By Paula Rothstein
As parents, it is acceptable and encouraged that you research the safety of all products your child is to use. You consider car seat safety, appropriate toys, food ingredients and chemical exposure – all with the desire to keep your child safe. Yet a reasonable decision not to have your child injected with dangerous toxins is not respected on any level by the medical establishment.
Vaccines could pose the greatest threat to a child’s well being. Why then are parents not allowed to refuse their doctor’s advice with regards to vaccines? It is virtually unheard of that a doctor would refuse care to a patient because he or she smokes, drinks heavily, engages in dangerous activities, or consumes a diet which could ultimately lead towards heart disease, cancer or diabetes. Rather than looking at the serious epidemic of childhood diseases resulting from vaccines, it is the response by some pediatricians to deny care. Medical mandates have no place in a free society, and this should most certainly hold true with regards to the injection of toxins into a child.
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