Mother of Injured Gardasil Girl Demands
Gardasil’s ‘New Medical Conditions’ Be Legitimized as
Post-Gardasil Syndrome (PGS) & Post-Cervarix Syndrome (PCS)
By Leslie Carol Botha, Vice President of Public Relations
November 29, 2011
One would think the world is facing a cervical cancer epidemic with the amount of money being exchanged and laws changed to make sure the potentially dangerous HPV vaccines and the rDNA contaminated Gardasil become front and center in global consumer markets. One must also be starting to question the hidden agendas behind this world-wide vaccination program.
Kind of slick and sly for the global media to announce on the U.S. Thanksgiving Day that Gardasil will make its debut in the UK by September 2012. Merck’s marketing department shows no thoughtfulness or integrity towards the parents of dead and injured Gardasil children to break this news on a traditional holiday with damaged families trying to count their blessings while battling the feelings of anger, frustration, betrayal, and powerlessness they now live with daily.
Updated VAERS Data
According to SANE Vax Inc. VAERS Researcher, Janny Stokvis, there has been another increase in adverse injuries and deaths from the HPV vaccines since the last report issued in August. Data below for HPV 2 Cervarix & HPV 4 Gardasil adverse reactions (estimated 1 to 10% of the vaccine injured population reporting) as of October 11 with significant category increases compared to August 11, 2011:
HPV Vaccines |
October |
August |
Disabled |
780 |
763 |
Deaths |
104 |
103 |
Did Not Recover |
4,898 |
4,777 |
Abnormal Pap Smear |
467 |
430 |
Cervical Dysplasia |
177 |
157 |
Cervical Cancer |
41 |
41 |
Life Threatening |
457 |
444 |
Emergency Room Visit |
9,312 |
9,115 |
Hospitalized |
2,335 |
2,307 |
Extended Hospital stay |
208 |
201 |
Serious |
3,155 |
3,111 |
Total Adverse Events |
23,982 |
23,388 |
VAERS ID 437735 shows that on July 6, 2011, an 18 year old girl from Massachusetts died 84 days after receiving two shots of Gardasil:
Relapse of ITP: 18 year-old female with immune thrombocytopenic purpura, diagnosed in 1995 and in remission from 2004 to 2011 following treatment with Rituximab. Relapse in early April, 2011, followed administration of Gardasil vaccine on 10-26-10 and 1-7-11. Relapse of ITP led eventually to death from intracranial hemorrhage on 07/06/2011.
According to MedScape Reference: “Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a clinical syndrome in which a decreased number of circulating platelets (thrombocytopenia) manifests as a bleeding tendency, easy bruising (purpura), or extravasation of blood from capillaries into skin and mucous membranes (petechiae).” 1.
VAERS reports that the parents noted the petechiae event sometime in April, however, when tested, the girl’s lab diagnostics showed that the blood work was within normal range:
CBC on 04/26/2011 included platelet count 5000; WBC 5.4 with normal differential, Hgb 12.8, Hct 37.2, MCV 87.9; normal RBC morphology. 2.
SANE Vax Inc. is demanding an investigation into the death of an already immune-comprised teen girl who received Gardasil when the safety and efficacy data is based on clinical trials on healthy girls.3. What was the mechanism of action that caused her death from an intracranial hemorrhage?
HPV Vaccines – More than Double Vaccine Reactions than all other Recommended Vaccinations
In August, Steven Rubin posted disturbing data in VAERS showing that for the ‘CDC-recommended vaccines for 7-18-year-olds, HPV vaccine injuries were greater than others in that group.’ Rubin compiled the data below for the two age groups 0 – 6 and 7 – 18 showing the approximate numbers of reported adverse injuries from only the recommended vaccines for that age group.
Rubin notes “…..children age 0-6 years are reporting the most VAERS events following a DTP vaccination. Children ages 7-18 years are significantly affected by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Note that HPV is already associated with over 100 deaths, and is not limited to girls (there are three reports of boys who have died following an HPV vaccination). This is not the most widely given vaccination for 7-18 year olds, but it appears frequently in VAERS and is associated with serious adverse effects.4.
Gardasil Victim’s Mother Demands Naming Gardasil ‘New Medical Conditions’
Deanna Martinez, mother of Shelby, age 17; who Martinez calls a “Gardasil Victim because she suffers from adverse reactions to this killer drug every day,” had her first and only Gardasil shot on March 31, 2011 and has been ill ever since. Martinez contacted Norma Erickson, President of SANE Vax Inc. via email to express her frustration and concerns that the Gardasil children are afflicted with a ‘nameless condition,’ instead of an official primary diagnosis. She wrote:
“Of course, there is the familiar and vague ‘adverse reaction to the Gardasil vaccine’ or worse ‘possible adverse reaction to the Gardasil vaccine’ or ‘condition of unknown etiology’ which no one understands and few believe in. There are other diagnoses for conditions that result from the adverse reaction to Gardasil — Lupus, neuropathy, migraines, chronic fatigue…of unknown etiology-you know that the endless list goes on and on. However, these are all SECONDARY conditions and diagnoses!
“In order for our children’s illnesses to be legitimized and ultimately a cure or treatment to be found we must have an official primary diagnosis. And that primary diagnosis must officially and directly be tied to the Gardasil injection. It MUST have a name! Furthermore, a treatment protocol must be designed. We must no longer settle for a nameless condition with no standard of treatment.
“I am sure that at different times we all call our kids’ illness different names. I believe that it makes their illness less believable, even and sometimes especially, for them. It makes their voices smaller. It makes their lives harder. It sends the wrong message to the world. It does not further their cause.
“Just think, if your child had Diabetes would you tell people that they had an adverse reaction to sugar? If your child had asthma would you just say they had an adverse reaction to allergens in the air? We need to name our kids’ illness.
“Because we have already had to do so much of the research and treatment and lifesaving for our children on our own, let’s not wait for the medical community, the drug company or the government to come up with an official diagnosis name. Let’s determine a name for their condition on our own! Let’s all call it one condition. Let’s use it in our daily lives with our child, our doctors, our family and friends, in our correspondence, on our websites, in our emails, everywhere. Let’s give our kids some power back by legitimizing their illness. Let’s get the word out that our kids really are sick and their sickness has a name-it’s legitimate!”
SANE Vax Inc. agrees with Martinez’s astute observations – and we support her demand that adverse reactions from the HPV vaccines not only be named but used universally by medical consumers, educators, researchers, medical professionals, government health agencies, politicians and the media.
SANE Vax Inc. is announcing from this time forward adverse reactions from Merck’s HPV 4 Gardasil now be known as Post-Gardasil Syndrome (PGS) and GlaxoSmithKline’s HPV 2 Cervarix be known as Post-Cervarix Syndrome (PCS).
PGS & PCS will be applied to the reported adverse conditions from the HPV vaccines whose symptoms include but are not limited to the following conditions:
Post Gardasil Syndrome & Post-Cervarix Syndrome
Adverse Reactions
Parents and advocates around the world are uniting to stop this global vaccine program threatening the lives and health of their adolescent children. If you know of someone who already suffers from PGS or PCS, please have them contact SANE Vax Inc. at Governments of the world need to know medical consumers are now demanding safe, affordable, effective and necessary vaccinations. Gardasil does not meet any of the above requirements. Governments of the world must also be held accountable for damaging the health and well being of the children of their constituents.
1. MedScape Reference –
2. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VAERS ID 437735
3. May 2006-Gardasil-VRBPAC –
4. National Vaccine Information Center MedAlerts –
Thanks for the mention of my article. You claim that I reported that “HPV vaccines injuries are greater than all other vaccines” and I most certainly did not say that. I did say that for the CDC-recommended vaccines for 7-18-year-olds, HPV injuries were greater than others in that group.
Also, I would like to correct your spelling of my first name. I am “Steven”, not “Stephen”.
-Steven Rubin
Thank you Steven – Our apologies to the over site on miss-spelling your name. Copy has been changed to reflect the intent of your statements.
It would really help to understand the total number of innoculations given. I understand that between one and 10 percent of those injected with this vaccine have problems, but I would like not to have to do the math. How many innoculations are given? Is reporting mandatory? Who does the reporting? The doctor or the patient?
I agree with the notion of naming this condition. I think that if you’re going to name it, some time ought to be spent on a name that can be turned into an acronym that sticks in people’s minds? SARS was easy to remember. PTSD is easily remembered. I would also make sure that you work in the word “vaccine” into the name to make it clear that this is a side effect of a defective product.
Post Cervical Vaccine Syndrome? PCVS?
From its inception until the appearance of tha uterine carcinoma of the cervix (UCC) take in average 25 to 30 years; the investigation on the vaccine against the human papilloma virus has begun the 2000; the scientific efficacy of this vaccine has just determined in the years 2025-2030
HPV not causes definitely the (UCC); in the onset of this disease are involve multiple risk factors, including suspected HPV, but there are security for epidemiology and statistics that sex generates the disease. Mix in 130.000 nuns not found not any UCC.
To accept that a virus or bacteria cause a disease must indefectible fulfill the 5 Koch postulates:
1. The agent must be present in each case of the disease and absent in healthy subjects.
2. The agent should not appear in other diseses,
3. The agent must be isolated in pure culture from the lesions of the diseases,
4. The agent has to cause the disease in an animal capable of being incoculated,
5. The agent must be newly in the lesions of animal in experimentation
Consequently HPV do not fulfill not any of Koch’s postulate; fulfill this postulate is accepted as dogma in medicine, scientifically we can sure that the HPV is not the
causative agent of the UCC
Until June 2012 solely in USA was 263, 328 advers efffects, disabling irreversible 8,860, death 1160, abnormal PAP 4900, dysplasia cervical 1950, cervical cancer 560.!/mail/InboxLight.aspx?n=1668544653!n=1997022391&fid=e71773d143454209a436ace1ced14dca&mid=3cd42a8d-d11d-11e1-af47-00237de3f55e&fv=1 .
To accord of Vaccine advers effects reaction (VAERS) information that is denounced
solely between 1% to 10%
Dr. Harper, who helped develop the vaccine for Merck reports that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved to give girls not contaminated with HPV; Dr.Howenstinc say if women are vaccinated contaminated with HPV are able to acquire a 44.6% CCU / Howenstine/james170.htm.
This vaccine is transgenic; the Sane vax has discover that Gardasil is contaminated with DNA recombinant (DNArPVH) and has raised its concern to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg; the FDA replied that its presence does not cause any harm.
A vaccinated girl became ill with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. 24 hours after vaccination and found that the DNArPVH adhered to aluminum, two years after vaccination.
To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear: http://mujeresenaccion.over-
HPV is ubiquitous and lives in wild and domestic animals, we pollute from birth, is on the doorknobs, on towels, on the nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists; sexual intercourse is not the solely means of contamination.
HPV also lives in the 400 nm outermost of our skin and mucous membranes. ,
If live on our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity; our body is naturally being vaccinated for HPV to live on our skin and mucous ..
The cervical carcinoma, neither the HPV are infections, contagious, epidemical, nor infectd only by the coitus
Gardasil is genetically modified;; known vaccines are made from killed or attenuated original bacterial or virus; it is UNKNOWN damage that produce in the future and is prepared to prevent infection only of HPVs 16 and 18; it is know that exist 200 species of HPV.
The HPVs are not distributed uniformly over the world. It was found that in Canada the HPV 18 solely less than 3%, more prevalent is HPV 31, in my country Peru there are no studies that established the predominant types of HPV, gardasiul contains 225 mcg and cervarix 500 mcg aluminum that produce Alzheimer’s, it is a mayor neurotoxine, disrupter of neurological funtion and immunoexcitotoxicity and polisorbato 80 which is a potent contraceptive that in the experimental animals produces sterility, atrophy of the testicles and funtional and morphological disturbance of the reproductive organs; are carcinogenic and mutagenic; also contains sodium borate considered poison, not used in medicinal preparations.
Until now it is know 200 types og PVHs
December 2012 FDA approved the gradasil to boys since 9 to 26 years to prevent the anal cancer and wart. It is a excess.
For the reasons from Peru, depth, Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a Fraud?, Robbery?, Swindle?, Rough Joke?; it is not scientifically proven at this time, its effectiveness will be verified just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
E mail:
Tel.: 05164252052
From its inception until the appearance of cervical carcinoma (UCC), takes on average 25 to 30 years, the research of this vaccine have begun in 2000, it is evident that the scientific efficacy of this new vaccine will be determined the years 2025 – 2030.
HPV not causes definitely the (CCU); at the onset of this disease involves multiple risk factors, including the suspected HPV, but scientificaly is proven by epidemiology and statistics that the sex is what generates this disease .: Mix in 130.000 nuns found not any UCC.
To accept that a virus or a bacteria causes a infection disease must unfailingly fulfill the five Koch’s postulate
1 – The agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent from healthy.
2 – The agent must not appear in other diseases.
3 – The agent to be isolated in pure culture from disease lesions.
4 – The agent of causing disease in a susceptible animal being inoculated.
5 – The agent must again be isolated lesions in experimental animals.
Consequently, HPV not fulfill not any principle of Koch’s postulate. by not meeting this postulate, that is accepted as dogma in medicine, scientifically we must be ensure that the HPV is not the causative agent to the UCC..
Until August 2012 this vaccine produced only in the United States: 265.640 adverse events ( 264,162 females, 9490 males and 5290 unknow sex); permnent disability 8910( 8890 females, 90 males and 110 unknow sex), 1220 deaths (1011 females, 70 males and 140 unknow sex), abnormal PAP 4930, cervical dysplasia 1970 and cervical cancer 570
The Vaccine efects advers reactions (VAERS) ensures that only complaint between 1% to 10% of the adverse effects produced by this evil vaccine;this figures shown are calculated according to the statements of the VAERS: to 10%.
Dr. Harper, who contributed to the development of the vaccine by Merck, reports that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved to give girls uncontaminated with HPV, Dr. Howenstinc ensures that the women are vaccinated with HPV contaminated, have the possibility to acquire a 44.6% CCU / Howenstine/james170.htm.
Merck did not disclose that the vaccine was transgenic, the Sane Vax has discovered, which is transgenic because it has been found that the vaccine is contaminated with DNA recombinant vaccine Gardasil (DNArPVH) and has raised its concerns to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg. The FDA replied that the vaccine will not cause any damage transgenic
A vaccinated child was ill with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. 24 hours after vaccination and found that the aluminum adhered to DNArPVH, two years after vaccination and in autopsy 6 months after death in a New Zeland girl Jazmine Renata which had recibed this deadly vaccines
Management time to get market approval of a drug the FDA is at least three years, it is a drug for cancer 15 years, but the authorization Merck had only six months and the European Medicines Agency (EMA in English) only 9 months: To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear
HPV is ubiquitous; lives in wild and domestic animals, pollute us from birth, is on the doorknobs, on towels, on nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists,. sexual intercourse is not the only means of contamination.
HPV also lives in the 400 nm outermost of our skin and mucous membranes. ,
If you live in our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity is acquired or that our body is self vaccinatinge by PVHs living on our skin and mucous ..
The PVHs is not distributed uniformly worldwide. It has been found that in Canada HPV 18 only reaches 3%; is more often HPV 31, in my country Peru no studies have determined that HPV types predominate; Gardasil contains 225 mcg. aluminum and Cervarix 500 mcg, that produce the Alzheimer, Parkinson and autism, produce too neurotoxic and immune system disorders (Blaylock 2012) and Polisorbato 80, a powerful contraceptive, that in experimental animals produces sterility, atrophy of the testicles and disturbance organic and funtional of the organs of the reproduction; is carcinogenic and mutagenic; also contains sodium borate considered poison unused in medicinal preparations (NLM)
Have been discovered to date 200 types of HPV; HPV is not infectious, contagious; the intercourse is not only that the persons is contaminated
On 22-11-2010 FDA approved Gardasil for males aged 9 to 26 to prevent warts and cancer to the anus, is overkill
For this reasons from deep Peru Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a fraud?, robbery?, swindle?, rough joke?.
The HPV is not scientifically proved for the moment that produce the UCC its effectiveness shall be verified just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
E mail: godo.ara@
Good post Doctor – my compliments. Please permit me to disagree with just two things. Firstly, the nuns should be expected not to be involved in very much sexual activity at all and do not constitute a relevant demographic for cervial cancer incidence, except as a selective control in matters of studying promiscuity factors in CC causality. Neither is it warranted that they should have a vaccine for which they have no probabalistic need. Secondly, SEER statistics show 14% of total CC incidence in the 20 to 34 year agegroup, indicating that statistical deviation from the existing incidence trend must begin to show within five years of the vaccine’s introduction and increase thereafter, so that within ten years, a very significant deviation in the trend should be expected, if the vaccine works. Ten years means 2016, or thereabouts. The statistics telling us what to expect of Gardasil and Cervarix already exist.
Quality articles or reviews is the key to invite the people to pay a quick visit the web site, that’s what this website is providing.
As the storage actually starts to wane, you can expect to feel like you’re dropping handle, and therefore your way of life lacks the dwelling it needs. But, loss of memory doesn’t not have to manage your daily life.
I find it … interesting that its now Jan 2015 and this data is not more current. 2011 is now 4 yrs ago current data would likely better illustrate the pro’s and cons.
With all due respect, if you noticed the publication date (November 2011) you would have realized the data was current when the article was published. For more recent information please consider examining those articles which were published within the last few months. This link references all of our press releases in reverse chronological order for your convenience –
There are identified 234 types of human papillomavirus (HPV); they are divided in low and high risk; the high risk factor HPV are suspicious to originate the uterine cervical carcinoma (UCC); the low risk the mayority, produce benigns lesions; to day exist world collective psicosis about the HPV by the full advertising to the manufacturer to introduce the vaccine against the HPV in the market.
HPV infection not only is adquired for the coitus; we are contaminated since after born, are widespread in the world; they life in the environment and blood for reduced time; they are ubiquitous; by immunology are determined that have the affinity by our skin and the mucous membrane of the genital, upper respiratory and digestive tracts; anus, of the mouth, gum, lips, in the amniotic fluid, ruber glove, biopsy forceps, specula, underwear, towels, on the floor, the toilet seat, gyms, lockers rooms of swimming in general in the fomites;: are considered as commensals; the domestic and wild animals too are contaminated.
In average have the viruses 3% to 93% of the men; between 23-26 years of women have the more high frequency and 40% of children have this virus and the 10% of women without sex have the HPV; the pregnants of the first quarter 40%, of the third quarter 60% and in the postpartum 17% have the HPV. Not all person in the world are contaminated;.in average 10% of persons that are leving in development countries and 15% in underdevelpment are polluted with this viruses; they lack to the cellular structure; they have not the proper metabolism; they request a cell to life, is the parasitic of the cell; they are considered the basic structure of life.The frequency and types of the HPV vary according to the region, geography, age, cultural, social, economic and religious factors; the HPV do not distribuited to iqual in the world; in USA: the more frequecy is PVH 16 , Africa HPV 45 , Central and South America PVH 39-59, Canada HPV 31, Spain HPVs 6-16-51- 53: The HPV is increased in the second time of the menstrual cycles and in women who use hormonal anticonception and decrease in the first time of the cycles and do not use hormonal anticonception; the proportion of the HPV too is diferent over the world: Africa Subsahariana 24%, east of Europe 21.4% , Latin America 16.1%, Thailand 8%, New Mexico both sexo 9%, white no hispanic 13.7% , hispanic 9.7% and natives 6.6% , Argentina 16.6% , South Corea 10.4% and so on; a metanalysis in women with normal PAP 11.7%.The HPV life in the cervix of the uterine without produced disturbance: are latent, subclinical in minority case as warts, condylomata flat or inverted ; The HPV are capricious, ubiquitous and enigmatics, appears and disappears from the body of the person, the highest incidence are in women aged 20 to 26 years disappear with the age, may persist throughout life without causing any disturbance, in 80% of women who have HPV in your cervix disappear before the twelve months, by action of the immune system.
There are not any investigation that scienrtifically proof that the HPV cause the uterine cervical carcinoma (UCC) it is only suspicious. In the development of the UCC are implicate others cofactors being the first and foremost the sexual act; the coitus is the factor scientifically demostrated that produce the UCC; Mix in 130, 000 nuns do not found not any UCC, followed by fasctor suspísous: tobacco, alcohol, HPV, herpes simplex virus 2, age of first intercourse, number of partners, cofactor man, economic factors, more frequent in women of low economic status , multiparity, circumcision, immune system disorders, hormonal contraception, environment and others.
In 1974 zur Hausen hypothesized that HPV was the agent that cause the UCC and other researchers reported the same idea, but HPV does not fulfill the five Koch’s postulates, which is accepted as dogma in the scientific medical to be considered as the cause of cervical cancer; the HPV in UCC are found by immunological methods in only 90%, that can consider as that the HPV is present or is a immunology residue; the HPV natural or native do not UCC
The presence of HPV is not sufficient for the development the UCC, require the company of several exogenous and endogenous cofactors.
Our understanding of the relationship of HPV with the cofactors are still poor and the role of cofactors in the development of cervical malignancy are nebulous. Scientifically can ensures that HPV does not cause cervical carcinoma and HPV vaccine does not prevent less prevents cervical carcinoma, must have further research on the HPV and other cofactors.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
Huancayo PERU
E mail: godo.ara @
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo.-
La eficacia científica de esta vacuna recién se determinará los años 2025-2030 porque las investigaciones se han iniciado la década del 2000. Desde su inicio hasta la aparición del Carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU), demora en promedio 25 a 30 años.
El PVH definitivamente no origina el (CCU); en la aparición de esta patología intervienen múltiples factores de riesgo, entre ellos se sospecha que puede ser el PVH; sí está comprobado que el acto sexual es el que genera esta enfermedad:
Nix en 1000 monjas no halló ningún CCU.
Para aceptar que un virus a bacteria es el que origina una enfermedad tiene que cumplir indefectiblemente los 5 principios del Postulado de Koch: .
1- El agente debe estar presente en cada caso de la enfermedad y ausente en los sanos.
2- El agente no debe aparecer en otras enfermedades.
3- El agente ha de ser aislado en un cultivo puro a partir de las lesiones de la enfermedad.
4- El agente ha de provocar la enfermedad en un animal susceptible de ser inoculado.
5- El agente ha de ser aislado de nuevo en las lesiones de los animales en experimentación.
1. Principio: no se ha encontrado el PVH físico en ningún carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU), se ha encontrado su ADN por inmunología, que puede interpretarse como que el virus está presente o que es un residuo inmunológico. y su detección por inmunología no se ha conseguido en todos los CCU sino hasta el 90% de CCU: No cumple este primer principio;
2. Principio: El agente aparece también en las verrugas no aparece solamente en los CCU: Tampoco cumple este principio;
3. Principio: No se ha aislado cultivando a partir de un CCU: No cumple este principio
4. Principio: Al inocular el PVH a un animal de laboratorio, produce la enfermedad. Cómo no se ha aislado del CCU, no se ha inoculado a un animal de laboratorio. Incumple este principio y
5. Como no se inoculó porque no se halló en un CCU, no reproduce el CCU. Incumplió también este principio.
En consecuencia, el PVH no cumple ningún principio del postulado de Koch. al no cumplir este postulado que es aceptado como dogma en el mundo, científicamente se puede asegurar que no es el agente causante del CCU.
Hasta Marzo de este año han muerto 95 niñas; hasta el 2009 se habían producido 20,000 reacciones adversas y más de mil daños invalidantes irreversibles.
La VAERS informa: que han producido 376 Papanicolaou anormales; 108 verrugas anogenitales, 224 infecciones con el PVH, 41 cánceres del cuello uterino, 21,634 efectos adversos y 95 muertes, después de la vacunación.
La VAERS asegura que se dan a conocer solamente del 1 al 10% de los efectos adversos y muertes por esta aciaga vacuna, en consecuencia se han producido 216,340 efectos adversos y 950 muertes solamente en USA y a todas los daños enumerados agregarles un cero.
La Dra. Harper, la que contribuyó a la elaboración de la vacuna por Merck, refiere que la vacuna no fue investigada en menores de 15 años y la vacuna dada a menores de 11 años es un gran experimento público.
La vacuna fue aprobada para dar a niñas no contaminadas con el PVH; el Dr.Howenstinc publica que si se vacuna a mujeres contaminadas con el PVH, tienen la posibilidad de adquirir el CCU en un 44.6%
La Sane vax ha descubierta la contaminación de la vacuna gardasil con el DNA del PVH y ha elevado su preocupación a la presidenta de la FDA Margaret Hamburg
Para introducir la vacuna están utilizando el marketing del miedo:
El PVH vive en los animales domésticos y silvestres; nos contaminamos desde que nacemos; se halla en las perillas de las puertas, en las toallas, en las uñas, en los fomites, en los guantes y espéculos de los ginecólogos. Se duda que el acto sexual sea el único medio de contaminación
Sí vive en nuestra piel, nuestro sistema inmunológico produce inmunidad celular y humoral adquirida o sea que nuestro organismo está siendo vacunado EN FORMA NATURAL por los PVH que viven en nuestra piel y por inferencia podemos asegurar que también viven en las mucosas.. Esta vacuna es transgénica; las vacunas que se conocen, son de virus originales, SE DESCONOCE los daños que producirá y está preparada para prevenir la infección por los PVHs 16 y 18
Los PVHs no se distribuyen en el mundo de manera uniforme. Se ha comprobado que en el Canadá el PVH 18 sólo llega al 3%; es más frecuente el PVH 31; en mi patria Perú no hay estudios que hayan determinado que tipos de PVH predomina; Esta vacuna contiene 225 mcg. de aluminio, sospechoso de producir el Alzheimer y el Polisorbatol 80 que es un anticonceptivo potente y en los animales de experimentación produce esterilidad; es carcinogénico y mutagénico; contiene además el borato de sodio considerado veneno; no usado en las preparaciones medicinales.
Por las razones expuesta desde el Perú, profundo, Huancayo, considero que esta vacuna es un Fraude?, Robo?, Estafa?, Burla?.
No está comprobada científicamente por el momento; su eficacia se comprobará recién los años del 2025-2030.