter’s health will be, in a small way, alleviated.
Having now met and spoken with other mother’s whose daughters have also had a reaction to Cervarix; it is comforting to know that we are not on our own. We know our daughter’s better than anyone and know that we had healthy, bright girls prior to this vaccination and, as if overnight, their lives changed and we have had a constant struggle ever since then. However, the truth will out and those who have denied us help, respect and common decency will have to answer for their actions one day. If I could turn back the clock I most certainly would.
HPV is causing MS in many girls, but most people don’t make the connection as it generally shows up over 60 days after vaccination. MS means drugs for life, so the pharmaceutical’s are smiling, they don’t have any incentive to clean up their vaccines, in fact most likely this is the whole point of the vaccines; Pharma only profit when we’re sick and diseased. It seems unrealistic that they would want to reduce the rate of Cervical Cancer as Cancer is a big money spinner! i.e. over $1500 per month per victim.
MS can also be a complication of the Hep B vaccine, though Pharma are desperately trying to cover that up for obvious reasons.
Wow, Christine!! Your story not only breaks my heart, but puts me on the verge of tears as it is all WAY to familiar with our daughter! I just want to scream and what our girls are going through! Guilt rides with me every day! Our daughter got Gardasil, here in Ontario Canada, and so far away, yet we struggle through the same hurdles, school, administrators, lonely hours at home, life changing, all those in the medical field who doubt our daughter…it goes on and on…we NEED each other’s support! We couldn’t have survived all of this over the last 2 1/2 years without the support of other families like you, sharing your stories! Thank-you for sharing! I hope Chelsea knows she is not alone! …and our girls are the most courageous young ladies! Please tell Chelsea we will say a prayer for you both! I pray everyday for our daughter. Funny, I too am an elementary school teacher, and that I wonder only made the school board more on ‘alert’. It is SO hard! …but you are clearly a most wonderful, loving and determined MOTHER! Chelsea, I’m sure, is most grateful for a mom like you! We will stand by our girls until they are well again! That day will come, and until then, we are all here for each other. Bless you and ((hugs)) to you both! From myself, Glenda, and our daughter, Angela! (p.s. we put info together and gave out to grade 8 girls(this is the year they give it here) this year!…hard work, but it paid off!)
What a story! Chelsea is doing amazingly well in-spite of the vaccine damage. I’d be interested in treating her homeopathically, I specialise in children with autism (many of whom were vaccine damaged) & I feel that I could help.
If you are interested please go to the website & send me a message
Kind regards
Homeopathics are a great Idea ,I am a Natural-Pathic Practitioner . I have been trained in most areas of alternative med,but years ago was a clinician for and OB Doctor, I am also a midwife..Homeopathics have no side effects and they make the body heal itself. I use them on my kids and my pregnant women.I have been diagnosed with both Lupus and MS. I have lost one of my lungs and I refuse to go down like this. I was a yoga teacher and a Professional Lyrical dancer until I was 40.. My son had showed me the video of a man named Aurthur called don’t give up. I could barely watch thru the tears but it gave me incentive to start back doing yoga. I use to be able to walk on my hands up the stars, now I can barely go down them on my feet. All can tell you is the yoga ts helping. So please Don’t give up either,
Hi Christine,
I just wanted to tell you that my heart goes out to you and your daughter, along with the many, many others who made the same mistake of trusting the medical establishment and its vaccine agenda. I presume that different ingredients cause different effects, but I did want to encourage you to never give up on helping your daughter get better. I also made the mistake about a decade ago and had a tetanus and 4 of 5 rabies vaccines. Like many children react to the onslaught of all those toxins, my body nearly shut down. I experience all sorts of autoimmune disorders, allergies, gastric disturbances, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, and what looked like MS. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but in my case drastically changing my diet, upping my exercise, using supplements and natural chelators, and repeated fasting allowed me to beat back the vast majority of my symptoms. Although I still have some lingering issues, they are very slight compared to my earlier struggles. I am now healthier than most people I know, regained my pre-children weight, and almost never fall ill (except when exposed to recently vaccinated children!). All that to say that I believe with proper support our bodies have an amazing ability to repair and restore, and I would encourage you to research the removal of chemical toxins as well as a nutrient dense diet of traditional, wholesome and organic food. I applaud your courage and your tenacity; those are the traits that bring success, which I pray you will find.
I do believe that vaccines do this- yet in the USA these symptoms could also be caused by tick borne illnesses like Lyme disease- similar illnesses are also carried by spiders and some mosquittos. Again- NOT saying that your daughter did not get ill from the vaccine- just saying that if the vaccine coincided with a bite which delivered an illness- well – everyone would like her to get well and one would not want to miss a treatable illness- I think the vaccine damage is rough to treat. Just something to maybe look into- I lost a friend because her ‘obvious’ diagnosis turned out to not be what was wrong with her at all. I think it seems obvious this is from the vaccine- all the more reason to keep looking.. Good luck and hope healing happens.
Our 17 year old granddaughter was a very energetic, very happy little girl who learn VERY QUICKLY until her 18 month vaccinations. She began to have trouble with stamina loss. In pre-school, she could not concentrate at all on some days and really struggled to learn to print her name… She would cry and say “I can’t.” Some days she seemed to be able to concentrate;others she could not remember anything. In elementary school she wanted to join the jump rope club. But she would get too tired and could not keep up with the other kids. When on family hikes, she could not keep up with her parents and little brother. They would have to stop and rest. She also has trouble sleeping at nigh even on days she does not take naps. Her sleep study only showed she could not sleep! She was an excellent swimmer and joined a swim team. Sometimes she would have to literally be pulled from the water as she suddenly could not work her legs to swim and she would be so out of breath. Because her team could not count on her, she withdrew from competition when she was 8. She got really behind in school. Finally at age 12, she would have days she could not get out of bed… other times she would suddenly collapse into the nearest chair because she simply could not breath. She was finally diagnosed with mitochondrial disease. She was put on some supplements which help a lot. But she deteriorated very quickly, suddenly last fall. For 3 months she could not attend school at all and did not have the strength to hold a pencil. Finally, it was found that her thyroid was low. Thyroid medication has brought her back to HER normal self and is able to function well with schooling and her favorite activities are volleyball, kayaking and basketball. There are a few specialists that believe that in some children vaccines seem to kick in the mito symptoms. Most doctors will still argue for vaccinations. But no one in our family will now receive any kind of vaccines because about 5 years ago, our daughter (mito-granddaughter’s mother) got a vaccine to allow her to go to Kenya on a missionary trip. And guess what! Our precious adult daughter began to develop these mito symptons within the first few weeks of her vaccinations. . Our family doctor is just fine with us refusing vaccines… Even the children…. Same for our chiropractor and homeopathic doctor. No way; not ever again!
As with vaccines…the same for Lyme disease. The Lyme disease epidemic comes from experiments in biowarfare out of our USA Plum Island Bioweaponry laboratory off of Long Island, New York near Lyme, Connecticut. The government is experimenting on vector insects (mosquito, tick) to act like a vaccines whereby they inject the bacteria/viruses that the government created in them. Watch the best documentary on Lyme disease:
Under the Skin:
The cure is also on this link: Salt cure
Under Our Skin Synopsis
A dramatic tale of microbes, medicine and money, this eye-opening new film investigates the untold story of Lyme disease, an emerging epidemic larger than AIDS. Each year thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, told that their symptoms are “all in their head.” Following the stories of patients and physicians as they battle for their lives and livelihoods, the film brings into focus a haunting picture of our health care system and its ability to cope with a silent terror under our skin. Editors note: The microbes in Lyme disease which is spread by a bioweaponized tick looks very much like the microbes implicated in Morgellon’s disease, another horrific illness. See:
I had CFS/ME symptoms for almost 40 years. I have now started a Candida treatment. The treatment is used in stages, 5 days on, 10 days off etc. After the first treatment (only did the first one) I already started to feel a lot better. Also had a kind of herpes on my rear end which has already cleared up. It is available at I must have tried absolutely everything and nothing else helped. Maria
It is terrible that your daughter has had to go through all this, when she should be going out with friends and enjoying herself. Her symptoms do sound a lot like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and combined with a thyroid problem (which is known to cause depression), would make her situation worse. Thyroid problems do not necessarily run in the family, I am on Thyroid medication, and it does not run in my family, my GP has no idea how I got it. CFS is unfortunately more common in young people, and was diagnosed in many adolescence before the Cervarix was introduced, so it is very hard to say if the injection caused the illness, or whether the illness just came about at the same time as her immunisation schedule.
The good news is that CFS does eventually abate and go away, although it may take some time. It’s just a shame that more sympathy and understanding wasn’t shown to your daughter. She is lucky to have a Mother like you to stick up for her. Good Luck.
Hi Christine,
It’s so sad to hear your story of your daughter, I know there are other young women who have suffered like this because of HPV vaccination. I personally have had CFS/ME for about 15 years (mine was viral) and am now much recovered. The following made a very significant difference to my health and are easy strategies:
CFS/ME sufferers tend to have low blood pressure and low blood volume – eat lots of salt (I use sea salt), and drink water (though I avoid chlorine, so I filter the tap water, letting it stand will get rid of chlorine too);
they have low levels of Magnesium – try a good magnesium supplement with other minerals/vitamins to aid absorption;
vitamin D helps sort out calcium levels and low vitamin D is implicated in immune disorders (it’s very common in the UK now), don’t take it with calcium though, as it’s magnesium that is needed for ME and not calcium, get tested for it before taking it.
You can get your GP to test for sodium levels, vitamin D levels and magnesium levels if you ask.
I was advised by a nutritionist to eat at least 40% animal protein at every meal, keeping fats fairly low (so not high dairy) to support energy and thyroid function. Also, to eat 5 small meals a day.
All of these made an enormous difference to my sleeping patterns and energy levels, they are not expensive either. I also used a lot of acupuncture and found that really good, but it doesn’t work for everyone with CFS/ME.
I do hope your daughter improves soon.
I live in the states and many years ago I decided to stop giving vaccinations to my children. They have had a few, such as tetnus, but on the whole we stay away from them. We have heard too many stories like this and have had family members who have suffered from vaccinations. According to the medical field “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” meaning if you child gets ill, oh well, it works for others. We have not had too much of a problem with the schools or our doctor, who is a wonderful guy, we just have to sign waivers all the time. I feel for your suffering and wish it did not happen to anyone. We need to get the word out more, just like you are doing, so parents know they can say “NO” to any vaccine. There are entirely way too many shots that they want to give these little bodies, who are growing and changing daily. My daughter did have whooping cough when she was 6 years old and came through just fine. I found it interesting, however, that the health department got involved and made everyone she came in contact with take antibiotics. They were vaccinated. Why would they need antibiotics? Curious.
I am sorry for your situation. It is similar to my daughters’ after receiving kindergarten shots, although more severe. I have no doubt, however, that you could heal her 100% with the GAPS protocol. There is a clinic in Cambridge England and a ton of information on the internet. God bless you through this trial.
Anyone on here that is having this problem and to the mother, I want to tell you there is a product that the FDA don’t want you to know about, that will heal and remove the cancer and the HPV virus from their body. It is called MMS… and what it is that will clean up these pathogens from the human body… Sodium chlorite is mixed with Citric acid,,, it turns into Chlorine Dioxide and is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.
I know what it does as I am a 17 year cancer survivor and I have been using MMS for over 6 year and an I don’t ever get sick anymore. I will be 80 in Nov. and I am still going strong now. Just go to and read all about MMS and where you can get it. I know it will remove the HPV virus and make your girls safe from Cervical cancer. Go and read about it and save a life… thats all I am doing now… just trying to tell the world about MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) and save some lives. Good luick and stay healthy…and start taking some MMS and get healthy again.and BTW I get nothing from telling the world about MMS. Just trying to help the world population stay healthy.
Christine, much sympathy to you and, especially, Chelsea. I was very suspicious of the politicians pushing the HPV vaccines so hard and put a block on anyone going near my daughter. She hates needles anyway and was more than pleased about my aroused suspicions. That was 5 years ago and I’ve learned enough to make the hair fall out of most heads. If you want to get through to your students then my advice is for you to introduce them to Alan Watt’s website called This man asks for nothing and gives everything. His IQ is the level geniuses dream about. He has about 3000 audios for free download (I’ve listened to them all and it’s the best education anyone could ever have). There are also transcripts of his audios for free download. I wish I had a magic potion for Chelsea but, unfortunately, I do not. I’ve done a lot of research into food though and can recommend NEVER eating grains except white rice. Research lectins and you’ll see what I mean, especially wheat germ agglutinin, the nastiest one of all. Rice lectins are in the husk so white rice is basically lectin free. You might also like to research K1, K2(MK-4 and MK-7), D3, all 20 amino acids (raw eggs have them all…cooking destroys most aminos), NAC, DHA/EPA and biotin. Plus there’s something about ceylon cinnamon mixed with quality honey that makes me feel like a million bucks. All the best.
oh thats too bad. i feel sorry for Chelsea
Sophie.What do I think about flu vcinace?The vcinace is made for variation of the virus of last year and it is just for a virus type. I know people that get the vcinace but they get the flu. The vcinace is recommended for older people or weakened.So, I recommended to eat very well, very vitamine C (Orange and Acerola ) and don’t forget to put coat when need.Acerola is a fruit. I donc2b4t know the name this fruit in English (Acerola is in portuguese)