Pat Buckley – European Life Network
September 6, 2011
A new report on Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine by SANE Vax Inc., which contracted with an independent lab to test gardasil for contamination, found HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) in 13 vaccine vials. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence of the genetically modified HPV DNA. (see link above)
I have blogged on this issue on 10 occasions since August 2008 and appealed to the then Health Minister Mary Harney to refrain from making this vaccine available in Ireland. Despite my requests and the requests of many others the vaccine has been made available here.
My first BLOG on the issue was an open letter to Minister Harney setting out the known facts about the vaccine at that time and in which I challenged her decision to roll out the vaccine as follows:
“Apart from the serious threat to the life and health of young girls, use of this vaccine raises major moral questions, such as, the apparent condoning of pre-marital sex rather than teaching children the value of chastity. There is also the question of the morality of allowing this vaccine to be marketed and used in Ireland, in the knowledge of the history of adverse reactions associated with it. Moral issues aside, very few properly informed parents would be willing to risk their daughters’ lives or health, when the safety of the vaccine is in question.”
will NOT be ‘liking’ or sharing the latest Sanevax Press Release on my facebook page. The alleged contamination of Gardasil with live HPV DNA is extremely serious and one that the Australian government is said to be investigating. However, I refuse to promote the opionions of anti choice (vaccination, pre marital sex and abortion) nutcases. I do not want to see Sanevax vital investigative findings dismissed & tainted by association with rabid preachers… I see know need to literally adult insult (to women) to injury.
* no
This is a undoubtedly a special question considering that Gardasil is promoted as a vaccine which is intended to ultimately prevent cancer. However, the question is both relevant and justifiable because a credible and satisfactory answer has not been presented.
The presence of viral HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) contamination which has been discovered in samples of the vaccine from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. is of deep concern.
As Dr. Lee states: “Based on medical literature and some of the FDA/Merck’s own publications, adventitious (coming from an outside source) DNA in an injectable protein-based vaccine may increase the risk of autoimmune disorders and gene mutation which may lead to malignancies”.
Further, quote from the above press release from Sane Vax:
“High rates of autoimmune disorders, 380 reports of abnormal pap tests, 137 reports of cervical dysplasia, and 41 reports of cervical cancer including Carcinoma in situ or Cervix carcinoma or Cervix carcinoma stage 0 or Cervix carcinoma stage I or Cervix carcinoma stage III 6 warrants an immediate investigation into Gardasil’s™ safety and efficacy”.
Information in the package insert states that the vaccine has not been tested for carcinogenicity. (Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!)
In addition, there is the extremely relevant issue of “replacement”, a normal phenomenon in virology where strains which have been removed are always replaced by new ones. It is not known to anyone, including the manufacturer, whether the new virus strains are more carcinogenic than the original ones which have been removed.
In other words it cannot possibly be guaranteed that Gardasil does not increase the risk of cancer before at least the following three issues have been seriously considered:
– the presence of recombinant DNA (rDNA)
– lack of carcinogenicity testing of the vaccine
– replacement
It may be most inappropriate and have deeply tragic consequences if Gardasil, which is sometimes incorrectly termed a “cancer vaccine” is shown to actually increase the risk of cancer.