By PF Lewis
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is extremely one sided with its vaccine reporting. It is a PR outlet for the pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry’s sacred cow – vaccines.
A recent example is a BBC item announcing a UK research project to come up with twenty new “improved” vaccines over the next decade. As usual, the article strongly implies that those who avoid vaccinations are loony. The history of vaccine injuries and the statistics that indicate vaccines do not offer immunization are ignored by this article.
Commenting on BBC Article Highlights
The BBC article reports that a group of scientists have responded to a “call to action.” They claim AIDS and malaria vaccines as top research items with other tropical diseases being considered for more research.
There is statistical evidence that proves almost every infectious disease that medical science claimed was eliminated by vaccines had become almost non-existent by the time the particular vaccine was developed. Bugs come and go as environments change. The declining infectious disease occurrences coincide with improved plumbing, sanitation, waste removal, and general cleanliness. Bold vaccine success claims are bogus.
The BBC article quotes the scientists as saying, “We must also consider vaccines beyond classic infections, such as insulin-dependent diabetes, cancers and degenerative diseases.”
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