[SaneVax: During the last week, there have been two class action lawsuits filed against Merck, GlaxoSmithKline was hit with one of the largest judgements in the history of the pharmaceutical industry, and a report out of Europe about 80,000 unreported adverse reactions by two other pharmaceutical giants. Why are all of the ‘investigative reporters’ in the world ignoring the issues? What are they doing with the time they should be spending informing the public? What happened to the public’s right to fair and balanced journalism? Medical consumers need journalists who will do their job.]
Why Isn’t the U.S. ‘Free’ Press Reporting Vaccine Problems?
By Catherine Frompovich

VacTruth readers, this is a totally different article than you have been accustomed to reading from me. After Christina England’s article about how brave men and women who serve their country are damaged by vaccines, plus all the information we’ve documented atVacTruth in our reporting and articles, perhaps it’s time to “take the bull by the horns” and make the U.S. press corps accountable, if it claims to be a free press.
Some vaccine-related stories that I’ve not seen listed in the U.S. press are chronicled below as examples of the apparently controlled ‘free press’ in the USA. You can use them as examples to others who say the U.S. press is free and reports all the news that needs to be reported. Well, what’s going on with vaccines? Why are they and the problems they apparently induce exempt from media coverage?
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