Raquel Wonders if She Will Ever Be the Same
By: Norma Erickson, Vaccines Examiner
Raquel was the typical girl next door. She enjoyed spending time with her family and playing with the other children in the neighborhood. Raquel’s biggest concern was studying to get good grades in school. She loved to travel and enjoy the great outdoors.
Raquel was 14 when she got her first shot of Gardasil in November of 2008. In February of 2009, she received her second shot. Five minutes later, she was dizzy; ten minutes later, she was experiencing tachycardia (rapid heart beat) and seizures. A few hours later, she is in intensive care unable to breathe. Raquel is in a coma.
For the next two months, Raquel remains in the intensive care unit battling between coma and convulsions. When she is released from intensive care to a regular ward, Raquel can no longer walk.
During her stay in the hospital, doctors rule out the possibility of encephalitis, viral infection, and bacterial inflammation. Left scratching their heads as to a cause, they say it is a pseudocrisis and release her without further treatment. Raquel had to be transported home in an ambulance because she could not yet sit in a wheelchair, although one was provided for her. She and her family were left trying to deal with convulsions and paralysis on their own.
Raquel’s parents take her to a private neurologist who determines she suffers from demyelination, a loss of the myelin that insulates her nerve endings. She is given a prescription for anticonvulsive treatment and a myelin rebuilder.
In May, she is released to rehabilitation. By the end of July, she can finally walk again.
In October, her doctor decides to gradually decrease her medications because she has been seizure free for several months. In November, the nightmare begins again. Raquel is once more confined to a wheelchair and has to try to fight her way back to a somewhat normal existance.
Raquel has missed a lot in the last year:
- She remembers very little about her two month stay in the Intensive Care Unit.
- She missed the touch of her parents for months, while they could only view her though a window and communicate via blackboard.
- She could not wish her brother “Happy Birthday,” she was intubated that day.
- She could not celebrate Easter with her family, she was in the hospital.
- She could not celebrate her 15th birthday with family and friends, she was in the hospital.
- She missed five months of school.
- She can no longer enjoy many of her favorite foods, Raquel is on a special diet.
- She misses participating in normal everyday activities with her friends.
From the day she received her second shot of Gardasil, her life has been totally changed. She spent a lot of time wondering if she would survive at all.
Instead of looking forward to growing up and making plans for her future, Raquel has but one thought on her mind, “I do not want one more girl to suffer what I have suffered!”
Tracey says
So did the Gardisil cause the demyelination? I don’t see the connection except that her first attack was after the injection. That could easilly be coincidence. Pretty big call to blame the gardisil. Did the diagnosing Dr make that assertion?
Erwin Alber says
An in my opinion unlikely coincidence Tracey, especially as a clear pattern of previously healthy young women suffering severe reactions, disabilities or death following Gardasil has been emerging = see panel to the right of this page. Keep in mind that only 1 – 10 % of actually occurring adverse events are reported, which means that adding a zero to each figure would convey a more accurate picture of what is really happening. .
Kelley says
Do some more Googling … it’s a killer and a maimer, and an essentially useless vaccine. Merck is only trying to recoup their Vioxx losses by pushing this evil. Now they’re saying boys should have it ? They make me sick.
MsRich says
Bravo Tracy, aren’t you clever.
There are any number of things that could cause the symptoms which is how vaccine
companies are getting away with promoting this attrocity.
I think one of the most important parts of diagnosis is what the patient thinks, and clearly
in this case both the patient and parents believe Gardasil is to blame. They know the
family history best and I’m sure have the intelligence to decide for themselves what they
believe the cause of strange symptoms that occurred after the vaccine originated from.
To dismiss their opinion is myoptic and arroganent.
Sandy L says
This is yet one more tragic story connected to Gardasil. Thousands of young girls are suffering. Thousands are not believed when they relate their injuries to Gardasil.
Does Gardasil increase the risk of brain damage? The answer is yes.
In drug targeting polysorbate 80/Tween 80 is used to assist in the delivery of certain drugs (especially psychiatric, nano-drugs or chemotherapeutic agents) across the blood-brain barrier and into the brain tissue. Polysorbates act by rendering the barrier more permeable.
This also occurs in vaccines. In Gardasil there is the risk of passage being facilitated of neurotoxic aluminium and other substances crossing the blood-brain barrier embedding in the brain tissue.
Thousands of girls exhibit symptoms of brain damage and many have died after Gardasil vaccines.
Erwin Alber says
Thanks Sandy! Polysorbate 80 is also known to cause sterility in test animals, which makes one wonder if girls who have been injected with the Gardasil vaccine may have difficulty conceiving when they reach their reproductive age.
Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility: An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproduct…
Polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80) is a stabilizer used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications. It is toxic and should not be eaten, drunk, put on…
Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans
Would you feel comfortable being injected with a vaccine that contains a substance that has been strongly linked to infertility? Well, if you take the Fluarix swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline or any of the other swine flu vaccines that contain Polysorbate 80 that…
Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility by Joanna Karpasea-Jones
Tween 80 Sterilisation. Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproductive Health © Joanna Karpasea-Jones http:// infertility.suite101.com/article.cfm/ polysorbate_ 80_causes_ infertility
http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polysorbate.html –
Erwin Alber says
Thanks Sandy!
Polysorbate 80 has also been shown to cause infertility in test animals, which leads one to wonder whether girls and young women who
are injected with Gardasil may have difficulty conceiving when they try to have children.
Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility: An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproduct…
Polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80) is a stabilizer used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications. It is toxic and should not be eaten, drunk, put on…
Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans
Would you feel comfortable being injected with a vaccine that contains a substance that has been strongly linked to infertility? Well, if you take the Fluarix swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline or any of the other swine flu vaccines that contain Polysorbate 80 that…
Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility by Joanna Karpasea-Jones
Tween 80 Sterilisation. Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproductive Health © Joanna Karpasea-Jones http:// infertility.suite101.com/article.cfm/ polysorbate_ 80_causes_ infertility
Godfrey says
From its inception until the appearance of tha uterine carcinoma of the cervix (UCC) take in average 25 to 30 years; the investigation on the vaccine against the human papilloma virus has begun the 2000; the scientific efficacy of this vaccine has just determined in the years 2025-2030
HPV not causes definitely the (UCC); in the onset of this disease are involve multiple risk factors, including suspected HPV, but there are security for epidemiology and statistics that sex generates the disease. Mix in 130.000 nuns not found not any UCC.
To accept that a virus or bacteria cause a disease must indefectible fulfill the 5 Koch postulates:
1. The agent must be present in each case of the disease and absent in healthy subjects.
2. The agent should not appear in other diseses,
3. The agent must be isolated in pure culture from the lesions of the diseases,
4. The agent has to cause the disease in an animal capable of being incoculated,
5. The agent must be newly in the lesions of animal in experimentation
Consequently HPV do not fulfill not any of Koch’s postulate; fulfill this postulate is accepted as dogma in medicine, scientifically we can sure that the HPV is not the
causative agent of the UCC
Until June 2012 solely in USA was 263, 328 advers efffects, disabling irreversible 8,860, death 1160, abnormal PAP 4900, dysplasia cervical 1950, cervical cancer 560.
http://du104w.dub104.mail.live.com/default.aspx#!/mail/InboxLight.aspx?n=1668544653!n=1997022391&fid=e71773d143454209a436ace1ced14dca&mid=3cd42a8d-d11d-11e1-af47-00237de3f55e&fv=1 .
To accord of Vaccine advers effects reaction (VAERS) information that is denounced
solely between 1% to 10%
Dr. Harper, who helped develop the vaccine for Merck reports that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved to give girls not contaminated with HPV; Dr.Howenstinc say if women are vaccinated contaminated with HPV are able to acquire a 44.6% CCU http://www.newswithviews.com / Howenstine/james170.htm.
This vaccine is transgenic; the Sane vax has discover that Gardasil is contaminated with DNA recombinant (DNArPVH) and has raised its concern to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg; the FDA replied that its presence does not cause any harm.
A vaccinated girl became ill with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. 24 hours after vaccination and found that the DNArPVH adhered to aluminum, two years after vaccination.
To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear:
http://mujeresenaccion.over-blog.es/article-vph-la-vacuna-del-marketing-del-miedo-67210961.ht http://mujeresenaccion.over- blog.es/article-vph-la-vacuna-del-marketing-del-miedo-67210961.ht
HPV is ubiquitous and lives in wild and domestic animals, we pollute from birth, is on the doorknobs, on towels, on the nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists; sexual intercourse is not the solely means of contamination.
HPV also lives in the 400 nm outermost of our skin and mucous membranes. ,
If live on our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity; our body is naturally being vaccinated for HPV to live on our skin and mucous ..
The cervical carcinoma, neither the HPV are infections, contagious, epidemical, nor infectd only by the coitus
Gardasil is genetically modified;; known vaccines are made from killed or attenuated original bacterial or virus; it is UNKNOWN damage that produce in the future and is prepared to prevent infection only of HPVs 16 and 18; it is know that exist 200 species of HPV.
http://quimicaclinicauv.blogspot.com/2006/08/virus-del-papiloma-humano.html http://www-lab.biomedicas.unam.mx/smpv/queeshpv.htm
The HPVs are not distributed uniformly over the world. It was found that in Canada the HPV 18 solely less than 3%, more prevalent is HPV 31, in my country Peru there are no studies that established the predominant types of HPV, gardasiul contains 225 mcg and cervarix 500 mcg aluminum that produce Alzheimer’s, it is a mayor neurotoxine, disrupter of neurological funtion and immunoexcitotoxicity and polisorbato 80 which is a potent contraceptive that in the experimental animals produces sterility, atrophy of the testicles and funtional and morphological disturbance of the reproductive organs; are carcinogenic and mutagenic; also contains sodium borate considered poison, not used in medicinal preparations. http://www.telefonica.net/web2/paramahamsa/vacunaninosalerta.html http://detenganlavacuna.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/gardasil-cervarix/
Until now it is know 200 types og PVHs
http://quimicaclinicauv.blogspot.com/2006/08/virus-del-papiloma-humano.html http://www-lab.biomedicas.unam.mx/smpv/queeshpv.htm
December 2012 FDA approved the gradasil to boys since 9 to 26 years to prevent the anal cancer and wart. It is a excess.
For the reasons from Peru, depth, Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a Fraud?, Robbery?, Swindle?, Rough Joke?; it is not scientifically proven at this time, its effectiveness will be verified just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
E mail: godo.ara@gmail.com
Tel.: 05164252052