By Suzanne Elvidge

Narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness) is usually a rare disorder. However, in 2010 there was a sudden spike in Finland of children and young people developing narcolepsy and cataplexy, with cases increasing somewhere around seventeenfold. A couple of papers published in PLoS One have tried to untangle this mystery, and they have found a connection between these bouts of extreme tiredness and the flu shot Pandemrix given with the adjuvant AS03 during the H1N1 2009 flu pandemic.
A team from hospitals and clinics across Finland followed all Finnish children born between 1991 and 2005 and cross-checked those with narcolepsy with their vaccination records. They found that the chance of narcolepsy was much higher in children who had been vaccinated with Pandemrix.
In the second paper published in PLoS One, Finnish researchers carried out genetic tests on some of the narcoleptic children who had had the Pandemrix flu shot. They found that the children all had a genetic marker that has been linked to an increased risk of narcolepsy.
Read the entire article here.
Pandemrix, the H1N1 vaccine used in Scandinavia, contains more squalene than any other vaccine on the market. Squalene is in many foods, but behaves differently according to the route of administration, ingestion or injection.
(Medical students, nurses and others learn that substances behave differently according to whether they are ingested or injected. It is noticeable that many doctors, health authorities and other vaccine promoters appear to ignore this basic fact).
Squalene is cheap and is used to boost the immune response (which is not the same as immunity). In this way less of the expensive virus antigen is necessary. In other words, squalene is present for economical reasons.
Because squalene is an oil, to make the vaccine miscible it is necessary to include an emulsifying agent, in this case polysorbate 80/Tween 80.
According to independent researchers squalene increases risk of autoimmune diseases when injected. It is regularly used to induce autoimmune diseases in lab rats.
Narcolepsy is an autoimmune disease. The increased risk of narcolepsy should therefore have been expected.
In Norway there are close connections between the pharmaceutical companies, media, health authorities and doctors. Several competent independent experts in Norway warned against the vaccine because of the ingredients: squalene, polysorbate and mercury, but were ridiculed and called conspiration theorists in mainstream media and even in Twitter by the health authorities and other vaccine promoters.